is caffeine safe for consumption

Impact Of Caffeine – How Much Will Be Too Much For You?

Caffeine is the stimulant and one highly used drug across the world. Daily, billions of people consume this drug to alleviate fatigue, increase wakefulness, and improve focus and concentration. Amid any controversy and myths on how much caffeine is too much, evidence recommends that the moderate coffee consumption will bring both the benefits and the potential risks. But, the high caffeine consumption might not be very healthful. Additionally, trend of adding more caffeine to the drinks or snacks that don’t naturally have it has raised many apprehensions. Caffeine has got its perks, and can pose problems as well. Let us know how much of caffeine is good and if you want to curb your daily intake.

How much amount is safe for consumption?

Around 400 mgs of caffeine daily appears to be very safe for many healthy adults. That is an amount in 4 cups of the brewed coffee, 10 cola cans and 2 “energy shot” drinks. Remember that actual content of caffeine in beverages differs widely, particularly among the energy drinks. Even though use of caffeine might be safe for the adults, it is not the good idea for kids. Adolescents must limit their caffeine consumption and avoid mixing of caffeine with any other substances, like alcohol or snacks. It is very important to know how caffeine works and how it can impact your daily routine life.

Even among the adults, high caffeine use will cause some unpleasant side effects. Caffeine might not be the good choice for the people who are sensitive to its ill effects and who take medications. Pregnant women and breastfeeding mother must talk to their doctors regarding use of caffeine.

Common Sources

Caffeine naturally occurs in leaves, seeds and fruit of over 60 plant species, which includes:

  • Tea leaves & buds
  • Coffee beans
  • Cacao beans
  • Dola nuts
  • Yerba mate leaf
  • Guarana seeds

Caffeine in plants also acts as the natural pesticide and it paralyzes or kills insects that try to feed on it.

energy boosting caffeine

Food sources

The caffeine features in chocolate, coffee, and tea, and is added regularly to jelly beans, gum, water, waffles, marshmallows, sunflower seeds, syrup, and snacks. FDA recommends that the healthy adults limit of the caffeine intake to the maximum of 400 mg per day, around four or five cups of coffee. And this amount isn’t associated with the negative effects.

Does caffeine has any benefits?

Caffeine might have certain health benefits, however not all of them are confirmed by the research.

  • Weight loss

Caffeine can boost weight loss and prevent weight gain, by: Stimulating thermogenesis, and your body generates more energy and heat from digesting food and Suppressing your appetite and reducing your desire to eat

  • Migraine headache
  • Nervousness
  • Insomnia
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Stomach upset
  • Frequent urination and inability to control urination
  • Muscle tremors
  • Fast heartbeat

Even a small amount can make you jittery

Final thoughts

Some people are quite sensitive to caffeine compared to others. Suppose you are susceptible to any effects of caffeine, only small amounts —1 cup of tea or coffee —might prompt unwanted effects, like restlessness or sleep problems.

How has infertility evolved over the years and are we ready to face it?

Right now you are on the verge to take the most important decision of your life. Fertility health is slightly complex to understand given that you cannot see or feel it. This main reason why infertility is considered as a condition rather than a disease. You will have any health ailments when you are infertile. There is no temperature, cough or even a slightest of the pain which can actually be the symptoms of infertility but there is nothing. Infertility is a condition by which you lose the ability to fertilize and reproduce. Let us not get into scientific terminologies but it is, in fact, the way how we look at infertility.

Infertility has become a very common phenomenon and hence is the treatment for it. India is famous for medical journalism and the kind of medical technologies we bring in is massive. With respect to infertility, India is the second home for infertility treatments. The success rates are higher in Indian than any other foreign country for that matter. Cities like Mumbai and Delhi lead the chart for the expertise. So let us deep dive a little and what makes hospitals provide the best IVF treatment in Mumbai. The main reason for this is the technology. Technology is the breakthrough for any IVF treatment. The complexities by which people become infertility are becoming significant that a normal technology or a test will not be able to give a valid reason. This is why there are very few centers which stand out from the rest of the hospitals. The next important thing that we need to look into is the expertise of the doctors itself.

Doctors from some of the best fertility clinic in Bangalore are fighting it day and night to solve the problems of couples. For a city like Bangalore which is also called as the IT hub or the silicon valley of India, there are a lot of young people who are facing infertility issues and the primary reason is work stress. There is a fear of failure with everyone and long working hours and the nature of work is adding more pain.

There is a significant increase in the number of infertility cases over the years. Many young men and women are falling a prey to this. Even couples who have had a successful first child naturally are becoming infertile by a condition called as secondary infertility. There are a lot of women who are being diagnosed by PCOD and fibroids and it is very painful to see them fight such odds at an early stage of their life. We urge people to follow a healthy lifestyle rather than worry about other temporary things in life.

Catch the best fitness training through Celebrity Fitness in Indonesia

Having a well balanced diet is indefinitely enough to achieve an optimum healthy body. You should also need a thorough physical exercise to broaden your muscular aspects and your cardiovascular ability as well. Physical fitness helps your body to achieve normal blood pressure and cholesterol level.  Aside from good blood pressure, it also helps your body to achieve a proper weight and to avoid osteoporosis.  To do this, try finding the best fitness center for you in Indonesia which is Celebrity Fitness.

About Celebrity Fitness

This fitness center mainly focuses in achieving the best version of you through fitness programs in a very enjoyable and fun environment. They offer programs which help an individual in achieving toned and healthy body. All of their fitness clubs are well-equipped together with their StarMakers staff in helping you in working out your body.

It is the best fitness center for you in Indonesia where you can enjoy while achieving a healthy body. Aside from helping you in physical fitness, they also build boundless confidence which give additional trait in building the best version of you.

Programs offered in Celebrity Fitness

The programs in Celebrity Fitness are flexible. If you wish to have it alone, so be it. If you want a group classes, they also offer group classes which you will learn at the same time you mingle with other teammates.

If you’re serious enough in transforming yourself, you can ask for personal training. The fitness center will provide a personal trainer who will help you in achieving your goals. The trainers will conduct a broad fitness plan which is exclusively made for you.

In personal training, they offer various packages such as; slim and shape, purmotion, MMA and Self-defense, Muscle growth, Wellness and Core, Strength and Toning, Fitness and Weight loss and Pilates. In all of these services offered, you will be accompanied by a experienced trainer. This physical fitness activities aims to broaden your muscular capability as well as your inner health.

If you don’t find yourself being alone, the fitness center strongly recommends you to involve in group fitness training. This group fitness training is generally composed of group of members together with the StarMaker trainers. The classes are non-stop and the workouts are pleasurable.

The services offered under group fitness training are; yoga, dance, cycling, functional fitness, Les Mills and other group workouts. These training are under with professional and well-trained trainers, all trainers undergo massive training in order to teach or guide future body fitness members in achieving their dream body.


If you’re looking for a best gym wherein you can enjoy while working out, try the Celebrity Fitness Gym.  They have branches around the world like in Indonesia, Malaysia and in Philippines. They assure that every milestone in achieving your desired body is memorable. Aside from that, they offer fun yet energetic environment while doing your physical fitness training.

If you’re interested to join the club, check their link here.

Reston VA dentist

3 Signs That it’s Time to Look for Another Dentist

Going to the dentist’s office is already an ordeal for many of us, but it’s even worse when you have to deal with the prospect of receiving sub-par service. Fortunately, there are some clear signs that you can spot when you’re either looking for a dentist for the first time or if you aren’t getting the best service from your current one. Here are some of the clear tell-tale signs that you should consider working with someone else for your next intervention.

The Office in Question isn’t Asking for Your Old Records

One of the first things that should be asked of you when visiting a new dentist is your old dental records. A lot of dental issues need some follow up and you also have to be able to recognize progression in some cases. Your dentist should be able to have some history on your dentition so they can track possible issues. They should also ask for your most recent x-rays as well. But they should also ask when was the last time you had your x-rays done and if it was within the last six months. You shouldn’t get x-rays done on your teeth more than once every two years since it exposes you to too much radiation with no benefits to your dentition, so make sure you look out for that.

Royalty Free Photo

Their Technology is Outdated

Speaking of x-rays, before you decide to work with a Reston VA dentist, make sure they’re using state of the art technology. Digital x-rays expose you to much less radiation and are much more accurate than old fashion ones as well. As a matter of fact, there are some cavities that simply cannot be detected with film. However, don’t expect that newer technology is always better; cone beam x-ray, while being new, will expose you to much more radiation than a traditional x-ray. So, make sure your dentist is using the latest, and safest, methods as well.

They’re Always Trying to Upsell You on Something

If the dentist you’re working with always seem to have something new for you to get done, beware. One of these examples is deep teeth cleaning, or root planing, as it is often referred to. While on the surface getting a deeper clean always seems like a good idea, these are usually for people who have a long history of periodontal disease or gum infections. Not only that, but theses extra might not even be covered by your insurance. Deep teeth cleaning, for instance, is not covered by all insurance policies and can easily cost you up to $800 or more, so be careful. You also have to watch out for any new dentist who is adamant about you switching your fillings, getting fluoride treatments, veneers, sealants or root canals for no reason.

Finding a good dentist is not always easy, but when you do, they often end up following you for a lifetime. So, make sure you choose wisely and find one that fits your needs and has your best interest at heart.

Is it really necessary to use a pregnancy calendar?

In case if you are going to become pregnant or have become pregnant, then the calendar for pregnancy would help you keep track on the health of the developing baby. They can assist you from the time of conception till the point you have gone on to give birth. A week by week pregnancy guide would also educate you about the various trends of pregnancy.

Of the pregnancy calendar the ovulation calendar does work out to be the first type of calendar. With the help of this calendar you can figure out which are the fertile days. It would be better to pinpoint these days when you are planning to become pregnant as these days could be very beneficial if you are planning to conceive.

The moment you do become pregnant you can work on the commonly used pregnancy calendars and that works out to be a weekly calendar. A weekly tracker is put in place, so it does become easy to figure out what happens on a weekly or daily basis throughout the course of your pregnancy. A list of important dates like your due date and when you need to visit your doctor are also mentioned in this calendar.

Just remember that there are few points to keep in mind when you are using a pregnancy due date calculator. First at foremost it tends to differ between boys and girls. For sure this is going to cause variations in the calendar once the boy grows. It is because of this reason most of the calendars work on an average and this would irrespective of the way what sex of the baby happens to be. Secondly at the same time the reaction of women tend to vary considerably when you are pregnant. It is not necessary that each woman would have morning sickness or nausea as per the calendar.

When it comes to the symptoms like morning sickness or nausea, the calendar will not be able to predict the exact time or date it is going to occur. But they can guide you on what is the standard protocol when it comes to a typical pregnancy. Here you can figure out the date when it is about to start and when it will end. The doctor is in a better position to guide you of anything specifics that may relate to your situation. If you experience any symptoms that are not on the calendar it does make sense to consult your doctor. The key during pregnancy is to be well informed and a pregnancy calendar goes a long way to achieve this. You are in a position to track down the development of a baby and when you are using it frequently during pregnancy you can take down notes as well.

When you use your pregnancy calendar you can rectify any questions or concerns that may bother you. It is suggested that if you have any concern it is better to consult your doctor.

Quick tips on Choosing the right Gynaecologists

Whether you are facing some problems with your reproductive system or heavy bleeding and intense cramps have become a part of your life then don’t just ignore them or survive on temporary medicines but consult with a gynaecologist to who would note down all the possible concerns your have been facing and provide you with the right solution. Also, understand the fact that even if you are perfectly fine, it is important that you do routine check-ups and see to it that your reproductive organs are working fine. This way you can stay fit and healthy in long run without any kind of problem.

The need of a Gynaecologists:

One of the well known institute of obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommended that young women can may have to visit the Gynaecologists between the age of 13 to 15 years. It does not matter what the age specifically is, in order to make sure your reproductive system is working all fine and your intimate health issues are well taken care, it is only a Gynaecologists who can be helpful. But again, when it comes to choosing the right type of expert you are of course likely to face some problem and that is the time when you can look for the tops given ahead.

Choosing the right Gynaecologists:

Whether you are looking for the Gynaecologists in Gurgaon or in any other area, the right way to tell if the expert is worth is by asking the people who have previously opted for their service. Be it is the primary care provider, relative or even your friend, it is important for you to teach them and get the best recommendations.

Once you have the list of recommended Gynaecologists in your hand, your next job is to heck out the doctor’s review and ensure that they are written by the genuine one. Generally reviews that are based on working culture, ease of appointment scheduling and even the trustworthiness or staffing needs to be taken on high priority

You need to also make sure that the person whom you are searching for has got credential. You need to look for the bio of the doctor on the similar website where reviews are being presented. This way, look for the educational background, experience , hospitals affiliated with and specialities which they have specialties and so on.

Cost is another important thing to be considered when it comes to selecting a doctor. If the expert is out of the network then it is important to understand that you would have to pay from your own pockets and that can be a costly affair. That is why, it is important that you check with the insurance plan at the beginning of your search note down which gynaecologists in your area is a part of the network.

Of course, more importantly, it is important that you choose the expert with whom you are extremely comfortable working with. So make a note of choosing the right expert and who can work as the best guide for you.

The amazing connection between the Gut, the Brain, and the Skin will blow your mind

Don’t be surprised If you are hearing about the connection of gut, brain, and skin for the first time. As surprising as it might sound, they do have a connection. In our teenage, we face a lot of breakout in the skin. Those are caused by many problems including stress, food habit and all. We have been unstoppable in those years about our food habit and taking care of the lifestyle that we chose.

At some point, you may have pondered that how some much matures ladies get so much glow. That’s because of their well-maintained lifestyle. Though it is not true for everyone. So here is some discussion on how the gut, brain skin affect each other.

The gut-brain connection:

If you notice your digestion carefully, then you will know that the gut has some connection with the brain. People often complain that they get gassy when they are too much stressed. Our gastrointestinal tract is innervated with lots of nerves. These all make a nervous system called the enteric nervous system. It makes it the second brain that is very likely to react to emotional and mental threats.

So this proves that the gut has a connection with the brain. If you try to maintain a stress-free life and provide good food for the gut then it will completely fine.

How the gut and brain affect the skin:

Happy gut gives a happy body it is known to us all. But we did not know that happy gut helps our skin immensely. If you are overeating oily food, you more are likely to see that you have a pimple in your mature age. There are many skin diseases like psoriasis and dermatitis that attacks the skin when patients take animal fats or something allergic.

Those patients get a cure in healthy but not in the best steroids. Also when our brain is stressed so much, then we cannot keep our skin glow. It becomes dull and damaged with scars of acne.

Leaky Gut Syndrom:

When too much stress and toxins come into our life, we suffer from the problem called leaky gut. Leaky gut is a condition of the gut when it becomes so sensitive to foods and cannot take out the nutrition of food. For a poor lifestyle and unhealthy diet, some of us suffer from it. We feel bloated all the time, gain a lot of weight and fatigue is our best friend for all time when we have a leaky gut.

An easy way to good gut health:

Rich probiotics are an excellent solution for this. There are a lot of probiotic medicines out there. But eating kimchi, yogurt and miso can give you a better solution. Also eat foods that are high in omega three fatty acid like salmons, walnuts and chia seeds which helps immensely with inflammation.

Foods that are high in vitamin b6 are great for healing leaky gut. Bananas, eggs, legumes, and grains are a good source for this.  Prebiotics like garlic and unripe bananas will help as well.

Lower the stress of the brain:

After all these businesses in life, it is not that easy to maintain everything. Taking some 30 minutes for a peaceful walk will help your mind and body together. Do not feel stressed if you are going through any change in life or problem in the job. Take it easy on yourself. Everyone has issues in life. Brave people can face it.

Sleep as much as you need to maintain your mental and physical health. Sleeping gives a good rest to our brain and boosts both the brain skin and the gut as well. After a sound sleep, we can function better with any challenge.


We tried to show you the connection that the skin has with brain and gut. Do not take steroids if you have a chronic skin disease. Our skin gets affected so much because of it. Healthy lifestyle is a must to get a happy gut and radiant skin.

3 Ways your Addiction is Hurting your Oral Health

In today’s world, one of the biggest epidemics known to man is the drug addiction. 72,000 deaths, in just America alone, were caused by addictions to drugs or alcohol. This is a very serious problem. Knowing this, using drugs also affects every part of the human anatomy, including someone’s dental. Let’s begin to explore how using drugs can be bad for the health of one’s teeth.

Cotton Mouth

“Cotton Mouth” is the term used to describe the effect of having a dry mouth after using certain drugs. The question may arise, what does dry mouth have to do with teeth? Dry mouth happens when the normal flow of saliva to the mouth is reduced, which increases the risk of tooth decay in a person’s mouth significantly. The reason behind this is that saliva reduces the population of bacteria in the mouth, neutralizes decay causing acid, and is crucial for the tooth’s repairing of enamel process. Most drugs used today cause dry mouth.


Of all the drugs used today, the opioid epidemic is by far the worst. Here is a bullet list of some of the consequences of using opioids:

  • Tooth loss, or tooth extractions
  • Tooth decay
  • Salivary hypofunction
  • Burning mouth
  • Taste impairment
  • Eating difficulties
  • Gingivitis

These are a just a few of the dangerous aftermath of using opiates on someone’s teeth. In addition, opiate users tend to drift more toward sweet foods for the cravings, and this also increases the probability of tooth decay. This drug also causes “cotton mouth”. For additional information check out NCBI.

Stimulants: Meth and Cocaine

Also, on the list of very bad for teeth are the drugs meth, cocaine, and related stimulants. Using any one of these drugs has very bad effects on dental hygiene. For one cocaine is very acidic. So when this acid comes in contact with teeth it breaks down the enamel of the tooth. The most common cocaine used is crack cocaine. What makes crack cocaine equally as harmful is the fact that it is absorbed in the gums of the mouth, which leads to very nasty mouth sores. Cocaine also cause a malfunction of the jaw which leads to individuals grinding their teeth. Amphetamines, on the other hand, also cause users to grind their teeth, which leads to teeth being cracked. Also, these stimulants cause dehydration, which isn’t good for a tooth’s enamel. The grinding not only causes teeth to be cracked, but also makes the tooth very sensitive. This drug also causes “cotton mouth”.


Just smoking weed? Pot can also be very harmful for someone’s teeth. Smoking weed can lead to someone developing cancer in their mouth. This drug also causes “cotton mouth”, which can cause the enamel of the teeth to degrade. Ultimately, pot has the potential to more harm than good in the wrong.

Today’s society will have someone to believe that drugs are a way of life. And for some people that may be true. All in all, understanding the negative affects drugs can have on someone’s health should make anyone think twice before going down a path doomed to fail. If someone has already started, they may want to look into day night addiction treatment.

5 Common Misconceptions about Getting a Vasectomy

Vasectomy is a simple surgical procedure that gives permanent protection against pregnancy. In this procedure, a doctor will block the small tubes, vas deferens, present in your scrotum for good or cut them so that they can’t carry sperm.It’s also referred to as male sterilization.

Vasectomy procedure is of two types: the incision method and the no-cut or no-scalpel method. No matter which method you choose, the procedure is permanent and you can’t undo it down the road, if you change your mind. So, make sure you’re a 100% sure before making this decision.Treasure Valley Family Medicine has good information on the topic.

There are various prevalent misconceptions about vasectomy, which is why many males avoid going for the procedure. Let’s debunk those myths and explore the facts:

Myth#1: The Procedure Is Extremely Painful

When you hear about vasectomy, the first thought to pop-up in your mind may be that it’s extremely painful. It’s common for people to think like that since the procedure is performed on a delicate body part.

However, vasectomy is almost painless since you’ll be sedated prior to the surgery. Furthermore, the recovery procedure isn’t that bad because the doctor will prescribe medicines for relief. You just need to take rest to speed up recovery.

Myth#2: It Has Lasting Side-Effects

It’s another common myth that vasectomy involves unusual and painful side-effects. However, the side-effects of the procedure are same as other surgical procedures.

You may experience pain and swelling at the incision area, but there’s nothing to worry about. Just make sure you take prescribed medicines on time to quickly recover and continue with your routine life.

Myth#3: It Negatively Affects Sexual Performance

If you’re worried that vasectomy will negatively influence your sexual performance, then there’s nothing to worry about. The only purpose of this surgery is to prevent pregnancy and it doesn’t have any effect on erection or your sexual performance. You can consult your doctor to discuss permanent male contraception solutions.

Myth#4: You Need to Submit Semen Samples Every Day

You need to provide a semen sample a few months after surgery, but there’s no need to do this on a regular basis.

Your doctor will ask you to submit this sample so that they can make sure that the procedure was successful and you aren’t fertile anymore. For this purpose, they will check whether sperm is present in your semen.

Myth#5: Vasectomy is an Irreversible Procedure

While there’s no doubt that vasectomy is a permanent procedure, it doesn’t mean that it’s irreversible. You can consult your doctor if you want to reverse the procedure. A majority of men who opt for a vasectomy reversal procedure are able to regain their fertility after the surgery.

Only 2-6% of patients go for vasectomy reversal. If you make this decision, choose the services of a doctor who specializes in performing this surgery.

Vasectomy surgery is an effective procedure that permanently blocks sperm from entering your semen. Before you opt for it, discussing this procedure with your doctor will definitely help you make the right decision.

4 Questions You Should Ask Your Dentist

When people think about their overall health, they often see their teeth as secondary for some reason. However, they often fail to realize how important maintaining good oral health is if you want to prevent more serious issues down the line. This is why it’s important to always maintain an healthy dialogue with your dentist and see what can be done to preserve your dental health. Here are some questions you should ask you dentist on your next visit.

Are There Things that I Could Do Personally to Improve My Dental Health?

Nobody has the same dentition and some people might have to deal with issues particular to them. Not everybody will benefit from the generic floss and brush teeth advice. Your dentist should know your teeth pretty well by now and will be able to tell you which type of brush would be best for you, if you need a refresher course on flossing, or if you aren’t brushing your teeth right or often enough. And if you’ve seen some new product being advertised, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor for their advice and if it would be a good solution for you.

Is There Something You Could Do to Improve My Overall Dental Health?

Whether you have a teeth-grinding habit or are dealing with bad breath issues, your doctor is best qualified to guide you towards the proper procedure depending on your situation. However, note that dentists cannot read your mind and see every issue you might have with your teeth until you verbalize them. So, don’t be afraid to discuss issues with your doctor, no matter how minor they might seem at the time.

How Healthy Are My Teeth Exactly?

Know that you can always ask your dental practitioner if they would be willing to take you through a complete dental exam to see if everything is right. People like Southcentre Dental Clinic will be more than happy to give you a thorough examination and recommendations in case they see any kind of anomaly. You should be checking for lumps and bumps where they don’t belong, bone density, especially if you’re dealing with osteoporosis, and signs of teeth grinding among other things. If they see any irregularities, they might be able to guide you towards the proper course of action for your condition.

Is There Anything I Should Consult My Family Doctor About?

Your teeth are often a window into your overall health and many underlying issues you may have can reflect in your teeth. For instance, if you’re suffering from osteoporosis or a vitamin deficiency, then it may have direct repercussions on the state of your oral health. In some cases, your dentist may be able to identify conditions that might be caused by another health issue and help you seek treatment as soon as possible.

These few questions should be able to help you improve your dental and general health over time and make the most out of your next visit to the dentist.