Long Term Effects of Concussion Syndrome

3 min read

Concussions in San Diego are more common than people think. Concussions can result from a wide variety of injuries and not just sports injuries.

More research is being done into the long-term consequences of repetitive concussions or concussion syndrome. The results are startling, to say the least.

The short-term consequences of a concussion can also persist for over a year which proves just how devastating a concussion can be. You can use therapy to treat concussion syndrome but there are no absolute treatments for concussions.

Concussions have a host of long-term effects which should be understood so that more people can receive treatment for their concussions. Such effects include:

Chronic Migraines

A searing headache is a short-term symptom of a concussion. However, sometimes the headache can turn into a long-term migraine that causes you a lot of pain and suffering.

Some of the migraines can be so powerful as to necessitate bed rest and medication. Therefore, if you notice you have chronic headaches, you may be experiencing the long-term effects of a concussion.


Another long-term effect of repeated concussions is that they make you more sensitive to light. Light sensitivity is well-documented by-product of the condition.

Photophobia and light sensitivity in concussion syndrome patients may last for 6 months to a year. Concussions that are a result of powerful blasts such as a bomb explosion may have more solemn consequences.

Depression and Other Mental Health Issues

For people with concussion syndrome, they are at a higher risk of mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and ADHD. These effects of a concussion can last well into a year after the concussion is treated.

The chemical balance in the brain is altered when you experience a concussive injury. The chemical imbalance is what makes concussion syndrome patients at a greater risk of mental health issues.

Signs of such issues will be worse mood regulation, increased irritability and physical outbursts in some cases. If you notice such behavior, you should visit a concussion specialist.

Memory Issues

It is common to suffer short-term memory loss immediately after having a concussion. However, if the memory loss continues a lot longer after the injury, then the concussion may have farther reaching effects.

Concussion syndrome may lead you to have chronic memory issues whose effects can be dire. You are also at a greater risk of contracting diseases such as Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease.

Dizziness and Vertigo

Some patients deal with dizziness and vertigo years after their concussive injuries. It can be very debilitating especially for patients who need proper movement to earn a living such as athletes.

Over 20% of concussion patients suffer from long term dizziness and vertigo. That is a very high number of concussion patients whose lives will never be the same again.

Granted, other factors may contribute to long term dizziness but vertigo is the single most important factor in how long a concussion takes to heal. Vertigo and dizziness are clear signs that the effects of the concussion are still being felt in the body.

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