Las Vegas minimally invasive surgery

Beneficial Robotic- Assisted Gynecological Surgeries

Many patients worry about getting gynecological surgery. However, surgery has changed dramatically in recent years. The patients who get Las Vegas minimally invasive surgery will recover from surgery more easily. Robotic-assisted surgical procedures are much safer and more reliable than older surgical techniques.

Smaller Surgical Incisions

Surgical procedures in the past tended to involve very broad incisions. While surgeons still kept everything sterile and tried to be as precise as possible, bigger incisions can still cause more problems than smaller incisions. The risk of infection is higher with more substantial incisions, and the associated tissue damage and scarring can be more significant.

These incisions can also be more painful, making it more difficult for patients to heal. A bigger wound often hurts more than a smaller wound and causes more problems for the person who is trying to get through the day. Being able to get the exact same surgical results with a narrower incision can make all the difference.

Imaging technology has completely revolutionized the medical field in many different ways. The surgical robots that are used in these procedures are equipped with video technology. It used to be more difficult to make smaller surgical incisions because it was too difficult to actually see the relevant location under those circumstances.

Surgeons now have robotic systems that are capable of producing magnified views of the area. They can make the incisions small and still get all of the visual information that they need. The surgical incisions will be both smaller and more accurate. All of the risks connected with any surgery will decrease as a result.

Safer Surgeries

Las Vegas minimally invasive surgery

Patients will typically lose at least some blood because of a surgical procedure. Robotic-assisted surgeries involve very narrow incisions, which means that patients will have fewer problems with blood loss. These smaller surgical wounds are less likely to get infected. Given how precise the surgical incisions are under these circumstances, surgeons are also less likely to make mistakes.

There are now many robotic-assisted gynecological surgeries. These are essentially updated versions of older gynecological procedures, and they’ve all become less risky in the modern world. It’s becoming more common to get robotic-assisted hysterectomies today. When surgeons remove harmful uterine growths, they often specifically use minimally invasive robotic surgeries.

New Surgical Options

Some patients might also get minimally invasive newer surgeries in order to correct the results or unintended consequences of some older surgeries. The procedures that involved much bigger incisions in the past might have left a great deal of scar tissue. If you’ve had certain gynecological surgeries previously, you might have scar tissue that is located close to the reproductive organs. This scar tissue can cause problems in its own right, but it’s now easier to get rid of it.

Robotic-assisted surgeries are also giving many patients choices that they wouldn’t have had previously. If you have endometriosis, for instance, you still might not want to get your uterus or other organs removed in order to reduce the symptoms. Endometriosis actually cannot be cured entirely, making a procedure like this particularly frustrating.

Minimally invasive new surgeries can be used to target the abnormal endometrial tissue directly. You won’t have to sacrifice any otherwise healthy organs in order to treat an illness like endometriosis. Robotic-assisted modern surgeries have made many surgical procedures more practical and more effective.

laser hair removal

What’s Causing My Weight Gain

Everyday practitioners face patients with weight loss issues who are at a loss as to what is causing their dilemma. For many, the answers may be easier to diagnose, for others the cause could be harder to diagnose. If you’re one of the millions dealing with this question, there are some answers out there that surprisingly coincide with patients around the world. Whether this is your reason or not, the help of a medical professional, such as those who provide laser hair removal in Londonderry, can help get you started on the goal of better health through weight loss.


Our families pass along more than our eye color or hair color, instead, their genetics can affect every part of our bodies. If obesity or large BMIs have previously shown up in family histories, the chances are good that it could come around again. For those unlucky enough to lose this hereditary lottery, there may seem like no good way to fight the battle against weight gain. While genetics are hard to overcome, it isn’t impossible to work with. In fact, those same genetics can help doctors and medical professionals put together a weight loss plan built around the growing science surrounding DNA.


Medicine is a must-have for many going through chronic or short term conditions. Side effects you might think about cover headaches or pains or anything weird. Instead, many patients should look at how their medication affects their weight which is a common cause for problems in patients in the medicine Prednisone or a steroid in its class. While the medication is a lifesaver for many patients, the amount of weight gain it causes can be just as unsettling. Even worse, many patients who are prescribed the medication cannot go without it or face life-threatening issues. While there are some ways to combat the medicine’s negative effects, it is still a problem for those most in need of its help. Steroids are far from the only choice to increase your weight gain. Everything from mental health medications to allergy medicines can create extra pounds that are hard to remove, no matter how hard someone tries.


It might seem like the easiest reason why, but the reason you might be overeating is far more complicated than hunger. Stress eating is a well-known option in this category and its effects reach people of all ages, races, genders, and backgrounds. When we’re nervous, we tend to find comfort in food and the reason why is complex but actually dates back to our ancestral approach to care. For many, finding a better way to fight stress can lead to a range of choices like alcohol or drugs. In this case, both are just as dangerous as overeating as it leads to stress on the body itself and does nothing to quell fears.

The reason why you’re gaining weight could fall into one or all of these categories. While you might have an idea for what is causing this now, you need the help of a medical professional to make the most accurate diagnosis. While getting to the heart of the issue, these pros also know what you need to begin a safe, effective weight loss plan.

Laser Resurfacing

Laser Resurfacing: Risks and Benefits

Interest in plastic surgery is at an all-time high. However, the industry is surrounded by misinformation and stigma. Understanding the different procedures, such as laser resurfacing, can help in demystifying the sector. Laser resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure that gives the patient a younger and healthier look by getting rid of scars, wrinkles, or other blemishes. The procedure is mostly done on the face for most patients. Dr. Talal Munasifi uses laser energy to remove layers of the damaged skin and expose new cells giving a better appearance.

Benefits of laser resurfacing

  • Quick and Easy

One of the main advantages of laser skin resurfacing is the fact that the procedure is fast and straightforward. If you have a busy schedule, you can find forty-five minutes in your schedule to squeeze in the unobtrusive procedure. It is an outpatient procedure allowing you to go back to your day to day activities.

  • Incredible skin

Unlike other facial treatments such as the use of face creams, the procedure will permanently alter the look of your skin. Instead of covering up blemishes on your skin, it removes the outer layer of the skin leaving new youthful skin that lacks any scaring and has not been damaged by the sun.

  • Permanent results

The permanent results of laser resurfacing are the most significant benefit. Your new youthful skin will not fade away overnight, like many other treatments. The scars and blemishes on your old skin will not return. However, it is worth mentioning that the new skin will age naturally. It is, therefore, essential to take good care of your new skin to maintain its youthful look longer. This can be achieved bu applying sunscreen regularly.

Possible risks

  • Infection

The laser perforates the skin allowing for potential infection. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi can infect the skin. It is sometimes advisable to take antibiotics before the procedure. If an infection is suspected, a microbiologic culture test should be carried out before determining the best treatment option.

  • Change in skin color

The treated skin can become darker, hyper pigmentation, or lighter, hypo pigmentation, than it used to be before the treatment. The difference in skin color is frequent among people with darker skin tones.

  • Swelling and redness

Swelling is common after the procedure; however, cold compresses will ease the swelling. The treated area will feel like a sunburn, and the feeling will last 2 to 3 days post-treatment.

  • Discomfort

The procedure is not painful, but one can experience some discomfort for the next two days, but it does subside with time. Patients are advised to take a pain reliever if there is a need.

Your plastic surgeon will give you directions on how to take care of the treated skin. The patient is directed to clean the area at least two times a day using saline or diluted vinegar. They will also advise against rubbing the skin. Until the skin is completely healed, stay away from products such as a sunscreen that can irritate the skin. Laser resurfacing might be the answer to a youthful look.

Online Fitness Classes

Getting the Most Out of Your Online Fitness Classes

The ease and accessibility of online fitness classes has made it immensely popular to a huge number of individuals. This in turn has made it possible for just about anyone to be able to engage in a variety of fitness exercises at any given time when the need calls for them to do so. With that being said, just like any other program, online fitness classes will also require their fair share of effort and hard work for their attendees in order reap the benefits and also their rewards. Let us look at some tips on how to help prepare yourselves for online womens fitness classes and others similar programs that you can find in the present.

Research in Advance

It should be noted that people today will not be finding any shortage of online fitness programs with them being made readily available over the internet. With that being said, fitness programs and the activities behind them can vary depending on the provider. As such, it is a good idea to do your research first before signing up to any of them. Look for activities that will be able to suit your preference and needs but at the same time, also comes at a reasonable price.

online fitness programs

Avoid Lock-in Contracts

As mentioned earlier, one of the main advantages of online fitness classes is that people will be able to attend these programs at their very own leisure and pace. Many consider the freedom and flexibility it provides is indeed a very much welcomed feature which many people love. Because of this, it is important that you look for programs that don’t have lock-in contracts as this can add unnecessary pressure to your activities. This can also make it harder to switch to other fitness programs as you will have to pay for the fees.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Online fitness classes will be able to cater to the different needs of each and every one of their clients. As such, it important that you don’t compare yourself from others with regards to the activities that they will be engaged in as well as their progress. Doing so can make you feel discouraged which is something that you don’t want to happen as this can impede your progress and development.

What you will want to do instead is to focus on yourself alone and also work hand in hand with your trainers. It is also important that you answer truthfully the ongoing assessments which will definitely go a long way in helping shape your future workout activities. Find an online fitness class that you can attend and book an appointment with them as early as possible to avoid the hassle.