Pain Management Specialists in Ionia

Pain Management Specialists in Ionia

Pain, be it acute or chronic, can be quite debilitating and will even interrupt your body’s normal functioning. In turn, this can affect your day-to-day life tremendously. If you are in search of treatment that will completely relieve you of your condition, Advanced Pain Solutions offers the best interventional pain management in Ionia.

Providers use a multidisciplinary approach, combining Family practice, anesthesiology, medication management, and interventional pain medicine. If you wish to learn more about their practice, call or use the online scheduling tool to book an appointment.

About The Practice

The providers here understand the effects pain can have on physical, mental, and emotional health. They use the multidisciplinary approach to address the root cause of the condition on a patient and use this information to devise a customized treatment plan. Advanced Pain Solutions focuses on completely relieving their patients of pain so that they can resume their day-in-day activities.

To achieve this, they incorporate the most advanced medical techniques and technologies. For instance, they use Balloon Phycoplasty and Vertebroplasty to treat vertebral compression fractures. The facility also has an office in Grand Rapids and welcomes all patients in and around West Michigan.

About Services

The facility offers a variety of pain management procedures. They are experts in spinal fractures, using minimally-invasive methods to enhance the effectiveness of treatment. Patients with chronic musculoskeletal and neurologic pain can also get treatment for conditions such as neck pain, back pain, joint pain, and migraines. Patients suffering from spinal cancer pain can receive treatment in the form of OsteoCool.

Another treatment option offered by the clinic is ketamine infusions. Ketamine infusion treatment can alleviate and completely relieve you of pain that the conventional medications failed to handle. Ketamine infusion also addresses mental health complications such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Also, they have office-based care for opioid use. Reach out to the facility to learn more about their services.

New Patients

Advanced Pain Solutions provides various patient resources such as new registration forms, referring providers, and accepted insurance. Patients can download the new registration patient form and fill it before visiting the center. Besides, the information about acceptable insurance coverage is beneficial to patients.

Testimonials & Reviews

Advanced Pain Solutions values and appreciates feedback from their valued patients. To date, the facility boasts a 4.91 out of 5-star rating on 11 collected reviews. You can also reach out to their website and find out what other people are saying about the practice.

How to Contact the Center

Patients can contact their office through mobile or use the online booking tool to schedule an appointment. Besides, you can visit their office location at 431 Swartz Ct. Suite 200. Note that the facility operates from Monday to Friday, starting from 8 am to 5 pm, except for Friday, where they close at 3 am. If you have any concerns, queries, or comments about the center, fill the shortcut form on their website to contact your selected provider.

In conclusion, Advanced Pain Solutions offers comprehensive pain management treatment. They incorporate cutting-edge technology and advanced medical techniques in their practice. Schedule an appointment today through mobile or book online.

What You Need to Know About Facial Fillers

What You Need to Know About Facial Fillers

Facial fillers are now the go-to procedures for people wishing to rejuvenate their skin or enhance some of their facial features. Fillers can restore facial volume, which is something that other cosmetic products such as topical creams can’t. This is perhaps why they’ve become so popular. However, you must always be cautious when choosing a dermatologist to avoid future complications. Only go to board-certified surgeons, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. So, if you are planning on getting fillers and are living in or around South Florida, you should reach out to the team at Sanctuary Medical Center, whose specialty is in providing revolutionary procedures such as fillers volume and lift in Boca Raton.

There are two types of fillers: temporary and permanent. Most experts insist on avoiding permanent fillers because the cons outweigh the benefits.

In this era, more young people are getting fillers, among other non-invasive procedures. Also, it’s no secret that as you get older, your perspective and decisions change. That is why it’s always advisable to get temporary fillers. Not only are they reversible, but they are easily fixable if you happen to get a “botched” procedure. Permanent fillers, on the other hand, are high risk. Unlike temporary fillers, these fillers are highly synthetic, and one mistake could lead to blockage of vessels and skin death.

There’s a high chance that your body might reject the substance used. Also, your features will change as you grow older. Therefore, permanent fillers might not look as good ten years in the future as they do now.

Every Filler Is Different

There are two categories of fillers. The first one is the hyaluronic acid (HA) filler, which includes Juvéderm, Restylane, and Belotero. HA fillers stimulate collagen production to improve skin elasticity.

Each HA filler has a different volume and lift capability, density as well as elasticity. For instance, JuvédermVoluma is suitable for sculpting and volume restoration on the cheeks while Belotero Balance is better suited for streaking the upper lip. That is why you must choose a skilled dermatologist who can select the right filler for you.

The second category is known as bio stimulatory filler, which is made from other materials that are not found in our bodies. They include:

  •       Radiesse- contains calcium hydroxyapatite
  •       Sculptra- made using poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA)
  •       Bellafill- contains polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)

Just Because It Looks Good on Your Friend, Does Not Mean That It’ll Work for You

Every face is different, which means that your dermatologist won’t use JuvédermVoluma because it looked good on your friend.

In an interview with Allure, Dr. Vega, a dermatologist from Miami, stated that some patients come in saying they wanted X or that they read online that certain fillers should not be used on the cheeks. According to Dr. Vega, such cases make it challenging to explain to the client what filler is appropriate for them and their anatomy.

Facial Fillers Can’t Solve Everything

Even though fillers can fix a list of cosmetic problems, they can’t fix everything. For instance, if a person has extreme sagging, they might require other procedures such as laser resurfacing and botox to see results.

Fillers Are Not for Everyone

Pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers should not get fillers. Additionally, anyone with an infection, a bleeding disorder, or an allergy to particular chemicals must inform their dermatologist. This is so that they are careful when premixing filler constituents.

Other things to note are that filler injections are painful and that you should expect a bit of swelling during the first few days of recovery. Your dermatologist should always discuss all the risks and nitty-gritty before performing this procedure.

Having read this article, you now know what to expect when getting fillers. You should, therefore, book an appointment with skilled doctors such as the team from the Sanctuary Medical center in Boca Raton, for highly customized treatments.

Skin Care Treatment Tips During and After Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

Skin Care Treatment Tips During and After Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

Cancer treatments can be a long and comfortable and draining process for you. The disease itself can have a toll on you, while the medications might affect you. In such a situation, there are several guidelines you should consider to help them with the side effects of the treatment on your skin. You can consult the best Chevy Chase, MD skin cancer specialist on the best precautions to follow.

The benefits of having a good skin routine during cancer treatment are to minimize the side effects on your skin and to help your skin be comfortable during the treatment process. Additionally, it will enhance the quick recovery of your skin after the treatment is complete.

Below are some tips on how to go about skincare during treatment:

Use Warm Water

Gently washing your skin every day with warm water helps in removing bacteria present on your surface, which may cause infections. Avoid harsh rubbing, which easily irritates your skin.

Have a Low pH Cleanser

A cleanser with a low PH value so there’s your skin, especially during the treatment process. always make sure to ask your doctor about the best type of soap that is favorable to your skin.

Keep Moisturizer Close

A moisturizer fastens your skin’s recovery process. However, it would be best if you never attempted to apply it to an open wound.

Wound Care

Kindly always and sure to follow your doctor’s advice to the latter as you care for wounds after treatment. You might develop redness or even source, which will heal faster with the proper after-care treatment.

Avoid Talcum Powder

Talcum powder present in skincare products can harm you a great deal because they increase the level of radiation during radiotherapy.

Avoid Fragrance and Sticky Products

Fragrance containing products will irritate your skin, which is a bad thing during cancer treatments. Never assume that unscented skincare products are fragrance-free.

Avoid Clothes That Are Too Tight

Irritation of your skin during and after treatment can harm you. Therefore, avoid clothes that are too tight, rubbing the skin in the process.

Wear Sun Protective Clothing

The trick in getting a high-quality sun protective clothing is to hold it against light and ensure it cannot see through. These clothes protect you from harmful UV rays. Additionally, you can also wear a hat to cover your face and neck.

Use Sunscreen

Before you incorporate the use of a particular sunscreen and sure you consult your doctor. You can also try to be under shade whenever you are outdoors.

Avoid Too Hot or Cold Items On Skin

Even as you go about doing house chores, you can wear hand gloves. Keep away from hot or cold water, including the bathtub. Using an ice pack to alleviate swelling is also not a good idea.

To ensure that you have a proper skincare routine, always consult your doctor. Do not shy away from asking questions about skincare products. Remember to see the doctor’s advice to avoid causing skin irritations, which might interfere with your cancer treatment.

Spinal Decompression in Managing Chronic Back Pain

If you are battling persistent back pain, the condition can make it hard for you to live a happy life. Your back problems can be aggravated by the simplest of movements including rising from a chair, stretching, or even changing your position in bed when sleeping. Interventional Pain and Regenerative Medicine Specialists can help you regain painless body movements for a happier and more fulfilled life.  We have a reputation for quality medical therapies to help relieve chronic and acute pain for an active lifestyle. Below, we look at the benefits of spinal decompressions in relieving back pain.

Spinal decompression therapy

Spinal decompression therapy is a non-invasive medical procedure that uses gentle traction to help the spine regain its normal position and get rid of pain due to pressure on the nerves caused by various conditions. Your pain intervention specialist may recommend spinal decompressions therapy for a number of reasons.

Relief from bulging or herniated discs

Your vertebrae have spinal discs in between the bones, which help absorb shock. The inner part of a spinal disc is made of a gel-like soft tissue, while the outer part is made of tough tissue. Old age or injury can cause the gel-like material to seep through the outer protective layer and exert pressure on the nerves around the injured area. During spinal decompressions, gentle pressure is applied to help relax your spine and for the bulging material to regain its position in the spinal discs.

Spinal decompression therapy helps soothe irritated and inflamed nerves

The core of the spinal nerves can get entrapped and irritated when your spinal cord starts to narrow due to conditions such as osteoarthritis or herniated discs. This can result in pain along your lower back, arms, and legs. Spinal decompression therapy helps offer relief from pain and inflammation since pinched nerves can now get adequate space.

Spinal decompression therapy works with other treatment plans

A multifaceted treatment approach is required in the management of chronic pain. Your pain management specialist can combine spinal decompressions with other forms of treatment including exercises and physical therapy, to enhance the results of your specially-designed treatment plan.

Spinal decompressions help restore the body’s natural healing ability

Your spine requires a steady supply of nutrients to remain healthy. Besides helping the discs regain their normal position, spinal decompressions also help nutrient-rich fluids and wastes to flow in and out of the spine naturally. This helps create a pleasant environment for healing that is free from obstruction.

Spinal decompression has fewer risks

Spinal decompression therapy is considered an effective and safe method if the physician is skilled and experienced. You can expect to relax and feel no pain during your treatment.

If your back is denying you the opportunity to live an active life, do not allow this suffering to go on. We have a solution for you without having to undergo surgery. Schedule an appointment with us today to learn more about spinal decompression therapy.

dentist singapore

Pediatric dentists play a major role actually

The key responsibility of a dentist is to heal the problems of different teeth related issues. It might be anything. Actually you would see more dental problems in kids only. Moreover the dental problems of kids will keep on happening and sometimes the problem might repeat like anything gradually. In fact this is the reason why you can find more number of pediatric dentists is found everywhere. And hence this is why paediatric dentist singapore has become much popular today.

Visiting dentists is advisable:

Actually we adults are worried much to visit our nearby dentist. For example, cleaning of your teeth is advisable to be done at least for a year. Some people those who are suffering from cavities; they need to visit at least for a span of six months according to research.  Some people are even suffering from gum diseases like that which are unknown till you experience pain at the affected area. To eradicate any kind of tooth cavities, dental visit is recommended.

Similarly when you come across your kids, they must be required to checkup their teeth for every six months or for once in a year at least. Like you, your kids are worried about dentists whether their treatment is painful. So, if you stay humble and having frequent visits without any fear, your kids will certainly follow you. Actually kids will face severe toothache due to their sweet biscuits and chocolates intake as the major concern in many issues today. So, choose the best pediatric dentist is highly advisable and you can even get easy online appointments like from paediatric dentist singapore.

dentist singapore

Let’s see how pediatric dentists will be kids friendly in providing treatment;

Most of the dental clinics looks much hygiene and clean to attract number of people visit all at the end of the day. If the dentist belongs to pediatric department, the clinic will look something more different.  You could see these clinics look like a smart toy store and filled up with comic books that fascinate the interest of kids visit without any fear. The key intention of the pediatric dentists are they want the kid should not feel frightened to visit the clinic and for checkup or treatment basis. So, these dentists want to change the opinion of both parents and kids to visit such dental clinics very casually and it should be like a favorite place visit. These dentists even treat the kids in a very friendly manner like their best friend and does the treatment without making them feel painful at any cost. This is how the pediatric dentists work out on the whole.


Generally today pediatric dentistry is well known to the people. The dentists provide affordable services to the kids especially in this field actually.  Followed by, you could approach them both online and offline to make regular appointments and you will be allocated with respective time to have an appointment to avoid waiting.


Benefits Of Clinic Management System

The clinical myopia management system has been developed to manage hospitals and clinics more effectively. This program contains all the requirements to make it a potential commodity that can be used in hospitals. Digitally helps manage clinics without paperwork. Doctors, patients, and all other facilities of the clinic are kept in its database. Thus, what happens is a participating hospital.

In the hospital management system, good ideas are provided to ensure proper care of all aspects of clinic management. Whether it comes to maintaining clinical knowledge, creating patient reports, and billing requirements, everything is tailored to the program in use. Therefore, matters remain very transparent to patients, doctors, and other clinic professionals.

This program guarantees more exceptional patient care and makes it easy for doctors to finish treatment. What happens is that treatment occurs promptly, which leads to better patient care. Doctors no longer have to wait for the revenue exchange to start treating their patients. After that, treatment begins immediately without delay. There so many benefits of having a good and proper clinical myopia management.

myopia management

All of the clinic’s nursing facilities are known to patients who come to treatment on the nursing management system. This program works appropriately and knows all the activities that are summarized to ensure the excellent performance of the hospital. It serves as a great platform to bring all hospital systems under one umbrella. Therefore, all activity remains known to patients and clinic visitors.

This warehouse maintains a good patient history and reduces care. What is happening is that the doctors are starting to care more about the patients as there are no problems with the billing part. Doctors remain present and care only for patients to ensure that no patient is current without supervision. It puts an end to the discontent caused by the absence of doctors.

The multiple options offered by this program make things look exceptionally simple and decent. It much attracts patients and doctors. There are no gaps left, and people find it seemingly easy to understand hospital operations.

Clinic management and patient care go hand in hand. This program brings appointments, medications, admission, attendance, care, and treatment to patients. This is why hospitals are starting to ratify this program because they find it necessary for their operations. The clinic management system is applauded and works excellent for clinics and hospitals.

This system works in a smooth way to help all clinic operations to finish quickly. The tool provides all possibilities to make the hospital function smoothly. Clinical services are facilitated, and there are no defects. Therefore, there is every reason why this platform works interestingly to make hospitals run more smoothly and quickly. All answers to hospital-related inquiries can be found here.

Try to understand how the supplements will work in your body by identifying the benefits

Try to understand how the supplements will work in your body by identifying the benefits

The molecular composition of the products should be taken into consideration by the customers before they start using the supplements. The condensation reaction can be identified in the neurons so you should know about the active compounds in the cannabis. If you want to know about the benefits then you should try to understand how the Anandamide (AEA) supplements will work in your body. The receptors like the CB1 and CB2 will interact with the anandamide in the peripheral nervous system. You can find an increased level of happiness if there is an increase in the anandamide levels. The working memory capacity can be increased which is considered as the beauty of the anandamide supplements. It is possible to find a notable improvement in your memory based on the studies of the anandamide supplements.

Try to reduce crazy cravings:

If you prefer to use the anandamide pills then you can stay focused on your studies or work. You must ensure to have your appetite in control if you are interested in maintaining a regular diet. The appetite cycles can be regulated effectively which is one of the best benefits with the anandamide supplements. If you want to reduce your crazy cravings and hunger pangs the this Anandamide (AEA) supplements are one of the best options for the individuals who are planning to lose weight can decide to have one portion in a day.

Anandamide (AEA)

If you have some constant stressful situations in your life then it is better to practice the relaxation. The people who are suffering from thalidomide deficiency then you can try to make some changes in your life. The scientists have found that the main reason for stress is due to the decrease in the CB1 receptors.

Nourish your body with fatty acids:

You can definitely overcome your health issues in the coming future if you try to provide proper exercise for your body. If you want to improve the memory capacity then it is important to maintain the required anandamide levels in your body. The individuals who want to stimulate their endocannabinoid system can prefer to consume the CBD. It is possible to enhance the activity of the endocannabinoid if you nourish your body with the required fatty acids. If you have the required anandamide levels in your body then you can ensure to have successful ovulation. The CB1 and anandamide supplements will play a key role in the ovulation in order to perform the implantation. The supplements are very useful in order to reverse the autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. If you are feeling depressed then you can try to nourish the anandamide levels in your body. The anandamide supplements are very useful to regulate the feelings like fear, anxiety and happiness in your body. The endocannabinoid system which is present in your body will help you to easily regulate your moods.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders: Types, Symptoms, and Prevention

Occasional anxiety is part of life and a normal condition. However, if you have a frequent anxiety disorder such as being persistently worried, intense, and excessively worried about everyday happenings, you need medical assistance. Most Irvine anxiety experts advise that you should manage your anxiety early before it interferes with your daily life or causes panic. Often anxiety comes with repeated feelings of intense terror, or fear which can result in panic attacks.

When your anxiety gets out of control, you can be in actual danger. Symptoms can start in your childhood and persist to adulthood.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorder is basically a collection of different other disorders such as:

Panic disorder – feelings of terror that come randomly. During a panic attack, you can have chest pain, sweat, or feel irregular and unusually strong heartbeats. Sometimes you feel like you have a heart attack or are choking.

Social anxiety disorder – it’s a social phobia that comes with overwhelming self-consciousness and worries concerning your everyday social situations. You can fixate about being ridiculed, embarrassed, or being judged by others.

Specific phobias – intense fear regarding a situation or object like flying, or heights. This phobia makes you avoid certain situations.

Generalized anxiety disorder – feeling unrealistic worry, excessive tension with no reason, or little reason.

Anxiety Disorders

Separation anxiety disorder – characterized by developmental level problems in childhood because of divorce or parents separating.

Substance-induced anxiety disorder – characterized by panic or intense anxiety due to misuse of drugs, drug withdrawal effects, exposure to toxic substances, or medications you are taking.

Causes of Anxiety:

Causes are not fully known. Some anxiety is due to life experiences like traumatic events or inherited traits. An underlying medical condition can cause anxiety. For instance, an illness such as diabetes, heart disease, thyroid problem, a rare tumor, chronic pain, drug withdrawal or misuse, withdrawal from anti-anxiety medications, and respiratory disorders like asthma. Sometimes it can be due to medication side effects.

Symptoms of Anxiety:

All types of anxiety disorders have these general symptoms:

1. Sleep problems

2. Short of breath

3. Fear, panic, and uneasiness

4. Inability to stay still or calm

5. Nausea

6. Sweaty, cold, tingling and numb hands

7. Irregular heartbeats

8. Dizziness

9. Nervousness, tense or restlessness

10. Trouble thinking or concentrating on anything other than your worry

11. Gastrointestinal problems

12. Feeling tired or weak

13. Anxiety Risk Factors

Risk factors can increase your chances of suffering from an anxiety disorder. These risk factors include:

Stress buildup – something that happened in your life that triggers stress of excessive anxiety like work stress, worry about finances, or death in your family.

Personality – certain personality types are prone to experience anxiety disorders.

Trauma – enduring abuse in childhood or witnessing a traumatic event puts at risk.

Stress caused by an illness – a health condition or a serious illness leads to excessive worry about your situation like what the future holds and treatment.

Mental health disorders – mental disorders like depression often lead to anxiety disorders.

Alcohol and drugs – misuse of drugs or alcohol leading to withdrawal symptoms cause or worsens anxiety.

Hereditary – having family members suffering from anxiety means you can suffer from anxiety risk factors if it runs in your family.

Prevention of Anxiety

It’s difficult to predict what will cause you to have an anxiety disorder. However, you can take steps to lower the impact of the symptoms when you feel anxious. The steps include:

Staying Active

Take part in activities that give you joy and make you happy. Cultivate caring relationships and enjoy social interaction to lessen your worry.

Get Help Early

Anxiety is difficult to treat if you delay. So, like mental health conditions, you should get help early. By consulting a specialist doctor.

Avoid Drug or Alcohol Abuse

Abusing drugs and alcohol will worsen your anxiety disorder. Quit addictive substances that make you anxious. You can seek professional help like joining a support group or consulting your doctor.


Anxiety can be managed if detected early. Watch out for the symptoms and risk factors. Manage your life situations more effectively. Consult your doctor for advice on how to overcome your anxiety.

Cosmetic Surgery

Understanding Reconstructive Cosmetic Surgery

We all dread accidents, but some will always be inevitable. These accidents could expose us to various injuries and deformities. Some people are also born with such problems. From treatment to the need for reconstruction, we will always need a reliable medical expert. It is at this point that you might want to consider the Fort Worth cosmetic surgeon.  

As mentioned earlier, these accidents will often make us vulnerable to various deformities. Whether facial or on the body, they could cause us emotional and mental turmoil. Reconstructive surgery will be the right solution for you at this point. Here are a few things that you might want to learn.

Let’s start with the basic

Reconstructive surgery is a procedure whose aim is to restore both the normal appearance and function of particular body parts. It is ideally restorative. It will come in handy in correcting different deformities, including those attained at birth and those resulting from accidents. Here are the most common types you should keep in mind.

Cosmetic Surgery

Types of reconstructive surgery

Cleft lip and palate repair

This condition is one of the most common ones among children, which results from genetic disorders. With this condition, the child finds it difficult to open their mouth, whether they need to speak or eat. This surgery will be essential in restoring the normal function of the mouth without necessarily too much scarring.

Breast reconstruction

Indeed, some people will suffer from imbalanced, shapeless, or abnormally-sized breasts. In such instances, the breast will need to undergo reconstruction, such that the patient gets the shape that they so need. Some people might consider this procedure after mastectomy. However, for such cases, the doctor will need to approve beforehand. This surgery helps in restoring the natural appearance of your breasts and even cushion you against further health complications.

Skin Cancer Removal

When the skin becomes vulnerable to cancer, there will always be a need to remove any cancerous growth. The doctor will aim at removing these growths, including lesions, using specialized technology. This way, you will be confident of a naturally-glowing skin. It will be hard for anyone to know that there has been anything on the skin after the procedure.

Wound care

For instance, if someone became a victim of fire today, they will end up with various scars on the skin. This reconstructive surgery will come in handy in ensuring that the problem does not affect you much. Mostly, they will treat the scar and even carry out grafting whenever necessary. This move ensures that you enjoy your normal function.

The types of procedures mentioned above are not exhaustive. Experts will always find a way to correct different deformities, depending on the severity of the condition. What matters the most is how careful you are when selecting them. Ensure that you pick experienced as well as licensed professionals. It is through this that you will be confident of getting the ultimate results and avoid further health issues. How about you visit Polavarapu Plastic Surgery and get the help you need? 

Uptown Psych

What you need to know about Uptown Psych Uptown, Chicago, IL

If you need care for post traumatic stress disorder in Chicago, you should consider visiting Uptown Psych in Uptown, Chicago. At the center, you are assured of quality care from the available team using advanced medical equipment and knowledge in medicine.

This is what you need to know about Uptown Psych before your first and subsequent visits.

About Uptown Psych:

Since its establishment in 2011, Uptown Psych has been committed to delivering evidence-based mental health services.  The practice serves the Chicago metropolitan area and its environs with the help of certified psychologists and psychiatrists. The team on the ground uses diverse skills in the provision of highly customized treatment plans for patients of all ages.

You can visit Uptown Psych for the best results if you or your loved one is suffering from mental health conditions. For adults, adolescents, or children, you can get help for ADHD, major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, addiction, and anxiety spectrum disorders.

At the center, you will meet a team that comprehends different mental health issues and episodes that require immediate medical attention. Often, your appointment can be booked for the same week, ensuring that you gain direct access to treatment as you need it. Uptown Psych creates an environment in which all patients are appreciated and welcomed.

Uptown Psych

Who Can I Schedule to Meet at Uptown Psych?

At Uptown Psych, you can meet;

A Psychiatrist- A psychiatrist specializes in the branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, deterrence, scrutiny, and treatment of mental disorders. Unlike a psychologist, the psychiatrist puts you under evaluation to determine whether your symptoms are strictly psychiatric, a result of or physical ailments, or a combination of mental and physical illnesses.

A Psychologist- Psychologists are mental health professionals that evaluate and study mental processes and behavior. Each psychologist at Uptown Psych has attained more than a degree in Psychology to ensure that your needs are well taken care of.

A Therapist- A therapist specializes in therapy with a particular focus on treatment methods and rehabilitation for mentally challenged patients. At Uptown Psych, you will meet therapists that are conversant with the use of surgery and drugs to rectify mental challenges.

Benefits of Visiting:

Specialized Care- the team available at Uptown Psych focuses on delivering highly personalized medical attention for each patient. The customized treatment plan ensures that all individual differences are considered before, during, and after treatment.

Uptown Psych is in your Neighborhood- Uptown Psych delivers quality healthcare services for patients in the Chicago Metropolitan and its environs. You can schedule an appointment and get quality care within the week.

Different Modes of Payment- At Uptown Psych, you can make payments for your telehealth or a physical appointment using the accepted insurance plans. You can call the practice to learn more about the acceptable insurance plans at Uptown Psych.

When Can I Visit Uptown Psych?

The office hours of Uptown Psych are;

1. Monday- Thursday-8:00 am – 8:00 pm

2. Friday- 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

3. Saturday- 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

4. Sunday- Closed

What is the Location of Uptown Psych?

Uptown Psych is located at;

4753 N. Broadway, Suite 900,910 & 925, Uptown, Chicago, IL 60640

Available Services:

You can visit Uptown Psych for;

1. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

2. Addiction

3. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

4. Obsessive-compulsive disorder

5. Anger management

6. Pharmacotherapy

7. Post-traumatic stress disorder

8. Anxiety

9. Autism

10. Psychotherapy

11. Bipolar disorder

12. Cognitive-behavioral therapy

13. Depression

14. Schizophrenia

15. Sleep problems

16. Eating disorder

17. Telemedicine

18. Major depression

19. Suboxone

To get long-lasting solutions to your psychiatric challenges, you should call Uptown Psych, book an appointment online, or receive quality telemedicine.