When to go for an Epidural Steroid Injection

When you develop back pain, this can significantly affect your life. The pain can make you have sleepless nights and walking becomes a challenge. Finding what is causing the pain and how it can be treated becomes your priority. If this description fits you, there is hope in The Woodlands spinal stenosis. Jessen Mukalel MD has been helping the residents of The Woodlands, TX, struggling with chronic back and nerve pain using epidural steroid injections. This treatment method has revolutionized the management of nerve pain all over the world.

How epidural steroid injections help

Epidurals shots contain medication that helps reduce inflammation and pain in your epidural space (the outermost portion of your spinal canal, where the roots of the nerves are found).

You may be shocked at the thought of planting a needle injection in your spine. This emphasizes the need to seek a qualified and experienced provider. A wrong move can make you confined to a wheelchair for the rest of your life.

Jessen Mukalel MD will use X-ray imaging during the procedure to help precisely deliver the correct dose of steroid and anesthetic medication to the area that is giving you pain. Epidural injections can take up to 7 days to work after your injection and remain potent for several months. The medicine fights off inflammation of the nerve roots and soothes your back to give relief from pain.

When Can Epidural Steroid Injections Help?

Epidural injections do not provide relief for all types of back pains. These include pain from strains and sprains. Instead, the injections are designed to help provide relief from pain originating from the nerves at your back. Epidural steroid injections will provide relief against pain for the following conditions:

  •   Spinal stenosis
  •   Bone spurs
  •   Injuries to your spinal nerves, vertebrae, and surrounding tissues
  •   Bulging or herniated discs
  •   Failed back surgery syndrome that is characterized by chronic leg or back pain

Jessen Mukalel MD will start your treatment using conservative treatment methods including physical therapy and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to manage your pain. Epidural steroid injections are high in the hierarchy of nerve pain treatment.

Risks Of Epidural Steroid Injections

Epidural steroid injections have long been used to manage chronic pain. However, there are a few risks linked with the usage of these drugs. Corticosteroid injections have been found to cause infection and nerve damage in a paltry 1% of users. In most of the reported cases, the adverse effects of epidurals emanated from an overdose and not from physician error. Choosing a skilled doctor can help you avoid this problem. Below are the possible side effects of an overdose of corticosteroid medication:

  •   Hair loss
  •   Insomnia
  •   Weakening of muscle, cartilage, and bone
  •   High blood sugar
  •   Thinning of the soft tissue and skin at the injection site
  •   Facial flushing
  •   Fever
  •   Headaches
  •   Hormone imbalance

Proper care and administration of the right amounts of medication are crucial in ensuring the safe use of epidural medication. Visit an experienced physician to help you get relief from nerve pain.

California Center for Reproductive Health: The Complete Guide to Egg Donation

Reproductive health is one of the most sensitive topics in recent times because those people who suffer from issues related to it face not only physical symptoms but also psychological and social problems. The stigma faced by those unable to give birth, one of the reproductive health issues, is particularly surreal. In West Hollywood egg donation is one of the strategies used to fight infertility by EliranMor, MD, and Irene Woo, MD.

Meet Dr.Mor

Dr.Mor is well versed in the field of reproductive health, having received his medical degree from Tel Aviv University – Sackler School of Medicine. He undertook his four-year residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York Methodist Hospital based in Brooklyn. Later on, Dr.Mor finished his fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the University of South California. He is board-confirmed in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology.

Having researched a variety of topics involving reproductive health, Dr.Mor is well specialized in interventions meant to reverse reproductive health issues, e.g., tubal gamete.

Meet Dr. Woo

Dr. Woo graduated with a bachelor’s degree in molecular biology from the University of Pennsylvania and completed at Pennsylvania State University with a medical degree. She did her four-year fellowship in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Woo also completed a three-year fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the University of South California.

Egg freezing is something Dr. Woo has a keen interest in. She encourages young women to freeze their eggs while still in their early reproductive years. Having done extensive research in frozen oocyte embryo transfer, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and oocyte competency in women with reduced ovarian supply.

Interesting facts about Egg Donation

Are you worried about the inability to give birth due to complications with your eggs? Worry no more because Dr. Woo and Dr.Mor are there to help you by obtaining an egg from a young surrogate mother and implanting it in your uterus where sperm from your partner fertilizes it.

Usually, the stimulation for the production of eggs in the surrogate mother is done through injectable medication. At the same time, you undergo uterine preparation for the embryo implant, which will have been fertilized in a lab.

You may require egg donation services if;

  •       You  experience premature menopause
  •       You have reached menopause
  •       You have genetic factors affecting your fertility
  •       You are of advanced age with reduced ovarian reserves
  •       You are gay and want to have children with your partner, usually through gestational surrogacy.

Egg donation guarantees a higher success rate of childbirth compared to other interventions trying to treat infertility. At the California Center for Reproductive Health, safety comes first above everything else when it comes to egg donation. The egg donors also undergo screening to ensure physical, psychological, and genetic issues are eliminated so that you have a healthy baby. Call or book online with the California Center for Reproductive Health to seek this life-changing procedure now!

Other services offered at California Center for Reproductive Health

  •       Egg freezing
  •       Embryo freezing
  •       Gender selection
  •       Mini IVF
  •       Access IVF
  •       Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
  •       Oncofertility
  •       PGS/ PGD
  •       Tubal reversal
  •       Artificial insemination
  •       Sperm extraction
  •       LGBTQ fertility options

The inability to have a child can harm people emotionally and psychologically. Through various treatment options at California Reproductive Health Center, you are guaranteed to receive the optional treatment just right for you. Do not hold back with your reproductive health issues; book online now via the website or through calling the center.

Steroid Epidural Injection for Chronic Pain Management

If you have chronic pain in the neck, the spinal cord, or the legs, your doctor will advise you on the methods of pain management. One of the standard pain management practices for these types of pains includes epidural injections in the affected area. Clinical studies on epidural injections show that the injections help a patient deal with pain, reduce inflammation, and enables one to go back to normal activities. If chronic pain has reduced your quality of life, it could help if you seek an expert in epidural steroid injection in McAllen.

What Is A Steroid Epidural Injection?

Steroid injections include the use of corticosteroids and anesthesia that gives a numbing effect in the painful area. The injection is administered directly to the epidural sac in the spinal cord and can help deal with pain in the spinal region, the neck, and the legs. The epidural sac in the back is located between the protective dural sac, the spinal nerves, and the bony vertebra. The injection helps calm down the nerves, and it reduces inflammation in the affected area. The injection only helps reduce the pain by flushing away the proteins, which cause pain and swelling. Unfortunately, it does not reduce the herniated discs. The epidural injection could deal with pain for a few months or even years. In this time, a patient can recover by incorporating physical therapy and exercise programs that improve their conditions.

Who Can Have An Epidural Injection?

If you have neck, back, and leg pain that does not go away with conventional methods of pain management, an epidural would help improve your condition. Your doctor is likely to recommend epidural injection if you have the following conditions:

  •       Herniated discs

Herniated discs cause rapture of the soft tissues within the disc, which could seep into the spinal area and cause discomfort. Steroid epidural could help reduce the pain and discomfort caused by herniated discs, but unfortunately, it does not reduce the size of the discs.

  •       Spinal stenosis

If your spinal cord has stenosis, it narrows at the spinal canal and the nerve root canal. The narrowing of these parts of the spinal cord could cause back and neck and leg pain when moving, which could reduce your life quality.

  •       Sciatica

Sciatica pain occurs along the sciatic nerve in the legs and buttocks and is caused by the compression of the first spinal nerve or the fifth lumbar bone. An epidural injection can reduce inflammation caused by sciatic pain.

  •       Spondylolisthesis

Spondylolisthesis is a weakness at the upper and lower facets of a vertebra, which could cause forward slipping of the vertebra and compress the nerve roots, thus causing pain. A doctor would recommend epidural steroid injections to deal with spondylolisthesis.

The Bottom Line

If you have chronic pain in the neck, back, or the legs that do not go away with traditional medicine, you should consider trying steroid epidural injections. The injection is administered at the spinal sac directly near the area with pain and is effective in reducing the pain by flushing the proteins that cause inflammation. The injection is an excellent way of dealing with pain while taking other steps such as therapy to deal with underlying issues.

How Can You Prevent Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are large twisted superficial veins in the legs caused by the pooling of blood in the legs due to standing, which puts a lot of pressure on the veins in the legs. Valves and muscles in the legs help to pump blood back to the heart, but in varicose veins, these valves have been damaged in such a way that they are unable to prevent the backflow of blood inside the veins in the legs.

Most people seek treatment for varicose veins because they are worried about their image. Varicose veins can be managed by doing exercises and elevating your legs, or you can get cosmetic vein treatment in Lake Mary to help improve your confidence in your physical appearance. This treatment is safe and will reduce any discomfort that you may be experiencing because of varicose veins.

What Are the Symptoms of Varicose Veins?

Many people with varicose veins rarely have any pain. Varicose veins are more of a cosmetic problem than a medical emergency. The most common symptom of varicose veins is blue or dark enlarged veins in the legs twisted like cords. Other symptoms of varicose veins is feeling like your legs are heavier than before and feeling itchy in the area with varicose veins.

Some people may also experience muscle cramping in the legs and can feel throbbing or burning. The legs may become swollen in people with varicose veins. The area that surrounds the varicose veins may have a different color than the rest of the leg. People who experience pain due to varicose veins can have worse pain when they stand or sit for prolonged periods.

Who Is at Risk of Varicose Veins?

 Old age causes the valves inside the veins to wear and tear, making them unable to prevent blood’s backflow inside the veins. Women are more likely to develop varicose veins during pregnancy and when they have high estrogen levels in the body due to hormonal contraception or hormonal replacement therapy during menopause.

Being overweight puts a lot of pressure on the valves in the legs and can cause them to fail, causing pooling of blood in the legs. Some people are genetically predisposed to getting varicose veins. If you sit or stand for prolonged periods, you are likely to develop varicose veins. Varicose veins can sometimes develop complications like chronic non- healing ulcers in the legs.

These ulcers may get infected and cause the death of tissues in the leg because there is no blood supply to support healing. When the tissues in the leg undergo necrosis, the leg will be amputated. Blood clots may also form inside the veins due to blood stasis, which can be life-threatening if the blood clot is carried to the heart or lung. Sometimes the varicose veins may rupture and bleed.

How Can You Prevent Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins cannot be completely prevented, but there is a way that people who are at high risk of varicose veins to prevent them. The risks can be reduced by weight reduction and by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You should exercise regularly and eat a diet that is low in salt. Avoiding wearing high heels and elevating your legs can also reduce varicose veins. Avoid sitting or standing for prolonged periods.


Varicose veins are large dark bulging veins in the legs caused by the pooling of blood in the legs due to the valves’ failure. Varicose veins rarely cause any pain, but they can present with heaviness in the legs and an itchy feeling. Weight management through exercise and eating a healthy diet while avoiding standing or sitting for prolonged periods can prevent varicose veins’ risk.

Why More Individuals are Leaning Towards CBD Oils

Why More Individuals are Leaning Towards CBD Oils

Modern technology has contributed greatly in helping introduce a variety of innovations that aim to improve the quality of life to a huge number of individuals. One of these innovations can be found in the form of CBD oils that helped introduced a wide variety of health benefits to their users. These types of products have been populating the market place for a number of reasons. Let us take a closer look at CBD oils and the reason for their ever-growing success.

Plethora of Benefits

Many are drawn to CBD oil because of their holistic treatment approach. These products are used to help treat health issues such as anxiety and depression. CBD oils are also known to provide pain and inflammation relief while at the same time, improvehearth health and blood pressure, sleeplessness and many more.

cbd oil toronto

Ideal for All Ages

The use of CBD oil is not limited to adults as these products have also been widely used to treat several conditions in children. Among the list that comes to mind include epilepsy, autism, anxiety, as well as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. There are even CBD products made specifically for pets that can help reduce stress and many more. This in turn makes CBD oil a great treatment option regardless of a person’s age.

Increased Accessibility

It should be noted that CBD oils have become more accessible than ever before. A huge contributing factor to their growth and success is with the help of the internet. Products that revolve around CBD oil Toronto can be easily found online in just a couple of seconds. As a result, buying them has become a breeze as you can simply order these items online and have them delivered straight through your doorsteps. As a result, people are able to buy with little to no problem them regardless of where they are located.

A Worthwhile Investment                                                         

CBD oils can get pretty expensive especially if you buy them repeatedly. With that being said, cost a huge number of individuals are still buying them regardless of their price because of the huge amount of health benefits that they provide to each and every one of their users. As a result, many find the overall benefits to easily outweigh their cost making them a worthwhile purchase.

There are indeed a lot of things that you can look forward to when you decide to get CBD oil for your own. If you are still undecided, you can get in touch with your doctor to ask for their opinions about them. It is also a good idea to talk to the staff of the CBD store that you are interested in to have your questions and doubts cleared.

How to make use of this CBD oil actually

Now a day’s essential oils have occupied great fame among the people.  The key reason is people got experienced mild, moderate to severe side effects with the usage of highly dosage pharmaceutical drugs. This is why people are fascinated by the natural remedies option. Under this category only, there are oils like Infinite CBD which is a great remedy to chronic pain-related health problems.

Forms of CBD oils:

A CBD oil which comes in several ways in terms of usage. Some people use this oil in the most liquid state. And then comes this oil is also found in the form of capsules, creams and it is also can be used in the form of sprays, pastes as well. Moreover, whatever the form of using this oil is, you would experience extraordinary results very soon.

Infinite CBD

But make sure of one thing that every patient those who are prescribed to use this kind of CBD oil like Infinite CBD, it is gradually based on your health issue only. Here, for example, a patient is suffering from some chronic pains or some anxiety or any sleep order like diseases, etc. Then they will be prescribed with a definite form of using this oil.

You know this CBD oil is also used in the form of e-cigarettes to the users who have a habit of smoking.

Some more to know about CBD oil:

  • If you take this CBD oil orally then its working might take about 15 to 30 minutes possibly. Moreover, its effect is seen in almost for more long hours desirably.
  • Do remember that this oil is very complicated and does experience some side effects based on the body’s metabolism of the particular person as there are chances that each person does react most differently. For example, it depends on the person’s weight, diet intake, etc.
  • Even also remind that the different forms of CBD are also consumed through drinks or foods like that daily. Some people use this CBD as chewing gums too. This oil is used as the best source which acts like a cleanser that cleans your digestive tract. Some users do experience it after their first intake of this oil. Some people use CBD oil creams form for the treatment of arthritis-like that.


So, as now discussed how the different forms of using CBD oil and the ingredient CBD is seen. Hope this article is much helpful.

There are 5 Ways Probiotics Can Keep Your Mouth Healthy

6 Ways for Keeping Your Gum Healthy

Much attention is always on our teeth and gums often get missed. In fact, people close to you even can’t tell you if there is something wrong with your gums. Well, they don’t get noticed much. So, you experience symptoms a bit late. Now that you know this you can at least do something about it. Make amends and transform your oral hygiene by following the below mentioned advises.

  1. Flossing

You need to understand that the time of dental filling arrives when plaque starts to settle or gets coated on your tooth and causes decay or a painful cavity. Flossing is one of the finest solutions for preventing plaque around your tooth area. The best thing about practicing flossing is it doesn’t have to be at specific timings. You can do it whenever you want. But do it at least once a day.

  1. Try Dental Cleaning Procedures at a Dentist’s Clinic

Visiting a dentist in early stages when you observe or experience any discomfort orally is a wise call to make. A professional’s help will help you in getting rid of tartar (crusty stains on teeth) through dental cleaning. Early prevention will save you from future costs of treatment and wastage of time.

There are 5 Ways Probiotics Can Keep Your Mouth Healthy

  1. Brushing Twice A Day

Now this is something we all are aware of and also know that it works efficiently. Cleaning teeth twice a day will eradicate the regular bacteria that settles in your mouth near you gums and teeth. Try changing your toothbrush every three to four months due to its wear and tear caused by brushing regularly. Use toothbrushes which have soft bristles to avoid any sort of injuries.

  1. Quit Smoking

Smoking has a double effect. It not only causes gum issues but also diminishes your immune response which can cause difficulties for your body to fight off inflammation around your gums and in the entire body as well. The more you smoke you start losing the ability to get rid of gum infections effectively.

  1. Start Using a Therapeutic Mouthwash

Using a go-to cleansing mouthwash will be like a cherry on the cake. It will give that extra layer of protection from gingivitis, and plaque formation. It might be able to reach food particles and debris which your regulartoothpaste won’t. Additionally, it might slowdown the speed of tartar development. But the again it’s definitely not a substitute to brushing and flossing. All such measures work as an integrative approach.

  1. Using A Fluoride Based Toothpaste

There are many brandsout there which proudly claim having fluoride in their product as a unique selling proposition. In America, ADA approved fluoride-based toothpastes are considered legitimate.

The takeaway here is that practicing one specific thing won’t do the necessary job. It’s better to adopt multiple dental hygiene practices for preventing oral diseases and taking optimal care of mouth. However, if you still have been facing dental issues post using all such measures then it’s better you visit a dentist to take medical advice.

Want credible information on teeth whitening. Read here https://crossroadsdentalarts.com/teeth-whitening/laser-teeth-whitening/

There are 5 Ways Probiotics Can Keep Your Mouth Healthy

There are 5 Ways Probiotics Can Keep Your Mouth Healthy

Probiotics are well known and are now prescribed by nearly every doctor for digestive health. The nutritional supplement is now being considered as a preventive measure for various health reasons. Probotics are nothing but the good bacteria’s that make up our microbiome. But researches have also pointed out that probiotics can help in promoting good dental health as well.

Although FDA still hasn’t approved the usage of probiotics as a beneficiary supplement or for medical use in the cases oral health. But here’s what several researches that have concluded so far:

  1. Prevents Plaque

Several bacteria’s keep lurking inside our mouth daily and some of them even possess the potential of forming a plaque. In a study done in 2016 found that A12, a bacteria which has the power of fighting off a cavity causing bacterium known as Streptococcus mutans. The S mutans was found to increase the acidic levels in the mouth and we all know that can lead to gum diseases. However, A12 stood out as a solution for getting rid of this bacterium.

  1. Bad Breath Encounter

An interesting study concluded that people who took probiotics for three days; 85% experienced a reduction in the presence of a bacteria which leads to bad breath. The study involved 23 people who were given either antimicrobial or placebo or with the probiotic called Streptococcussalivarius. Furthermore, research will make the picture even clearer to understand the potential effectiveness of probiotics in treating and preventing bad breath.

There are 5 Ways Probiotics Can Keep Your Mouth Healthy

  1. Preventing Oral Cancer

Now isn’t that amazing? A study done on rats showcased that rats who were fed probiotics (Lactobacillussalivarius) did reduce the oral cancer in them.

  1. Symptoms Management in Gingivitis

Probiotics in a 2006 study showcased that they can reduce the symptoms of gingivitis. The condition which causes redness around the gums, hypersensitivity, etc.

The people involved in the experiment were kept on a 12-day schedule of probiotics and when they returned, they showed promising results. The ones who received the highest dose of probiotics were the best performers and other notable observation was that it also reduce plaque.

  1. Inflammation Reduction from Gum Disease

Probiotics in general are regarded to be as anti-inflammatory. A decrease in gum disease inflammation was no surprise in this 2007 study. The probiotic given was Lactobacillus bevris. One more study also found that drinking probiotic milk daily reduced inflammation in people with gum diseases.

Are there any possible side effects of Probiotics?

Well, generally all sorts of probiotics are considered safe. However, if you are suffering from HIV then you might need your treating doctors advise. Same goes for children as overdosing may harm them. So, it is crucial to determine their accurate dose. Other than these pregnant women should also ask their doctors to whether to avoid them or take them.


Probiotics without a doubt show tremendous results and FDA should approve them for oral diseases considering the fact that they have given eye opening results in treating systemic inflammation which is considered as one of the root causes of several chronic diseases.

Want to know more about dental cleaning?

Head here then: https://www.inspiredentalwellness.com/deep-dental-cleaning/

Importance of the Medical Detox

Importance of the Medical Detox

If you do not know about drug and alcohol rehabilitation before, then different ideas or preconceptions come to your mind. You might think about what you saw in the TV shows or movies and pictures of the people going through some painful withdrawals. They don’t realize that there are various stages in a treatment process, and the important step is the medical detox.

Medical detox makes sure safety and comfort and is the requirement before an actual rehabilitation. Even though medical detox isn’t needed before the treatment, it can be the good idea.

What’s Medical Detox?

The medical detox is one kind of process where drugs and alcohol are removed safely you’re your body. This procedure is likely used in the conjunction with the medication that will help this process to be more comfortable. It’s conducted in the medical facility with nurses and doctors on site 24 by 7.

Medical Detox

Detox from any substances like benzodiazepines and alcohol will be the dangerous withdrawal procedure and will lead to seizures or cardiac arrest. In the medical detox center, the doctors may administer tapering medication for reducing any chances of your body having any adverse reactions to the abrupt end to the substance abuse. With benzodiazepines and alcohol, another benzodiazepine can most likely get prescribed for the anti-seizure purposed. Patient will be brought off this drug slowly, than cold turkey that reduces symptoms & increases safety. Some other medications might be used to help with the sleep, depression, anxiety, and cravings.

How Does Detox Work?

Medical detox that depends upon the historical drug-usage of a patient, will last from 3 to 10 days. First stage is the evaluation where doctors may determine the detox length or how much medication must be used. When the process starts, medical detox regimen will be increased and decreased that depends upon the observed body reactions.

The medically supervised detox will reveal more diagnoses unavailable to somebody trying to detox on own. The blood tests will be conducted & medical staff will determine if more medication will be required. In any active addiction, users have to put the body at higher risk for the liver dysfunction and communicable diseases such as Hepatitis C or HIV. In detox, diseases will be caught very soon, and the treatment plan will be made if any such problems are discovered. Skipping the medically-assisted detox will allow the viruses and diseases to go undetected & leading it to progress. If left untreated, HIV, liver dysfunction, and Hepatitis C will be fatal.

After this detox process, patient is transferred to the inpatient rehab. Certain treatment centers have got on-site detox facilities. Detox centers exist on own and one must be transferred to the treatment facility after the detox. One must always plan the additional treatment after detox.

How to Become A Jiu Jitsu Professional Fast

How to Become A Jiu Jitsu Professional Fast

Self defense is one skill that everyone needs to learn and the earlier you started doing that the better for you. Self defense gets you adequately prepared for emergencies and ensure that you can stand your ground in any situation. There is also no better way to ward off bullies than by leaning self defense.  It will see to it that nothing catches you unawares.  The beauty of it is that anybody can learn how to defense himself; it does not matter if you are a man or women, neither does it matter if you are a young or old person, you can always learn self defense and be able to hold your ground against bullies and criminals. One of the best places to visit for an opportunity to learn self defense is jiu jitsu gym Melbourne. You will enjoy every moment you append at this gym for sure.

Jiu Jitsu Gym Melbourne

There is something for everyone:

Jiu Jitsu is an all-embracing art and it is open to everyone, including you.  Even if you feel that you are too old to learn anything new, your entire orientation will change if you give an attention to Jiu Jitsu and it will turn out to be one of the best decisions you have ever made in a very long time. You can easily register for the beginner program at the jiu jitsu gym Melbourne any age whatsoever. While it is better to register when you are still learn everything you need to learn and start defending yourself. After your beginners course, you would have learned a lot of things about self defense. There is also no better way to boost your confidence than this. As a beginner, you will be taught up to 36 techniques that can help you to defend yourself adequately.  What is more, everything you will be taught will be presented in a cooperative, safe and fun way. As a result, it will not be difficult for you to learn everything you need to learn and be able to defend yourself easily.

Best place to learn:

There are so many gyms operating in Australia today with all of them claiming to be the best. If you are looking for a gym where you can always get good value for money when you learn Jiu Jitsu, then you should not hesitate to visit Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Burwood. This outlet has got what it takes to enlighten you everything you need to know about this art. The environment is also safe and you will be able to learn in convenient manner. Even If you are a slow learner, the professional tutors at this outlet  have got what it takes to help you learn  all the techniques  to make you a better and more confident you.