Where to Get Blepharoplasty in Arizona

Where to Get Blepharoplasty in Arizona

Droopy skin around the eyes makes you appear older than you feel, affecting your self-esteem in the long run. Fortunately, you can stay younger through facial plastic surgery conducted by an expert cosmetic and oculofacial plastic surgeon. At Arizona Ocular & Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr. Heringer delivers Peoria blepharoplasty using state of the art equipment for in-office and on-site appointments. A successful procedure delivers a youthful appearance after removing excess skin, muscles, and fat deposits, eliminating the droopy and fluffy look of your eyes.

What is Blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery/blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure responsible for repairing puffy and droopy eyelids to get a younger appearance. The procedure includes removing excess skin, muscle, and fat deposits in your lower eyelid, upper eyelid, or both. Blepharoplasty is best for men and women with unique aesthetic needs or who are looking to achieve better vision.

What to Expect During Blepharoplasty?

At Arizona Ocular & Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr. Heringer leads the team in ensuring your comfort before, during, and after your blepharoplasty procedure. A local anesthetic and sedative are used to ensure that your procedure is painless, minimally invasive, and precise.

For your upper eyelid, Dr. Heringer makes hidden incisions in the crease to improve your vision. Lower blepharoplasty involves nearly invisible cuts along the lower lash line. The cuts allow him to remove excess fatty tissue, excess skin and tightens the weak eye muscles.

Upon request, Dr. Heringer repositions fatty tissue for a more youthful look around the eyes. He may recommend laser skin resurfacing or fat grafting to improve the overall results of your procedure. Healing takes about a week, after which you are rejuvenated and well-rested.

Who is Qualified for Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is an ideal solution for impaired vision, bags under your eyes, and drooping eyelids. An ideal candidate for blepharoplasty has:

  •   Drooping eyelids
  •   Excess skin on the lower eyelid
  •   No severe eye or skin condition
  •   Practical expectations for the outcome
  •   Bags under your eyes when you are well-rested
  •   Excess upper eyelid skin interfering with your vision

If you are a smoker or suffering from a severe condition, your healing period could extend.

After Blepharoplasty

Results of blepharoplasty at Arizona Ocular & Facial Plastic Surgery appear natural and not overdone. Dr. Heringer uses his extensive skills and experience to facilitate blepharoplasty for men and women with different needs.

Other Services Offered at Arizona Ocular & Facial Plastic Surgery

  • Ptosis surgery corrects drooping eyelids using monitored anesthesia.
  • Facelift surgery is customized to redefine youthful contours to make you look younger.
  • A neck lift improves your jawline and neck to reduce visible signs of aging.
  • A brow lift tightens the region around your eyes and reduces visible signs of aging.
  • Fat grafting is a permanent solution for enhancing the fullness of your face.
  • Laser resurfacing enhances your skin’s tone and texture by improving the production of collagen and elastin.
  • A Mini facelift removes wrinkles and sagging skin in the lower region of your face.

Bottom Line

To learn more about blepharoplasty offered at Arizona Ocular & Facial & Plastic Surgery, call the practice or use the online booking tool from your home or office.

Simple Tips for Promoting Feminine Health

Simple Tips for Promoting Feminine Health

More than half of the population in Madison is made up of women. It, therefore, makes sense that there are lots of Madison women’s health specialists. Because of the ongoing advances in medicine, most American women have access to healthcare and their life expectancy has increased significantly. With some lifestyle changes, you can improve your health. Some effective tips include:

  1.     Schedule Annual Exams

You do not need to wait until you are unwell to see a doctor. Without annual exams, you may be missing out on the chance to protect your health. If you do not know that you have an underlying health issue, you cannot treat it. With preventive care, you can check for concerns such as high cholesterol levels, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure.

  1.     Don’t Ignore Vaginal Infections

Common vaginal infections include trichomoniasis, yeast infection, and bacterial vaginosis. If you have the signs of a disease, it may be okay to use over-the-counter medication. If, however, the symptoms do not go away, or it is a persistent problem, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by parasites. Bacterial vaginosis results from bacterial overgrowth in the vagina, and yeast causes fungal infections. If you do not treat vaginal infection in time, they may result in severe reproductive health issues.

Women with HIV or uncontrolled diabetes are susceptible to yeast infections. Doctors can evaluate them and reduce recurrent infections.

  1.     Wear the Right Underwear

The right underwear should be clean, dry, and breathable. The wrong fabric can create ideal conditions for yeast to thrive. If you are prone to infection, avoid thongs and always change your underwear after exercise. Change your underwear every few hours if you experience lots of discharge.

  1.     Stop Smoking

Smoking harms your body. It increases your risk of osteoporosis, cancer, cataracts, and rheumatoid arthritis. If you smoke, you are likely to go through menopause earlier than women who do not smoke. You can quit smoking at any age. If you need help, consider seeking professional help.

  1.     Proper Hygiene

Common sense may protect your vaginal health. After bowel movements, always wipe front to back to prevent bacterial infections. Clean your underwear regularly and change your tampons or sanitary pads every few hours.

  1.     Diet

The right diet may improve your feminine health. They balance the vaginal pH and introduce good bacteria to your vagina. Leafy green vegetables can reduce vaginal dryness, and sweet potatoes may strengthen your uterine walls. Some of the best foods for your vagina include pineapples, apples, cranberries, and soy.

  1.     Stop Douching

The vagina cleanses itself naturally. It produces a discharge that can get rid of bacteria and germs from the body. Using harsh cleansers and soaps to douche can throw off your natural pH. If you have an unpleasant smell down there, you need to see a doctor. A douche can mask the smell, but it does not address its cause.

If you wish to protect your feminine health, you have to start at home. Simple changes to your lifestyle may be helpful. If you have any concerns, seek medical help immediately.

The Connection between Headaches and Vision

The Connection between Headaches and Vision

Without vision, you cannot see your goals. Do you suffer from frequent headaches? If yes, this is enough reason to seek a specialist in ophthalmology in Jacksonville, FL for an exam. Frequent headaches can be indicative of uncorrected vision problems. The best way to rule out any chance is by going for regular eye exams. At Wolchok Eye Associates, we believe that prevention is superior to cure to help you have undisturbed eyesight no matter your age or profession.

Effects of Eye Strain

Due to advances in technology, you may be spending most of your time in front of a computer or glaring over your smartphone. These devices make life convenient but are a leading cause of eye strain, characterized by blurred vision, aching eyes, feeling tired, and frequent headaches. Your eyes can also suffer from strain even if you are not tech-savvy.

Problems with uncorrected visual acuity including hypoxia, astigmatism, and presbyopia can bring a lot of strain on your eyes. Astigmatism causes your eye to have an abnormal shape and bend light in unfamiliar ways, causing squinting and headaches.

If you suffer from hyperopia or farsightedness, images become focused behind the retina, making them appear blurred. You will have a challenge reading smaller prints. Presbyopia is another common eye problem that can affect you even if you have not been using eyeglasses. This problem is caused by aging, which makes your eyes’ lenses harden and become less flexible, making it hard to focus on objects which are near.

These Problems are not Unique to Adults

Your child can also suffer from frequent headaches due to undiagnosed vision problems. They may be able to perfectly read small letters on an E chart, which makes detecting the problem a challenge. The best way to detect this is through a comprehensive eye exam at your doctor’s office. After your doctor has established the cause of headaches, he will plan on the best treatment plan.

An Updated Prescription Can Make a Huge Difference

Most often, changes in vision tend to be gradual and you may fail to notice that your glasses are offering little help compared to the past. If your headaches are due to eye problems, your doctor will issue you with updated glasses or contact lenses to help clear the problem.

Headaches and Sight-Threatening Conditions

However, you may need more than a change of pair of glasses in some instances where you experience a headache. Glaucoma is an eye disorder that causes pressure on the eye’s optic nerves and can cause permanent vision loss. You can also have headaches if you have cataracts. This condition causes clouding in the lens of an eye.

Keep Up with Your Eye Exams

Your eyes and brains have an agile coping mechanism, making it hard for you to notice an eye problem in good time. Do not wait until it is too late to salvage your vision. If you are experiencing frequent unexplained headaches, it is time to schedule a consultation with your ophthalmologist to help strike eye problems off the list of possible culprits.

Foot Care Tips for Athletes

Foot Care Tips for Athletes

You should find a Board-certified foot surgeon in New York NY who knows the importance of having strong and healthy feet and how it affects your performance as an athlete. Taking care of your feet as an athlete is paramount as it plays an essential role in balance, support, propulsion, and other key moves for an athlete.  Without taking proper care of your feet, you could suffer from injuries, which result from repetitive motion, overuse of the joints, and recurring stress on the bones in the feet.

Feet Issues More Likely To Affect Athletes

  •       Inflammation of the tendons
  •       Blisters
  •       Calluses
  •       Corns
  •       Fungal infections
  •       Bursitis
  •       Stress fractures

Blisters, Corns, and Callus Prevention

Athletes should take care of their feet to prevent injuries and sores on the feet that could develop due to wearing shoes that do not fit properly or those which constantly rub against the skin. Some of the precautions you could take against corns, blisters, and calluses include:

  •       keep the feet clean and dry at all times
  •       use lotion to soften the skin and prevent cracking on the feet
  •       wear comfortable shoes that fit properly

Prevention of Tendon, Ligaments, and Bone Injury

Tendons and ligaments could be hurt when you make an awkward movement that causes strain on the tendons. Bone injuries, on the other hand, could occur due to accidents and trauma which an athlete could face in the field.  Some of these measures could help prevent damage to the bones, tendons, and ligaments on the feet:

  •       Avoiding activities and awkward movements that could cause pain
  •       When exercising it is prudent to start with simple exercises and gradually increase the intensity to avoid damage to the ligaments and tendons
  •       loosen tendons and ligaments by stretching before and after any workouts
  •       relax your exercise routine if you get an injury to the bones
  •       use insoles, arch supports, and heel pads that cushion the feet against trauma during field activities

Fungal Infection Prevention

You could face fungal infections as you are more likely to have sweaty feet due to intense workouts in the field. The damp feet could be a breeding ground for fungus to grow, leading to infections. Here are some fungal infection prevention tips

  •       change your socks throughout the day to reduce sweat and dampness that could predispose your feet to fungal infections
  •       dry your feet well after showering and ensure that the region between the toes is entirely dried
  •       wear shower shoes in public showers to avoid picking up fungus from the public places
  •       wear socks that are made of breathable fabric that allow your feet to stay dry, keeping fungal infections away

The Bottom Line

If you have a foot injury and other complications that arise from field activities, it is prudent to see a medical professional who would help with proper diagnosis and treatment. It would help if you took personal care of your feet by wearing insoles and heel pads that prevent trauma to the feet It is also important to wear comfortable shoes and breathable socks that keep the feet aerated and comfortable.

5 Myths About Slipped Discs

Your back has 23 spinal discs that separate the vertebrae bones and act as shock absorbers. At times, these discs can exert pressure on your spinal cord nerves, causing back pain. This pain is known as a herniated disc. In Lawrenceburg, herniated disc problems can cause you to panic, but most people have many misconceptions about this condition.  Read on to have your worries put at ease.

 Myth 1: Discs slip

While a herniated disc is also known as disc slip, this does not mean that discs literary slip out of place. Rather, it means that the disc’s outer surface splits, allowing the gel inside to leak and come into contact with spinal cord nerves. There are four stages of disc herniation.

  1. Degeneration: this is where the gel-like fluid moves to the periphery of the discs.
  2. Protrusion: this is when the outer layer protrudes and starts pressing against the spinal nerves.
  3. Extrusion: This is when the gel starts to leak out, though most is still inside the disc
  4. Sequestration: The final stage where most of the gel leaks out of the vertebrae discs.

Myth 2: Slipped discs are caused by injury

Most people believe that a herniated disc results from an injury. However, this condition can be caused by other factors including aging, genetic predisposition, and lifestyle habits.  This notion is fuelled by the fact that the problem becomes pronounced after an injury.

Myth 3: Slipped discs are excruciating

A herniated disc can indeed be painful, but this depends on the nerves being pressed against by the annulus, or outer covering of a disc.  Among the areas commonly affected by disc herniation include hips, neck, limbs, and shoulders. Herniated disc pain mostly manifests in the lower back. You may experience numbness, muscle weakness and a tingling sensation when you have this problem. However, it is not uncommon to have a herniated disc and feel no pain.

Myth 4: Slipped discs require spinal surgery

You may be scared that you may have to undergo surgery when you suffer a herniated disc. However, this might not happen since your doctor at Elite Physical Medicine elects surgery only when conservative treatment methods including therapy, prescription medication, and cortisone injections have failed to provide relief from pain.

Myth 5: Surgery is a big deal

Even if you may have to undergo surgery to correct a herniated disc, the procedure is not as complicated as you might be thinking. During your discectomy surgery, your doctor makes a small incision to help release pressure in the discs and you will be allowed to go home the same day. You do not have to lie on the operating table with an incision that runs across the entire length of your spine, as happens in open surgery.

A herniated disc can indeed be painful, but this is not a guarantee. If you suspect that you have a herniated disc, schedule a consultation with your doctor to learn how the condition can be managed at home and the available treatment options.

What You Need To Know About Pneumonia

Pneumonia is a common respiratory infection in Avery Ranch which affects the alveoli, or air sacs in the lungs, making them fill with fluid or pus. The condition can either affect one lung or both lungs. Different people get varying severity of pneumonia with some only having mild infections that can be treated at home with oral medications. However, if you have severe pneumonia, you may have to be admitted to the hospital and put on some intravenous medications.

When you present with symptoms of pneumonia-like cough and fever, the doctor will take a thorough medical history to rule out other causes of these symptoms. The doctor from Urgent and Family Care at Avery Ranch will then do a physical examination of your respiratory system and other body systems to check how they are affected. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor may order some imaging tests like a chest X-ray, which will check for typical signs of pneumonia. Treatment will then be personalized.

What Are the Symptoms of Pneumonia?

The symptoms of pneumonia can either be mild or severe. The mild symptoms of pneumonia mimic those of the common cold, like a cough, but the difference is the duration. The symptoms of pneumonia persist for longer than a week, unlike those of flu. The symptoms of pneumonia include having chest pain as you cough or when you are breathing in and out, wet cough, fever and chills, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Adults who are older than 65 years or those with weak immunity can experience some atypical symptoms like confusion, and low body temperatures. You need to seek immediate medical attention when you experience persistent chest pain and fever or when you get shortness of breath. The risk of getting severe pneumonia is high for children who are younger than 2 years, adults who are older than 65, people with underlying medical conditions like cancer, and those with weak immunity.

What Causes Pneumonia?

Pneumonia can be caused by different microorganisms that can be bacterial, viral, or fungal. Some of the bacteria that cause pneumonia include streptococcus pneumonia that causes lobar pneumonia. Viruses are the most common causes of pneumonia in children who are less than five years, and they mostly cause mild pneumonia.

Fungal pneumonia mostly affects people who have a weak immune system, like those who are on chemotherapy or have HIV. The risk factors of pneumonia include being below 2 years old or above 65 years, smoking, having chronic diseases, and being admitted to the hospital.

What Are the Types of Pneumonia?

There are different types of pneumonia. These include hospital-acquired pneumonia that affects people who have been admitted to the hospital, especially at the intensive care unit where they can get in contact with microorganisms in the breathing machines.

Aspiration pneumonia is another type of pneumonia that occurs when food, saliva, or vomit gets inside the lungs, especially in people with swallowing difficulties, brain damage, or alcohol and drug intoxication. Community-acquired pneumonia is one that you get outside the hospital setting.

In summary, pneumonia is an infection of the air sacs inside the lungs where they fill with fluid or pus. The symptoms of pneumonia include cough, fever and chills, chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue. The risk factors of pneumonia include being younger than 2 years or older than 65 years, having a chronic disease, and having a weak immune system. Seek medical attention when you develop the symptoms of pneumonia to avoid complications.

Preparing for Labor and Childbirth

Childbirth may be the most challenging thing mothers go through. According to a study done by the National Institute of Health, first-time moms now take more than two hours longer than they did half a century ago. Those who have never had this experience do not know what to expect.  However, with the right medical assistance and preparation, the process is manageable and goes on smoothly. Dekalb Women’s Specialists offer obstetrical care to make sure you have the best experience. Here are some tips to prepare for childbirth:

  1.     Join a class

It is good to enroll early and start learning. Qualified labor nurses usually teach the classes.  Ask questions about the cesarean section procedure and get to know different ways of pain management available. Get information on the choices at your disposal during childbirth. This is necessary to equip you with a general idea when you get to the hospital on the delivery day.

  1.     Yoga

Yoga exercises prepare you for different positions. You will be comfortable with kneeling, squatting, standing, and the pelvis will be loose for easy opening during childbirth. Yoga also helps you learn how to focus on breathing and staying relaxed.

  1.     Massage

Muscles that have been exposed to massage will relax faster, making contractions a bit more comfortable. The massage will also be beneficial throughout the process of delivery. If present at the time of birth, the partner is encouraged to gently stroke the woman to release oxytocin and promote the process.

  1.     Choose the doctor and care team

Research has shown that having a team you trust and are comfortable around leads to more satisfying outcomes. You can choose to work with a midwife for more personalized care. Getting the right doctor early enough is necessary to create an established relationship.

  1.     Purpose to move every day 

Simple exercises reduce weight gain, improve sleep, and decrease anxiety during pregnancy. Do not overwork yourself. Half an hour of walking per day is enough to release stress and reduce the chances of complications during childbirth.

  1.     Be prepared mentally

Start working on your fears as early as possible. Waiting until it is too late only increases the probability of prenatal and postpartum depression. There are some apps developed to help calm and relax. Take a few minutes to try an activity daily.

  1.     Make a flexible birth plan.  

Find out your preferences during the labor process and make a plan. Be sure to keep it simple and open to change. It should include the type of support you need inside the room, whether you want pain-relieving drugs, and the breastfeeding plan. Prepare for what is to come after delivery.

  1.     Be true to yourself

People will try to give you different suggestions, but it is all about you in the end. Listen, but you do not have to go along with all of them.

If you are expecting a child and need support throughout your pregnancy, call and book an appointment with an office near you. Dekalb Women’s Specialists will offer care before, during, and after childbirth. You can now look forward to holding your newborn baby.

Causes and Complications of Acute Sinusitis

Sinuses are air spaces that are on your face. These spaces help to reduce the weight of the head. Sinusitis refers to a condition where your sinuses get inflammation and they also swell. Sinusitis presents with excess mucus that makes it harder for you to breathe properly. Having a thick discharge from your nose that may be green or yellow and flows back to the throat is the other symptom of acute sinusitis.

Sinusitis also causes pain in the face around the cheeks, eyes, nose, and forehead and this worsens when you bend. Other symptoms of sinusitis include toothache, headache, ear pain, fatigue, fever, alteration of the sense of smell, and having a bad smell in your mouth. If you get any of these symptoms, it is advisable to visit the doctor. The doctor at Exhale Sinus and Facial Pain Center will take your medical history and examine you to find the exact cause of your symptoms. Treatment is then individualized.

Sinusitis is mostly caused by a viral infection which also causes the common cold. However, some cases of sinusitis are caused by bacterial infections. Here are other factors that can cause sinusitis:

  1.     Allergies

Sometimes you may get acute sinusitis due to allergies. Many allergies can trigger sinusitis including pollen, dust mites, and other irritants. Hay fever, which is also called allergic rhinitis, occurs when your immunity system overreacts due to allergen exposure. Those who suffer from hay fever are also at a high risk of getting acute sinusitis. Smoking cigarettes and inhaling secondhand smoke also put you at risk of acute sinusitis. It is important to learn what the exact trigger of your sinusitis is so that you can avoid it.

  1.     Weak Immunity

When your body’s immune system is weak, you are unable to fight infections. This makes you susceptible to the bacteria that cause acute sinusitis. Some of the conditions that can weaken your immunity system include HIV & AIDs, and cancer. You may also have a weak immunity after taking some medications like corticosteroids and chemotherapy which attacks your bone marrow where defense cells are made.

  1.     Anatomical Defects

There are some abnormalities in the structures of your immunity system that can make you easily get sinusitis. These deformities include a deviated nasal septum which occurs when the wall that divides your nostrils displaces to one of the nostrils, narrowing it. Having a tumor inside your nasal cavity can also increase your risk of sinusitis. Nasal polyps, which are benign growths inside your nose and sinuses, can also cause acute sinusitis.

Here are the complications of acute sinusitis:

If acute sinusitis persists longer than twelve weeks even when you are on treatment, you can get chronic sinusitis, which is a long-term condition. The sinus infection may also spread to the brain causing meningitis, or to the bone causing osteomyelitis. Cellulitis is the infection that occurs when the sinus infection spreads to the skin. If the infection spreads to your eye, it can affect your vision and may cause blindness.

In summary, sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses. The infection is mostly caused by viruses, although bacterial infection is also possible. Some of the risk factors include having anatomical defects, immunosuppression, and allergies. When untreated, the infection may cause complications like meningitis and osteomyelitis.

Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom Disease, is a common neurological disorder in El Paso. Some of its symptoms include aches and pains in the legs. It may feel like you are exercising even when your legs are at rest. Its symptoms are mostly apparent at night and they can make it difficult to sleep. Restless leg syndrome in El Paso is more common in women than men. Fortunately, there are a few home remedies that can make it better. Some of them include the following:

  1.     Lifestyle Changes

Making certain changes to your lifestyle may reduce the symptoms of RLS. Some of the most important lifestyle changes to make include the following:

  • Stop Smoking

Research suggests that smoking can make the symptoms of RLS worse. It can make your legs and entire body feel jittery, hence affecting the quality of your sleep. If you have a smoking problem, consider seeking professional help.

  • Diet

Dietary changes can improve the quality of your sleep. Limit your consumption of caffeine and alcohol, especially close to your bedtime. Avoid any foods that can keep you up at night.

  • Medication

Your medication for other conditions may increase your chances of getting RLS. They can cause insomnia and make it difficult for your muscles to relax. Ask a doctor to review your medication if you have signs of RLS.

  1.     Sleep routine

Come up with a clear sleep routine and stick to it. Fatigue makes the symptoms of RLS worse, so you should try to get as much rest as possible every day. Keep your sleep environment clean and quiet and go to bed at the same time every day. Your goal should be to get a minimum of seven hours of sleep every night.

  1.     Use a Foot Wrap

Foot wraps are specifically designed for people with RLS. They exert pressure under your feet and relieve the symptoms of RLS.

  1.     Hot and Cold Compresses

Alternate between hot and cold compresses to relieve pain. RLS symptoms can range from very painful to slightly irritating. Whichever the case, hot and cold compresses may help. Alternate between them until you feel better. Hot baths and massages may also help you relax.

  1.     Iron and Vitamin Supplements

Consider taking iron and vitamin supplements to ease the symptoms of RLS. The main cause of RLS is iron deficiency. Studies suggest that iron supplements may ease your symptoms. If you think that you may have iron deficiency, speak to your doctor about it. They will perform a test and prescribe the supplements if appropriate. Vitamin D deficiency may also be linked to RLS. Taking the supplements may ease your symptoms.

RLS may cause discomfort and major sleep problems. It may affect your ability to go on with your daily activities. While it is important to seek medical attention, there are a few home remedies that may help. Consider taking advantage of them before seeing a doctor. Some of the best ones include hot and cold compresses, iron and vitamin supplements, and diet changes.

Ophthalmology and Eye Surgery Center

Eyecare is critical in our daily lives for healthy and quality living. Our eyes are one of the most crucial parts of our bodies, for they play a significant role in helping us see. Therefore it is essential to take good care of our eyes to prevent eye health problems. IC Laser Eye Care provides quality medical and surgical eye health care to patients around the Philadelphia areas. The specialists in ophthalmology in Hamilton, Bensalem, and Philadelphia take pride in offering effective and comprehensive eye treatments.

The team at IC Laser Eye Care is passionate about their work providing patients with a warm and friendly environment. They focus on meeting the patients’ health concerns, where they take their time to explain their health conditions and treatment options available. They offer customized care where they listen to individual needs in providing treatment plans for patients of all ages. The team is highly skilled in all eye healthcare, including children, making them suitable for all your family care. They love their patients and treat them with a lot of care, making them feel like part of their family.

The IC Laser Eye Care team is highly qualified to offer the most advanced quality and effective medical treatments. Their offices are modernly equipped with the latest technology, with the newest imaging devices and the most modern and fastest laser treatments. The board-certified team specializes in all ophthalmology services, including cataract surgery, eyelid surgery, and ocular disease management. They also have specialists that provide remedies for glaucoma, dry eyes, retinal detachment, floaters, optic neuropathy, among others. In addition to their treatment, they offer eye exams for the prevention of future eye problems.

They offer services such as:


It is the most advanced procedure that uses an excimer laser for the correction of refractive errors. It’s the most successful treatment for vision correction worldwide. Receive the most comprehensive LASIK treatment at IC Laser Eye Care for the best results. Visit them in any of their locations for more information about LASIK.


It’s a medicine branch that entails eye and vision care, specializing in retinal diseases, pediatric eye care, oculoplastic surgery, and neuro-ophthalmology. IC Laser Eye Care offers extensive ophthalmology services. Call or book an appointment online today to schedule your consultation.

Implantable Collamer Lens

Implantable Collamer Lens helps correct and reduce nearsightedness and is a good alternative for LASIK treatment. The expert eye care specialists provide implantable Collamer lenses safely and reliably. Visit their offices in Bensalem, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Hamilton, New Jersey, to learn more about the Implantable Collamer Lens.

IC Laser Eye Care values and understands their patients, offering them excellent customer services. Their offices are modernly equipped which enables them to provide the most advanced eye care treatments. The ophthalmology specialists offer personalized services in glaucoma, dry eyes, cataract and eyelid surgeries, eye exams, among others. They are dedicated to providing standard eye care to help patients live a quality life. They are welcoming and caring to their patients, providing a warm, comfortable environment for their treatments. For your eye health and vision care, visit IC Laser Eye Care in Bensalem and Philadelphia, PA, and in Hamilton, New Jersey.