Rhinoplasty Options and Why You Might be Suitable for the Procedure

Rhinoplasty also referred to as nose reshaping, is one of the most challenging cosmetic procedures. Rhinoplasty in Houston may correct various defects on your nose, including your nostrils’ size and position, your nose size and width, and your nose profile. As a result, a flawed surgical procedure may result in a permanent deformity. Therefore, you must research to ensure your healthcare provider is efficient in enhancing the appearance of your nose and the internal functions for proper breathing. The good news is, you may end up with an ideal facial balance when you get a professional to work on your nose.

What makes you suitable for rhinoplasty?

Whether you are unhappy with your nose appearance or having breathing concerns, there are many reasons why you may opt to contact your cosmetic surgeon for the surgical process. Your healthcare provider may suggest the treatment when you need changes on your nasal tip, enhance the appearance of your upturned, wide, or large nostrils, and want the symmetrical balance of your nose. You may also be suitable for the process when you have particular congenital deformities or fall victim to a sports or motor vehicle accident.

Besides your aesthetic concerns, your surgeon may also recommend the treatment for functionality purposes. For instance, the healthcare provider may correct breathing difficulties like those resulting from a deviated septum. Therefore, rhinoplasty makes your nose proportional to your face, giving you a facial balance.

What are your options when you go for a rhinoplasty?

When you contact your surgeon for a nose job, there are two choices the medical expert may recommend; open rhinoplasty or closed rhinoplasty. During an open rhinoplasty, your surgeon makes the incision outside your nose. The medical professional accesses the inside of your nose to work on the bones and cartilage through your nostrils. However, you are likely to have visible scars when your surgeon is through with the treatment.

On the other hand, closed rhinoplasty prompts your healthcare provider to make incisions inside your nose. Though you may not have visible scars after the treatment, the procedure might make it hard for your doctor to view your nose’s inner parts.

Since the two procedures differ, the time your surgeon may take may also vary. Additionally, the amount of time your healthcare provider will take during the procedure depends on the extent of your desired final results.

What is the non-surgical alternative to rhinoplasty?

Do you fret at the sight of a scalpel but need a nose job? If so, you have an option in liquid rhinoplasty. The non-invasive treatment entails injecting fillers into your nose to enhance its size and shape. Though the treatment is effective, your doctor may recommend it if you need to make minor adjustments like small depressions that alter your nose’s appearance. Additionally, it might be your go-to treatment when you do not want to commit to a surgical process. Unlike a standard rhinoplasty that may last longer, a liquid nose job will only last based on the amounts of dermal fillers your doctor will use.

Before contacting your doctor for a nose job, you should ask yourself if you are doing it for cosmetic concerns or enhancing your airway function. Schedule an appointment for more queries to know if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

Reasons You Might Need Specialty Contact Lenses

Millions of Americans rely on contact lenses to see correctly. In San Antonio, many have switched to contacts for comfort and overall convenience. However, certain conditions make it difficult to wear off-the-shelf contact lenses. Specialty contact lenses are custom-made to fit your specific concerns. Here are a few reasons why you may need specialty contact lenses in San Antonio.

  1. You Have Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can make wearing regular contacts impossible or very uncomfortable. If you need contacts and have dry eyes, your doctor may suggest that you get gas-permeable lenses. They promote the flow of oxygen and circulation of tears under the lenses. These lenses keep your eyes from drying out. Scleral contacts may be recommended as well because of their design. They promote liquid retention hence reducing irritation to your eyes.

  1.     You Have Keratoconus

This progressive eye disease thins your corneas and ultimately makes them bulge. Bulging will give your cornea a cone shape after some time. Regular contacts cannot accommodate this shape. Even though regular soft contact lenses may work for mild keratoconus cases, more advanced cases will require specialty contact lenses. They are more comfortable and will give you a clearer vision.

  1.     You Have Astigmatism

Astigmatism is a condition where the shape of your eye becomes irregular at the front surface. It is typically corrected with toric lenses. While spherical lenses rotate when you blink, toric lenses remain in position. They work because the bottom is weighted. When you blink, it can only move vertically.

Since all cases of astigmatism are unique, you may need to try out a few brands before finding the right fit. Fitting the lenses is more complicated than a standard lens. Therefore, your appointment for toric lenses will be a bit more expensive.

  1.     Your Eyes Are Unusually Small or Big

Finding the right fit for regular contact lenses may be difficult if you have exceptionally large or small eyes. Here are a few of your options:

  • Small Eye Contacts

If your eyes are so small that using regular contacts is a problem, consider using rigid gas permeable lenses. They are smaller and easier to put in.

  • Large Pupil Contacts

Custom toric lenses are ideal for people with large pupils. The lenses offer near-center correction and a more expansive peripheral zone. They make it possible for the correction to cover the whole pupil width. Regular contact lenses may be too narrow.

  1.     Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC)

If you get GPC, you may need specialty contact lenses. The infection causes an inflammatory reaction leading to the secretion of mucus by your lid lands. The mucus may form a thin coating on your contact lenses. You can be very uncomfortable as the contacts get sticky and move around too much. Daily soft lenses are your best option if you have this infection. Gas permeable lenses may be helpful as well.

If you have trouble using regular contact lenses, you don’t need to struggle anymore. Contact a professional, and they will help you determine the most suitable specialty contact lenses for your needs.

Does Body Contouring Really Work?

Body contouring is a procedure that has taken the world by storm! People all over are looking for ways to improve their appearance and body shape. But does it work? The answer may surprise you. Body contouring can be very effective, but only if done correctly and consistently by a body contouring specialist in Sandy Springs, GA. This blog post discusses some of the best procedures out there, what you should expect after treatment, and everything else you need to know.

The benefits of body contouring.

The benefits are many. Body contouring is a procedure that firms up your skin’s texture (dragging away the excess fat and leaving you with smoother skin), erase cellulite from troublesome areas of your body. It even reconstructs problematic parts like hips or knees to improve function.

The advantages are clear: improved self-image, better health, and more confidence.

Improves your appearance by reducing fat and cellulite.

The procedure will take about two hours, which is much faster than liposuction or other body contouring techniques. The recovery time can be anywhere between three to five days, depending on the intensity of the treatment you’re looking for. It’s important to remember that this procedure has to be done for it to work.

Can reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

Reducing stretch marks is achieved by reducing the volume of fat cells, which significantly contributes to skin dimpling or spider veins on your legs.

The procedure only works if you’re willing to commit time and effort to follow through with treatments over an extended period.

Improves your body’s shape and size

Body contouring improves body shape and size by removing excess fat from specific body areas, like the abdomen or thighs.

The procedure is not a one-time thing that will fix everything about you! It’s something you have to commit to over an extended period of time for it to work. In fact, if you are committed, the benefits can be life-changing.

Where to find a reputable provider for your treatment

There are many providers in your area, but it’s important to find a reputable one. Your best bet is going with someone who provides treatments that have been proven and tested by reliable institutions like the FDA.

You need to know what kind of body contouring procedure will suit your needs before committing to anything! For example, if you are looking for something extreme like body contouring that can reduce your weight by up to 30 pounds, then a procedure like liposuction may be the best course of action.

How much does it cost?

The costs will vary depending on the provider you choose and what kind of procedure you’re looking for, but typically this is a costly procedure with prices ranging from $1500 to over $5000 per treatment! Be prepared to invest in body contouring if that’s your goal.

Body contouring does not guarantee significant changes in body shape or size and will only work as long as you’re committed to treatments over an extended period of time. This treatment has become widely popular because of the results that are possible through commitment. Let Wellife Center be your solution to those stubborn body features. Call now to schedule a consultation.

4 Treatments Options You Can Consider for Your Joint Pains

The primary function of joints is to provide support and aid in movement. Additionally, they help in linking flesh and bones. There comes a time when you experience joint pain, mostly as you grow old. This should not worry you much as we have your solution. Friendswood chiropractic care specialists are next door treating joint pains, neck pains, lower back pain, and other forms of chiropractic care illnesses. Joint pain can affect different parts of your body and cause excruciating pain when you move. Here are some of the treatment options for joint pains.

 More About Joint Pain

Joint pain ranges from mild to severe pain and can last from several weeks to months. Any joint pain can affect the quality of your life. Your mobility is likely to be limited. Several options can help you manage joint pain, including physical therapy, medication, and optional treatments. Your physician will begin with a diagnosis and treat the cause of your pain. The main aim is to maintain joint function and reduce pain. 


You can use an over-the-counter medication to treat mild to severe joint pains. Ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen are some of the drugs that provide relief. Even though these medications can provide relief, they also have side effects on your body and can potentially increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.  

Physical Therapy

You can also work with a physiotherapist that will help you reinforce the muscles around the joints and increase your range of movement. There are various techniques that your physical therapist will use, such as heat therapy, electrical nerve stimulation, and ultrasound. If you are obese, losing weight can reduce some of the pressure placed on your joints. Exercise and an adequate diet are effective ways of losing weight. While exercising, it is essential to have low-impact exercises that will not irritate the joints. Swimming and bike riding are some of the best forms of exercise that will not harm your joints. Swimming discharges pressure in the joints because water is buoyant.  

Optional Treatments

Some of the research done proves that glucosamine and other supplements aid in improving joint pains and functionality. Glucosamine improves cartilage that helps in cushioning the bones that protect the joints. The glucosamine is available in capsule and liquid form. Even though the supplements do not work for everybody, they are safe to try because they do not have any substantial side effects. 

Homecare Options

You can reduce short-term joint pains with simple techniques at home. You can apply ice to your throbbing pain areas to reduce pain and swelling. If you have muscle spasms around the joints, you can use a heating pad to relieve the pain. Your physician may recommend that you wrap the joints with tape to minimize the movement and avoid keeping it too long because it can become rigid and lose its functionality.  

Contact a Joint Pain Expert Today

Whichever treatment options you choose, always consult your physician if the pain increases. Consult a physician if the pain becomes extreme, your joints swell, and if you lose functionality. You can visit and consult Dr. Haywood at Forever Well Chiropractic Whole Body Wellness Center if you are experiencing joint, neck, and lower back pains. It would be best if you exercise regularly and diet to maintain a healthy life. It is also essential to always consult a physician if you have any sort of pain in your joints. 

Different Causes Of Dental Infection

Dental infections can lead to extreme pain if not treated in time. The only way of ending this pain is by assessing and treating the same. Today we are going to discuss some common causes of dental infections and their consequences so that you can take timely action for preserving your oral health.

  • Poor Dental Hygiene

Poor dental hygiene is one of the biggest triggers of bacteria growth inside our mouth. Bacteria require a conducive environment for their growth and food particles accumulating in the mouth can add greater inertia to the same. Growing bacteria can eke itself in your soft dental enamel and develop a colony over time. Our teeth enamel gets corroded leading to tooth discoloration and dental carries. Bacteria initially works in silence. But it becomes hard to reverse the damage once it is done already. Damaged tooth offers the perfect playing field for bacteria and similar infections to thrive while attacking your dentin, enamel, pulp, and bones.

  • Advanced Caries

Bacteria present in our teeth is infamous for producing acid and causing tooth decay. The acid erodes the enamel over time for destroying the tooth. Our dental nerves get affected by tooth decay and can yield painful results. Caries is a multi-factorial and contagious dental disease that can cause premature tooth loss if not treated in time. A simple filling is enough if only the dentin or enamel of the tooth is affected by caries. However, you need to undergo a root canal or endodontic treatment if your dental nerve is affected by caries.

  • Gum Disease

Gingivitis refers to a gum inflammation caused commonly by tartar accumulation. Tartar refers to calcified bacterial plaque which might not be removed over time. Untreated gingivitis causes periodontitis leading to premature loss of teeth. Bacterial deposit leads to these two diseases and is accompanied by inflammation. Not taking timely action can worsen the infectious process. A periodontal abscess is caused by periodontitis in extreme cases and can be detected by sensitivity, swelling, and redness of the gum.

  • Trauma

Accidents can cause your tooth to get knocked out leading to a fracture or crack. Dental fissures can be assessed by visiting a dental clinic wherein your tooth might be restored. Doing otherwise can make your tooth more vulnerable to caries. Dental fracture at the sub-gingival level makes it imperative to get a tooth extraction. If the dental fracture occurs at the supra-gingival level, then you need to restore it at the earliest.

  • Pulpitis

Pulpitis refers to tooth pulp inflammation which occurs once tooth decay reaches your nerves. At times it can also be triggered by tooth fractures or trauma. The most common symptom of pulpitis is moderate to shooting pain on drinking cold liquid.

  • Wisdom Teeth

Bacteria and food particles might get inside the gums partially covering your wisdom teeth causing pericoronitis infection. This is most common following the eruption of the third molar and is accompanied by redness, pain, and infection around the unfinished wisdom tooth.

Final Words

These infections mostly occur due to an increase in bacteria as an aftereffect of various pathologies or oral causes. Untreated mouth infections can lead to the destruction of the jawbone and tooth loss. Over time, the infection might spread to the alveolar bone and adjacent teeth. You can book an appointment with the emergency dentist for treating the dental infection at the earliest. Brushing your teeth twice a day and regular flossing can keep oral infections at bay. Often, we feel too lethargic to brush before bedtime. But doing the same offers oral bacteria with a field day of 8 hours which is enough for getting the damage done even when you brush the next morning.

Some preparations before your X-ray session

If you are facing any health issues the reason for which is not apparent from outside, your physician may ask you to take an x-ray. It is a painless procedure that helps to image a particular part of your body. It takes very little time generally. The following article helps you know when an X-ray is taken and what to expect before your session. As a note of caution, you shouldn’t be taking an X-ray without medical advice.

Why is an X-ray taken?

  • X-rays are taken of bones and teeth. Fractures of the bones are easily seen through an X-ray. It can also reveal the health of your joints and say whether you have arthritis. In dentistry X–rays are used to decide the level of decay and also the roots of your teeth. These are also done to find out of there is any tumor in the bones.
  • X-rays of the chest and lungs are also taken. Lung infections like tuberculosis can be detected with the help of this. The breast tissues can also be examined with the help of an X-ray.
  • Sometimes X-rays of the abdominal region are also taken to find out if you have any digestive tract problems.

Preparations before an X-ray:

  • As per the type of X-ray, the preparation also varies. The radiologist helps you with all such information when you book an appointment.
  • Generally, you are asked to undress and are given a gown at the center. This will prevent any hindrance to the area that needs to be scanned.
  • You should not be having any metal object on your body during the session. So remove all jewelry, belts, watch, and eyeglasses.
  • Some types of X-rays are such that you are given a contrast medium. It is given to outline the area where an X-ray is to be taken.
  • Barium and iodine are contrast mediums that may be applied or asked to be swallowed.

During the X-ray:

  • You have to fix an appointment and visit your doctor or if the facility is not available, at the designated diagnostic imaging center in New Jersey.
  • A specialized plate is inserted in the machine that captures the image. A safe level of radiation is passed through your body.
  • People accompanying you should not be present in the room as radiation may be harmful.
  • The technician helps to position yourself during the X-ray that may just take a few minutes normally.
  • You will be given the report in a day’s time at the max.
best cbd oil for pain

Understand how cbd oil helpful for back or neck pain relief

Adults frequently suffer from chronic back and neck pain. However, this type of pain is increasingly common in people under 22, particularly those who are overweight. The main cause of this pain is bad sitting positions and incorrect body posture for a long time.

Most people work at their computers for 8 hours without taking a break. The muscular and vertebral overload in this position may contribute to inflammation and degeneration. It is usually the cervical spine that is responsible for chronic back and neck pain. The main symptoms of this condition are discomfort and numbness in the neck and nape area. Furthermore, stiffness and stagnation of the muscles can often contribute to the onset of pain when the head is moved.

CBD has been found to reduce both the pain associated with damage to the nervous system as well as the pain associated with inflammation in the body. In addition, best cbd oil for pain is effective in preventing a wide range of chronic pain. The common types of chronic pain are chronic headaches, chest pains, back pain, neck pain, and pain in the nape of the neck. A study in rats revealed that CBD reduced the level of this type of pain. Moreover, cannabidiol has also been shown to minimize inflammation in addition to reducing pain.

Neurons increase their glycine current when the body takes in cannabinoids. Glycine has several effects such as acting as a transmitter and reducing inflammation, among others. In the same way, scientists emphasize the fact that CBD and glycine have an anti-inflammatory effect because of this interaction. An additional study has also pointed out the importance of CBD compounds in diastole. The results of this rodent study also confirmed the effects of cannabidiol as an anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant. A CBD dose was given to subjects with high-stress levels. In these animals, muscle tension was found to be relaxed, which may prove helpful in chronic pain cases where muscles are overtightened.

Stress is one of the causes of chronic back and neck pain, and we cannot ignore its presence when discussing this issue. Our bodies experience tension because it disturbs their homeostasis and causes health problems. This is another reason why CBD products should be considered.

Several of our past articles have discussed how best cbd oil for pain helps to regulate emotions, thus reducing feelings of tension and anxiety. Additionally, they will reduce inflammation and pain caused by chronic pain. For further information on CBD’s effects on other diseases, you can use the interactive configurator in the How CBD has an effect section of our website. The book can also teach you how natural cannabinoids can be used therapeutically to treat various other diseases and conditions.

Benefits of spa treatment

There is nothing that can beat a visit to the spa. It is the most luxurious and also gives a relaxing feel or experience. It is a place where you may unwind, rejuvenate, contemplate, detoxify, and pamper while getting some much-needed me-time. Spa near me in Cincinnati, OH today provides a variety of wellbeing treatments. Touch therapy’s therapeutic properties have been debated since antiquity. As a result, spas and touch treatments are inextricably linked. The soothing touch of a good psychiatrist’s hands on one’s physique offers health advantages. Below are some advantages of a spa.

  • Helps with Anti-aging: Many spa days can aid in the prevention of aging. By activating skin cells and moisturizing the skin, the facial is believed to be able to postpone and avoid the formation of wrinkling. Furthermore, taking time for relaxation and de-stress is a fantastic anti-aging treatment. It might be difficult to find time for leisure daily, but if you could take out some time for a spa then it will be quite beneficial.
  • Promise better sleep: Are you facing trouble in sleeping? Then you can get of this problem by a spa trip as there are many therapies which can allow you to get more rest. Massages fully calm your muscles and reduce your hypertension, all of which result in a complete and proper sleep at the night.
  • Relieves from pains: Workout, resting on a non – supportive bed, and sitting for multiple hours at a computer are all factors that contribute to generalized joint pain in several people. A soothing massage, either whole body or focused on specific problematic regions, is a fantastic approach to relieve chronic aches by totally calming the muscular tissue.
  • Weight loss: When it pertains to the link between spa services and weight reduction, there seem to be a variety of ideas, but many people believe there is one. Spa therapy treatments expand the clogged pores, aid in the removal of impurities, and promote the body burns fat. Deep tissue massaging can also assist the body to break the fat which has got stored by putting force and friction to the flesh. Of course, all of them will have to be used in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise to have a significant impact, but it’s wonderful to know that you’re losing some calories while getting a relaxing massage.


By the above-mentioned advantages, it is clear that the spa services are more than a massage table. So take out some time and have a spa massage for yourself.

Top Reasons Why You May Need Braces

When it comes to getting braces, we get a vision of teen; it is perfect for some to begin orthodontic treatment in their pre-teen years. But, it is not very late for the adult to get their braces if essential.  Braces will help to straighten your teeth, improve your overall appearance and fix the bite issues. Besides dental braces will give you amazing results that will last long. Before you think of getting the braces done, check out how much do braces cost and get the complete breakdown of cost and treatments from your dentist.

Let us check out some top reasons why to consider braces. Here we will explain various reasons that you must consider braces.


Closing any possible gaps is more than the cosmetic concern to enhance your smile — it helps to protect your dental health. Like crowded teeth will cause problems, in the same way teeth that are far apart can create problems.

Tartar and plaque hides in between your teeth, particularly if they are spaced irregularly. Suppose your teeth are spaced apart, then food particles will get stuck along the gums. It causes gum disease, bad breath, and various other issues.


Does it happen that your bottom teeth bite in your mouth roof or disappear with the bite? If yes, you might have the pronounced overbite. When left untreated, overbite will damage your front teeth and gums. Even though it is simple to treat the overbite while jaw is growing, we will use the dental braces for fixing the overbite as well as improve your appearance at any age.


If the lower teeth overlap the top front teeth while smiling, you might have the underbite that must be treated by the professional orthodontists. Underbite are especially detrimental while eating and talking, increasing the risk of dental injury.

Suppose you suspect you have any underbite, please don’t hesitate to call your dentist. The team of dentist and orthodontists is highly qualified in aligning your teeth properly in the dazzling smile.

Aesthetic reasons

Another common reason many people consider getting braces is improving their overall appearance. What they might not realize is straightening their teeth reduces any likelihood of gum disease, cavities, and tooth decay.


It is another common reason to get orthodontic treatment. Suppose it appears like there is not enough room in the mouth for your teeth, you might be dealing with the crowding issue, which causes the teeth to overlap.

Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Yearly Wellness Visits

An annual wellness visit is a yearly visit with your primary doctor to go over all of your recommended health screening tests. The best Kingwood family practice nurse practitioner at Supreme All Care Health and Wellness, Patrick Rhodes, offers patients comprehensive and personalized care to help them manage their health and preserve wellbeing. Here is what your physician would like you to know about making the best out of your yearly wellness visits.

What Is a Physician Looking for at Your Annual Wellness Visit?

Annual Wellness Visit

The essential thing about these appointments is to keep you healthy. A physician is looking to:

  • Prevent disease from occurring through administering immunizations and screening patients. Physical exams are also critical components of disease prevention.
  • Diagnose any problems that a patient may be having and is unaware of or are suspecting.
  • If a patient has a chronic illness, an annual visit is an excellent time for the physician to optimize that medical problem. The patient has more minor issues dealing with that disease process.

Essential Things You Need to Carry to Your Annual Wellness Visit

One of the most important things to ask yourself is getting the most out of your visit and what you can do to improve it. If you visit a new doctor, your medical history is a vital part of what you should carry to your appointment.

It is crucial to have a list of all the medications you are taking with you if possible because you never know when you will end up in the hospital.

It is also good to list your allergies, chronic disease problems, what screenings you have done, along with immunizations. When you visit, your doctor will put all those details into the system to update your chart.

If you have a list of problems you want to address, it is better to have as much as possible upfront, making the consultation faster and thorough.

What Kind of Questions Should You be Prepared to Ask?

Your doctor will walk through many things, including screening for mental health issues and weight concerns for overweight or underweight patients. Nutrition is the key to health. Bringing questions about diet is excellent, any inquiries concerning medications you are on, and asking the doctor if any new prescriptions have come up are perfect for staying updated.

It is vital to be aware of the different kinds of physician training:

  • Family medicine doctors see all kinds of patients; from different age groups and gender.
  • Internal medicine doctors see patients aged 18 and above. These doctors have more hospital training and are more clinic-based.
  • Geriatric doctors also practice in a hospital or a nursing home.

The key to choosing the right doctor is considering the one that makes you feel most comfortable. Choose a doctor that is interested in your health and you as a person. Medicine is a broad specialty, and no doctor can know everything.

Supreme All Care Health and Wellness offers a more streamlined appointment booking process. Call their offices to schedule your annual wellness visit.