Triumph over Pain

How to Triumph over Pain and Enjoy Life to the Fullest


Many people will suffer from pain at some point in their lives, whether it be hand and wrist pain, joint pain, or the dreaded back pain. If you or anyone you know suffers from ongoing pain issues, you will know how debilitating it can be and how much of an impact it can have on daily life. However, there are several options out there to help diagnose the source of your pain and effectively treat it to help get you back to enjoying life. Garden State Pain Control in Clifton and Jersey City, New Jersey, offers a range of treatments including pain control methods, regenerative medicine and various types of orthopedic surgery. Carry on reading for advice on how to start your own journey towards a pain-free life.

Investigating the Source of Your Pain

The first thing to consider when suffering from any type of pain is getting to the root cause. Although it can sometimes be difficult to establish the cause of some types of long term pain, having some preliminary tests is a good starting point. Depending on your own specific symptoms and their duration, your treatment provider may want to perform ultrasound scans, CT scans or X-Rays. There is also a state-of-the-art device known as a mi-eye which can provide physicians with a very detailed visualization of various joints in the body, enabling them to identify any possible sources of damage or injury.

Controlling Your Pain

control pain

When it comes to pain, most physicians will generally agree that the best idea is to try the most conservative options first to treat the symptoms and then move on to more invasive treatments only if necessary. Before considering an operation to treat your pain problem, it is wise to consider that surgery is not always the best course of action and that a much simpler and less invasive treatment could be the answer for you.

For example, many people who suffer from chronic pain in either the back or hands and wrists have had great success in being treated with medical marijuana in recent studies. Cannabinoids, which are the active ingredient in marijuana, can impact your bodies’ pain signals by preventing them from reaching your brain. There is also a good deal of evidence that demonstrates the anti-inflammatory effects of cannabinoids. This type of treatment can be a great long term option for chronic pain and can also be incredibly useful in treating pain that does not respond to traditional pain relief, such as neuropathic pain.

Steroid Injections

Steroid injections are just one of the options that you may want to consider to help treat your pain. Epidural steroid injections can help many with lower back pain. They can also be used to alleviate pain in joints around the hands and wrists, knees and elbows. Discuss with your treatment provider whether this could be a viable option for you.

Radiofrequency Ablation

Another procedure that may be able to help with pain is RFA or radiofrequency ablation. This is a minimally invasive procedure that has shown promising results in those suffering from back pain. RFA has been effective in treating patients suffering from both degenerative disc disease and arthritis. The treatment applies radiofrequency energy to specific, targeted nerves in order to stop them from sending pain signals to your brain.

Shoulder Injury is Serious

How do I know if My Shoulder Injury is Serious?

How can you know if a shoulder injury is serious? Should you ice your shoulder and simply rest it for several days and see if the discomfort will go away? Or, should you rush to a hospital emergency room or consult the Upper Extremity Specialists straight away? In this post, we look at some of the common signs of a serious shoulder injury.

Common Signs of a Serious Shoulder Injury

Several critical muscles control shoulder movement. For starters, the rotator cuff, which is a series of four muscles, allows for shoulder motion. And, a serious injury to the rotator cuff can inflict weakness. Secondly, the labrum, which is a cartilage disc between the two shoulder bones, helps to maintain shoulder stability. A labrum injury can bring instability problems and a dislocation.

How do I know if my shoulder injury is serious? Here are some of the common signs of serious shoulder injuries:

1.      Shoulder Weakness

Feeling weak in your shoulder after an injury may be a sign of a substantial rotator cuff injury. Falling on your side or with an outstretched arm can easily rupture your rotator cuff. While tiny rotator cuff tears don’t usually lead to weakness, large ones do. If you suffer a shoulder injury and face substantial weakness when attempting to utilize your arm, you should see a doctor immediately.

2.      Instability of the Shoulder

A shoulder injury can cause instability or dislocation. Falling hard on an outstretched arm or the side of an arm can dislocate the shoulder. Some dislocations return to their rightful position or reduce spontaneously, but some require medical intervention. If you feel like your shoulder came out of place and slid back, you need to see a doctor.

3.      Shoulder Pop

A fall onto the shoulder can also produce a pop sound and severe pain. If that’s the case, you might be facing a torn rotator cuff or labrum, or an AC (acromioclavicular) joint separation. A shoulder pop that comes with severe pain or weakness and a bump at the top requires immediate medical attention.

4.      A Bump on the Shoulder

Following a fall or forceful shoulder movement, you might see a bump on your shoulder top. Most times, the bump comes along with severe pain and may be a sign of shoulder separation, or AC joint injury. While most AC joint separations don’t need surgery, they should be assessed by a physician to establish the exact type of separation. Knowing the type of Acromioclavicular separation you’re experiencing will determine whether it’s serious or can recover on its own.

5.      Discomfort on the Collarbone or Clavicle

shoulder pain

A shoulder fall can transfer substantial force to your collarbone, resulting in a collarbone or clavicle fracture. The fracture is usually accompanied by severe pain and a bump. Not all clavicle fractures require surgery, but it’s essential to know the type of fracture you have and the best treatment method.

A shoulder injury can be serious, but the earlier it is assessed by a doctor, the better the chances of a successful recovery. If you exhibit any of the signs listed above or experience any other symptoms, you should seek prompt medical attention. Seeking early medical attention can help to prevent further complications in your shoulder, and mitigate the pain.

Gynecological Services in Fair Oaks

Gynecological Services in Fair Oaks

Every woman needs to get regular gynecological care from a qualified practitioner to detect health issues at the early stages. Capital Women’s Care is setting standards in the Fair Oaks gynecological care by using state of the art equipment and services of certified practitioners. The team is ready to handle women of all ages battle different problems.

Available Services at Capital Women’s Care

  • Well-Woman Exams- As a woman, you need to take additional care in your sexual health. This center allows you to get the annual well-woman exam to identify problems early. You are also advised on the methods of staying healthier in the days to come. You will find a team specialized in high-risk pregnancy care, pap smear, endometriosis, and fibroids, ensuring that your reproductive and menopause years pass through smoothly.
  • Contraception Management- Sexually active women can choose between permanent or temporary contraceptive options. The OG/BYN team at Capital Women’s Care helps you to settle on the best contraception depending on your lifestyle and preferences.
  • Menopause Symptom Treatment- Menopause can hold you back by messing up your sex life. At Capital Women’s Care, you can get hormone replacement therapy to reduce vaginal dryness, hot flashes, weight gain, and insomnia. The team uses your hormonal levels to prescribe customized treatment to help you battle the symptoms.
  • STD Screening and Treatment- A sexually transmitted infection can cause adverse effects on your reproductive system if left untreated. You can visit Capital Women’s Care Division 45 to get STD screening and treatment. You can also receive urgent care at the clinic if you are a victim of rape or had unprotected sex. Urinary incontinence treatment is also available.
  • Gynecological Care- You can get regular gynecological examinations and guidance when problems are detected early. The team helps women suffering from pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, and other threats to their reproductive system. You can visit the center for your annual gynecological exam. You can also visit the center if you are suffering from ovarian cysts, irregular and heavy periods, and pelvic pain. Polycystic ovary syndrome care is also available at the center.
  • Breast Examination- An exam of the breasts helps you to detect breast cancer early. The practitioners use a mammogram and inspecting them with their hands in the detection of breast cancer. Women above twenty years are advised to perform self-breast examinations monthly and a professional exam at least once a year.
  • Pregnancy Care- Pregnant women are delicate and in need of urgent care and attention using state of the art equipment like the ultrasound equipment. The team of obstetricians provides care before conception, during pregnancy, and after delivery, ensuring that you and the newborn remains healthy for more days to come. Women are also accorded postpartum depression counseling to help them stay strong emotionally.
  • Infertility Treatment- The problem of not being able to conceive affects a woman in different dimensions. The physicians at Capital Women’s Care can help you to get pregnant. Tests are run to determine your ability to conceive and viable measures. Treatment is provided depending on each specific condition.
  • Hysterectomy- Conditions like uterine prolapse, adenomyosis, endometriosis, or adenomyosis can prompt you to remove the uterus. The surgeons at Capital Women’s Care use advanced tech to conduct partial and full hysterectomy. The doctors determine the best type of hysterectomy for each patient.

You can call Capital Women’s Care Division 45 or book an online appointment at any time of the day.

Lane Urgent Care

Express Lane Urgent Care

Asthma is a chronic condition that affects both women and children across the globe and can be life-threatening if not appropriately handled. If you experience asthma in Turlock, a team of qualified physicians at Express Lane Urgent Care located in Turlock, California, is ready to offer you personalized treatment and consultation services during business hours. The team thoroughly evaluates you before diagnosis by monitoring your breathing. Below are some of the services offered at Express lane Urgent Care:

  • Pink eye common among children, it is an infection that attacks the eyelids. Pink eye occurs due to allergies, bacterial or viral infections, and reaction to eye drops. The disease attacks adults too. The physician diagnoses you with a pink eye after a cross-examination or on rare occasions by taking a sample of your eye fluid to the lab.
  • Flu- if you experience flu symptoms like chest discomfort, chills, or sore throat, an experienced panel of practitioners at Express Lane Urgent Care is ready to help. The dedicated physicians will treat you for flu by administering the proper medications to combat the severity of the flu, including antiviral drugs and inhaled medications appropriate for the entire family. Flu can be cruel for people with a weak immune system and should, therefore, be handled correctly.
  • Sinus- is caused by a swelling in the delicate sinuses. The inflammation can cause a build-up of sinuses, which may lead to an infection. The inflammation is caused by such factors as a common cold, nasal polyps, allergic rhinitis, weakened immune system, or regular smoking. Symptoms include bad breath, cough, loss of smell, and fever, among others. Visit Express Lane Urgent Care to find out the most appropriate sinus treatment for you.

sinus treatment

  • Strep throat- is a highly contagious bacterial infection that can make swallowing a painful experience. When you avoid swallowing you tend to eat less than is needed with can lead to malnutrition. It is caused by viral infections and allergies, and the main symptom is a sore throat. The compassionate panel at Express Lane Urgent Care is ready to conduct strep tests and treat you and your family for sore throat.
  • Urinary Tract Infection- the infection can cause agonizing pain and a burning sensation when relieving yourself. Common symptoms of urinary tract infection include frequent cloudy urine, strong-smelling urine, and difficulty while emptying your bladder. Despite being common among women, this condition affects men too. UTI can lead to severe implications if left untreated. The diagnosis is done through an examination of the urinary sample and is treatable through antibiotics and vaginal estrogen therapy.
  • Bronchitis- do you experience a shortness of breath and a nagging cough? This could be a respiratory issue called bronchitis. It is caused by having a weakened immune system, severe cold, or having a history of bronchitis. The qualified medics at Express Lane Urgent Care will conduct an x-ray, examine your breathing, and run some laboratory tests to confirm bronchitis and proceed to help you improve from bronchitis speedily.

You can walk in during business hours, schedule an appointment, or call Express Lane Urgent Care for containment of the conditions mentioned above for a better healthy life.

Myomectomy: What you Need to Know

Myomectomy: What you Need to Know

Do you suffer from pelvic pain? Perhaps you’re searching for an endometriosis specialist? If you’re suffering from conditions such as infertility, pelvic pain, or fibroids and are looking for a specialist in New York City, NY, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Bozdogan. Dr. Bozdogan works at the Advanced Endometriosis Center and is a New York myomectomy specialist. The clinic specializes in treatment for endometriosis & fibroids.

What is a Myomectomy?

If you have fibroids your doctor may recommend that you have a myomectomy. Many women who have fibroids believe that they are cancerous, and this isn’t the case. Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that grow in the uterus.

A myomectomy is an operation to remove uterine fibroids. The procedure will vary for each individual woman. It depends on the location of the fibroids as to how the surgery is performed. The myomectomy can be carried out either through the pelvis or through the vagina.

Fibroids are often the cause of a woman’s infertility and having them removed usually enables the woman to get pregnant.

When to Have Surgery?

A woman will need to have a myomectomy to remove fibroids if she has severe symptoms, or if she is unable to get pregnant because of them. These types of growths can make conception difficult. If you’re receiving fertility treatment having fibroids may prevent IVF from taking place. If this is the case, the doctor will recommend that the fibroids are removed. Fibroids can also block the fallopian tubes, which will prevent an embryo from moving into the uterine cavity.

If a woman with fibroids becomes pregnant, they may also cause problems for the baby. Fibroids can affect the blood flow to the fetus, which will prevent it from growing properly. This could also induce early labor. In order to avoid issues during pregnancy, many women choose to have a Myomectomy to remove the fibroids.

How is a Myomectomy Performed?

surgerical treatment

The myomectomy operation varies depending on how large the fibroids are and also their location and number. Surgeons use different approaches, including abdominal or pelvis surgery or laparoscopic surgery, which is less invasive.

The most common type of myomectomy is known as open myomectomy. During this procedure, the doctor will make a small, horizontal incision in the patient’s abdomen above the pubic bone. Or a larger vertical incision which will run from below the belly button to the pubic bone.

One of the main advantages of having an open myomectomy is that all the fibroids can be removed at once. The doctor will be able to see and remove fibroids in all locations. The uterus can also be closed and allowed to heal before the woman attempts to conceive.

However, this operation does have some risks and disadvantages. One of the main disadvantages is that the doctor will need to make a larger incision. This will cause the woman more pain and will take her longer to recover. An open myomectomy has a recovery time of between six and eight weeks. There is also a higher risk of complications.

Hydrafacial: What you need to Know

Hydrafacial: What you need to Know

Are you looking for a treatment that will leave your skin glowing? Perhaps you’ve had facials before but want to try something a bit different? If so, you may like to consider having a hydra facial. Cosmedoctor is a Woodbury, hydrafacial provider. The clinic specializes in hydra facials, medical spa, injectables, and dermal fillers, as well as plastic surgery in Woodbury, NY.

What is a Hydrafacial?     

HydraFacial is a new unique type of facial that will help to regenerate and cleanse your skin. The treatment is a very relaxing experience, which will help you to boost your confidence. When your skin looks and feels good, you’ll also feel good about yourself. Hydrafacial has helped many people to improve their confidence and self-esteem.unique type

Your therapist will use modern technology, which has been designed to give the skin a deep clean. It also delivers botanical ingredients to the skin; these ingredients contain the nourishing nutrients that your skin needs to regenerate and stay healthy. Nutrients include hyaluronic acid, red algae extract, zinc, and magnesium.

HydraFacial will also give your skin a dose of antioxidants, which are very powerful and help to counteract the damage caused by free radicals. It helps with the damage caused by air pollution, sun damage, and stress. These factors can all degrade the skin, making it look older.

If you are looking for long-term healthy skin and want to have a glowing complexion, choose to have a Hydrafacial rather than the regular facials that most spas offer.

How Does HydraFacial Work?

After just one hydro facial treatment, the skin is visibly healthier and cleaner. The hydro facial process is divided into three parts, and the whole procedure will take about half an hour.

Your skin is like a sponge that soaks up toxins from the environment. The first part of a hydra facial will make use of your lymphatic system to remove these toxins, which will help rebuild the health of your skin.

Secondly, a brightening agent will also be added, which causes skin regeneration. This will buff your skin, creating a warm glow that will leave you looking and feeling healthy.

Your skin will then be filled with vitamins for nourishment, which will also plump up wrinkles and help to reduce their appearance.

Many people who have had a hydra facial report that their skin was left feeling soft and looking healthy. The treatment helps to reverse the aging process, and some people say that their skin has never looked or felt healthier in their entire lives.

Who would benefit from having a HydraFacial?

Hydra facial is an effective skin treatment that can be used on all types of skin. You can enjoy the benefits of a hydra facial regardless of your age, skin type, or skin color. The hydra facial technology reaches deeper into the skin than a typical facial, which just cleans the surface of the skin.

Having a hydra facial will make you feel more confident as you’ll be able to enjoy healthy, glowing skin. Hydrafacials can be tailored to treat skin conditions such as acne, oily skin, or dry skin. It can also restores and rebuild the health of your skin and reduces the effects of aging.

How to purchase fenugreek extracts online?

Everybody knows that fenugreek is a very reliable herb that is not only used in the cooking but also used in making of the medicines. Whether you are going through some digestive problems or other health issues, and then think about using the fenugreek extracts without any doubt.  On the other hand, you must know that fenugreek is highly beneficial for reducing the diabetes. If you are suffering from the painful menstruation or menstruation cramps, then fenugreek can become a highly reliable thing to use.

Overall, there are thousands of advantages that you can get from the fenugreek extracts. However, purchasing the products made from fenugreek online is still an intimidating work that you have to do. There are thousands of online portals and platforms present that claim to provide the best fenugreek extracts at the cheapest price. This is why you cannot determine which platform has the best fenugreek seed extractyou are looking for.

Things to check while buying fenugreek extracts online

Now, you have successfully become familiar with all important things about buying fenugreek online. Therefore, you can move forward and determine some important things that you have to keep in your mind while buying fenugreek extracts online: 

Full details about available fenugreek extracts

At the platforms you have selected for buying fenugreek, full details about the available fenugreek extracts should be there. In easy words, you have to get all the possible details about the available fenugreek extracts.

Information given in descriptions & videos

If you are ready to use the Okra extract, you can also pay a little bit more attention to the information given in the descriptions and videos about the fenugreek extracts. With the videos and descriptions, you can easily determine whether you will purchase better products or not.

Explained specifications

Explain specification should also be there on the portals you have selected for buying fenugreek extracts online. This simple suggestion can help you to have premium quality fenugreek seed extract.

Is there a money back guarantee?

If possible, there should be a money back guarantee for the buyers of fenugreek extracts. If you get the money back guarantee, you might have selected the best platform.

Online reviews about the extracts

Finally, you need to go through the online reviews submitted by the previous and current users of the fenugreek extracts. By doing all these important things, you will be able to choose the best fenugreek extracts online.