How Your Weight Impacts on Your Sciatica Pain

You may have heard that having the right body mass index (BMI) lowers your chances of suffering from lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiac problems. Did you know that your body weight can contribute to sciatic pain? While there are many coincidences in life, it may be hard for you to establish the link between weight gain and the high prevalence rate of sciatica pain. Jocelyn R. Idema, DO, and her team at Steel City Spine and OrthopedicCenter provides relief to patients suffering from sciatica in Washington, PA.

The best approach to chronic and acute sciatic pain is to prevent back pain from occurring in the first place. Sciatic pain is a common lower back problem among patients. Patient education is vital to help you know the do’s and don’ts when it comes to sciatic pain so that you can lead an active life devoid of pain. To achieve that end, below is a look at how your weight can lead to sciatic pain.

Understanding Your Lower Back

It is vital for you first to understand the anatomy of you back to help you see how sciatic pain can develop. Your lower back is made up of five large vertebrae. These lumbar spine joints contribute to your mobility, support, and the upper body’s range of motion.

In between these joints are discs, responsible for cushioning and support. The outer layer of the disc is made up of collagen, a tough material to help avoid leakage of the jelly-like substance found in the disc.

The sciatic nerve is the largest in the body and extends from the lower back to the buttocks and legs. It originates from your lumbar spine’s nerve roots. When one of the lumbar spine discs bulges out or herniates, this irritates the nerve roots in the affected area. This pain is known as sciatica, and it is characterized by tingling or numbness in the lower back or to the legs.

Impact of Weight in the Sciatica Puzzle

Your discs can be compromised by several factors, signaling the development of sciatica. You back can be compromised in ways which include:

  •   Carrying too much weight
  •       Prolonged sitting
  •   Degenerative disc disease
  •   Wear and tear caused by doing repetitive movements

There is no doubt that aging contributes to the weakening of your discs. However, adding extra weight worsens the condition, since it creates additional stress which speeds up the breakdown of your spinal discs. Your spine is designed to carry a specific amount of weight, and when you add extra pounds, this breaches the maximum possible weight.

To help better understand this, assume that your discs are a stack of donuts filled with jelly. Upon applying pressure, there will be a breaking point, where the donuts will begin to leak. From this analogy, it is clear that adding extra weight can predispose you to sciatica.

Being overweight is a major risk factor in sciatica. As a result, any weight reduction method you employ including exercise and diet plans, plays a crucial role in minimizing pressure on your spine for enhanced mobility and overall health.

If you want to learn more about sciatic pain, visit Steel City Spine and OrthopedicCenter today to have an experienced orthopedic surgeon attend to you.

Reasons Why You Have Heavy Periods

It is finally that time of the month and again, your flow seems heavier than your friends’ description. Why is it that your friends seem to have lighter periods while you have to endure heavy flows for an extended period every month? A period cycle lasts for 28 days and has a duration of 4 days on average. Most people family planning in McAllen think that this is the major cause of heavy flow, but there could be other factors contributing to your heavier or lighter periods. You may not know that your period flow is thicker or lighter since you are used to it, so it is imperative to visit your doctor when you suspect that something is out of the ordinary. Below are the reasons why you may be having a heavier or lighter period.


What you eat can impact your periods. If you eat more junk foods, you are likely to suffer from premenstrual symptoms. Eating foods that are full of nutrients reduces period pain. Fasting and eating insufficient amounts of food can make your periods light since your body interprets this to be a sign that it is not ready for pregnancy.


Your weight has an impact on your periods. If you are overweight, you are more likely to have irregular and heavy periods. If you are too thin, you may miss your monthly periods. Observe a balanced diet to help maintain your ideal body mass index (BMI).

Too Little or Too Much Exercise

If you experience cramps during your periods, exercising is beneficial in easing your pain.  Fernando Otero, MD, and his team at Women’s Clinic of the Rio Grande Valley will recommend the right exercise regime so that you do not over-exercise and suppress your periods. It is crucial that you incorporate exercise into your lifestyle and not just to help with cramps.

 The Pill

Besides using contraceptive pills to prevent pregnancy, your doctor can use them to manage your periods if they are heavy and last for more than 4 days. If your pad or tampon gets full every hour, it is time you discuss this with your doctor. There are hormonal birth control pills which can help in your menstrual struggles.

Your Age

If you have just reached puberty, you may have irregular periods since it takes time to develop a regular menstrual cycle. As time goes by, your periods become more regular and shorter. When you are at the onset of menopause, your periods start to become irregular and can be light or heavy.

Hormone Imbalance

When you are stressed or anxious, your periods may become erratic. Hormonal imbalance can make you miss your periods. You can discuss with your doctor about the available options to correct this imbalance.

It Could Be More Serious

At times, ovarian cysts and cervical cancer can be the cause of your heavy menstrual bleeding or menorrhagia. Make regular visits to your doctor to help detect and treat abnormalities at an early age.

If you are experiencing heavy periods, do not assume that this is normal. Schedule a visit to your experienced physician for an examination at the earliest opportunity.

Interventional Radiology at Hamilton Vascular

There are few specialized interventional radiology centers. Hamilton Vascular, a specialized interventional radiology center in Texas, ensures that all patients from Texas and its environs live pain-free. The practice has strategic locations in Webster, Clear Lake, Sugar Land, Round Rock, Tobin Hill, and Stone Oak, Texas. The telehealth tobin hill specialists at Hamilton Vascular are always available for consultations from your home. There are numerous benefits and reasons for visiting one of the Hamilton Vascular hospital facilities.

About Hamilton Vascular

Hamilton Vascular stands out as the first outpatient interventional radiology practice in Texas, situated in Southern Texas, founded by Carlos Hamilton III, MD. The practice offers diagnosis and treatment for vascular and vein conditions for adult patients at Sugar Land, Webster, San Antonio, and Round Rock, Texas.

Hamilton Vascular is home to board-certified physicians and surgeons that use minimally invasive procedures to diagnose and treat conditions like edema, diabetic vascular disease, chronic venous insufficiency, vein compression syndrome, and deep vein thrombosis. You can visit any of the centers for a venous stent, ablation, ambulatory phlebotomy, foam sclerotherapy, Varithena TM sclerotherapy, and sclerotherapy.

Physicians and surgeons at Hamilton Vascular use image-guided technology and ultrasound equipment to check beyond cosmetic complications and identify underlying causes. Unlike most practitioners that handle varicose veins as a cosmetic problem, physicians at Hamilton Vascular take a closer look at your venous symptoms for warnings of severe conditions and to diagnose issues causing pain and other underlying symptoms.

Why Should I Visit Hamilton Vascular?

  • Availability of Full Service- Hamilton Vascular delivers transformative care using innovative technology. All caregivers are qualified and board-certified.
  • Affordable Treatment- diagnosis and treatment for various conditions are affordable. Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, and other major insurance plans are accepted at Hamilton Vascular. Charges for your treatment depend on your condition, tests, and your insurance.
  • Specialized Care- At Hamilton Vascular, physicians run conclusive tests and diagnosis to deliver premier venous treatment and compassionate care. The practice specializes in comprehensive vein care.
  • Commitment from Caregivers- Hamilton Vascular is oriented towards delivering the best care through advanced treatment options and equipment for personalized care. You can visit any hospital center for the best care for your veins. You can get a referral to a hospital facility that is best equipped to handle your needs.

Available Services at Hamilton Vascular

  •       Treatment for chronic venous insufficiency
  •       Treatment for deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  •       Treatment for restless leg syndrome
  •       Diagnosis, test, and treatment for diabetic vascular disease
  •       Treatment for spider veins
  •       Iliac vein compression syndrome
  •       Remedy for leg discoloration
  •       Treatment for leg pain
  •       Treatment for varicose veins
  •       Treatment for pelvic congestion syndrome
  •       Sclerotherapy
  •       Treatment for venous ulcers
  •       Remedy for burning/Leg itching
  •       Diagnosis and treatment Edema and leg swelling
  •       Treatment for leg cramps
  •       Lymphedema treatment
  •       Telehealth appointments and consultations are available for all patients.

How to Refer a Patient

Options for patient referrals include:

  •       Fill and submit the Hamilton Physician Referral Form.
  •       Print the Hamilton Physician Referral form and fax it to 512-551-1651.
  •       Download the Patient Referral Form and mail it to
  •       Submit the Hamilton Physician Referral form in your EMR system.

When you are suffering from venous complications like varicose veins, you should call Hamilton Vascular to identify a hospital facility that is close by or book an appointment online to discover treatment options.

A Guide to the Best Smiles in Texas

A confident smile plays an important role in developing your appearance and self-esteem as you go about your daily duties. Dr. Brendan Smith established a privately owned and operated practice for convenient, affordable, and highly personalized treatment. Freedom Orthodontics practice welcomes children, teens, and adults seeking to get a more confident smile. For Cedar Park adult braces and Invisalign in Texas, you should visit Freedom Orthodontics.

About Dr. Smith

Brendan Smith, DDS, MS, is an expert in all variations of Invisalign® and braces. The board-certified orthodontist operates at Freedom Orthodontics in Cedar Park, Texas, and is passionate about giving residents the freedom to smile. He opened his practice, Freedom Orthodontics, a customized environment to deliver the best smiles for all visitors.

Dr. Smith attended Brigham Young University where he received a bachelor’s degree in Zoology. He joined the Dental School at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, and graduated cum laude. Dr. Smith decided to become the best by joining The Queen’s Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, a general practice residency to further his education and experience in the field. He completed advanced training in all phases of dentistry and interacted with medically compromised individuals.

After completing his residency in Hawaii, Dr. Smith did an orthodontic residency at Columbia University in New York City. He spent three years in Columbia University training in all orthodontics areas and served briefly as co-president of the orthodontic class. Dr. Smith became board certified by the American Board of Orthodontics soon after graduation. He practiced for five years in Midland, where he gained experience in patient management, then relocated to Cedar Park to establish a permanent home with his wife, Tamara.

Dr. Smith has always been eager about owning practices to provide the highest quality of care by managing patient care through all stages without corporate pressure to reduce costs. Having learned from his dad’s medical career that the patient’s welfare should be put first, he has maintained the delivery of quality care for all patients free of biases. He believes that young and old patients are entitled to a confident smile for a happier life course.

Why Should I Visit Freedom Orthodontics?

  •         Patient-Centered Care- Freedom Orthodontics has affordable treatment plans, Saturday and afternoon appointments, personalized care, and the latest technology and practices in orthodontics.
  •         Highly Experienced Team- Dr. Smith has completed several years of continued education and training to deliver the highest quality of orthodontic care and treatment.
  •         Client Satisfaction- There is a long list of satisfied clients that have visited the practice. The offices are modern and personalized to make you feel comfortable and safe.
  •         Admirable Core Values- Freedom Orthodontics believes that a smile can set you on a path headed to a happy life. The practice also believes in the importance of having fun and helping you develop your smile in a setting that upholds traditional, local Texas values.

Where is Freedom Orthodontics Located?

2005 N Lakeline Blvd, Suite A, Cedar Park, TX 78613

To get more information about the directions to the offices, you can call 512-253-2164.

What are the Office Hours?

Monday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Tuesday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Wednesday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Thursday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Saturday 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Sunday: Closed

Bottom Line

Freedom Orthodontics is home to a qualified and certified team with extensive orthodontic experience. To get the best orthodontic treatment, you can schedule an appointment online or contact Freedom Orthodontics on 512-253-2164.

Who Is at Risk of Peripheral Artery Disease?

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is caused by the narrowing of the arteries in the extremities. This narrowing reduces the amount of blood that is supplied to the legs. Peripheral artery disease is mostly caused by the accumulation of fat inside the arteries in a condition called atherosclerosis. Blood flow to the heart, brain, and legs is reduced due to the narrowing of the blood vessels.

Many people with peripheral artery disease do not have symptoms but some have symptoms like pain during walking, which is referred to as claudication. This pain that occurs in this condition can be treated by an anesthesiologist in Monroe Township, NJ using medications, nerve block, or cold laser therapy. Treatment is individualized for every patient, therefore, improving the outcomes.

What Are the Symptoms of Peripheral Artery Disease?

Many people with peripheral artery disease may have no symptoms, or their symptoms may be mild. Other people may present with claudication, which is leg pain when a person is walking. Claudication causes muscle cramping in the leg’s calf region, and the pain goes away with rest. The pain of claudication can occur at any other site in which the arteries have been narrowed.

Other symptoms of peripheral claudication include numbness or weakness in the legs, legs with a shiny skin or have a change in the skin color, hip or thigh pain, a leg that feels cold compared to the other leg, reduction in the growth of toenails, lack of a pulse in the affected leg, hair loss in the legs or erectile dysfunction in men.

The severity of these symptoms varies in different people, and some people may even experience pain when they are resting in what is called ischemic rest pain. The pain reduces when you hang your leg on the edge of the bed. Some of the complications of peripheral artery disease include stroke or heart attack because of a reduction in blood supply in the heart or brain.

A person may also develop chronic non-healing ulcers that may get infected and result in tissues’ death. When the tissues in the leg are dead, the doctor will amputate the leg, and this can traumatize someone. To avoid these complications, you should consult a doctor early enough to get treatment.

Who Is at Risk of Peripheral Artery Disease?

People who smoke, are diabetic, obese, or suffer from high blood pressure are at an increased risk of getting peripheral artery disease. Old age that is above 50 years also increases the chances of peripheral artery disease. Some people are genetically predisposed to get peripheral artery disease. Having high cholesterol and homocysteine levels also increases the risk of PAD.

PAD’s risk can be reduced by quitting smoking, weight reduction, exercising regularly for 30 minutes, and repeating this many times in a week. Eating a healthy diet with low saturated fats and controlling the blood sugar in diabetic patients also reduces the risk of PAD.


Peripheral artery disease is a condition that occurs when the arteries in the extremities become narrowed due to fat deposits. Narrowing of arteries causes a reduction in the blood supply in the legs, which can cause pain in the calf that reduces with rest and also can cause limb numbness and weakness. Hypertensive and diabetic patients, people older than 50 years and overweight persons are at a high risk of PAD. The risk can be reduced by quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, and good blood sugar control in people who have diabetes.

What Are the Benefits of Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine has lots of benefits. It is effective in diagnosing and treating diseases using an approach that is different from conventional medicine. Instead of treating the symptoms, functional medicine treats the root cause of the disease. The benefits of Yonkers anti-aging & functional medicine include the following:

A Different Approach

With conventional medicine, the lab results are interpreted in a range. If your results do not fit in the range, you are considered normal, which may not be the case. Functional medicine is different because results are analyzed individually. The treatment analyzes results in a way that makes it possible to know when you have dysfunction or imbalance. You can get more accurate answers to your health concerns.

It Addresses the Root Cause of the Problem

Instead of treating the symptoms of your disease, functional medicine addresses the main cause. It recognizes the fact that treating your symptoms is not enough. By identifying and treating your dysfunction, it is possible to prevent similar diseases in the future. The goal is to get full treatment rather than just managing the illness.

Healing the Whole You

Wellness is about more than just having the right cholesterol levels or blood pressure reading. It is about feeling like your best self. It addresses the impact of illness on your general well-being. According to functional medicine standards, your health should be reflected in all aspects of your life. It gives you the chance to pursue emotional, physical, and mental health.

Few Side Effects

Functional medicine is simple and personalized. The side effects of treatment are mild and minimal. Functional medicine doctors are trained to use the most gentle treatment approach for your needs. You are likely to recover without having to struggle with harsh or unpleasant side effects. Treatments such as exercising and improving your nutrition often work without posing any discomfort.

Personalized Approach

The best thing about functional medicine is that treatments are created to address your specific needs. Every patient gets a treatment plan that addresses their specific deficiencies. The doctors may use genetic assessments, blood tests, or stool samples to learn about your physiological makeup and deficiencies.

Treating Complex Health Problems

If you have a chronic health condition, conventional medicine is not always the best way to treat it. Functional medicine is great for treating chronic pain, gut disorders, heart disease, depression, and other conditions.

Functional medicine takes a look at how your lifestyle may be affecting your general health. Through extensive testing, functional medicine doctors can explore the specific conditions of your body. They can have a clear image of what is going on and what needs to change.

Functional medicine does not only help you get relief for your condition but may also reverse the condition or improve the quality of your life.

In conclusion, functional medicine works by changing the questions that doctors ask in conventional medicine. Its purpose is to promote healing and a sense of wellness by addressing the deeper issues rather than just your symptoms.

Benefits of a Smile Makeover

A smile is an often-ignored part of everyday existence. Therefore, a smile makeover in Huntington Beach could make a significant difference in your life.

A smile makeover is a dental procedure that addresses your dental and aesthetic needs to improve your smile. It can be as simple as teeth whitening or as complicated as a complete dental reconstruction.

You may need a smile makeover if you have broken, chipped, cracked, missing, or discolored teeth. You can also get a smile makeover if you have tooth decay or gum disease.

The best thing about a smile makeover is that it is specifically tailored to your specific dental needs. However, there are benefits to be had by everyone such as:

Confidence Boost

The most prevalent and proclaimed benefit of getting a smile makeover is an increase in confidence. A smile can boost your self-esteem significantly especially because of the response you get from others.

A great smile is important for the confidence of even the most powerful men on the planet. It makes people feel at ease and more comfortable which in turn makes your engagements more intriguing.

The confidence you gain from a smile makeover spills into all other areas of your life including work, relationships, and hobbies. The more confident you are, the better you perform which further improves your confidence in a positively reinforced loop.

First Impression

There are few older and truer sayings than ‘first impressions last.’ The first impression you make on a crowd or a person influences all the interactions you have with them going forward.

There are few things that make as deep an impression as a good smile. It is a universal signal that you are not only confident but also approachable.

Therefore, if you want to make a first impression on others that actually sticks and causes an impact, a smile makeover is the cosmetic dental procedure for you. However, you have to use the smile to feel its benefits.

Enjoy Food

Depending on the procedures included in your smile makeover, it may help you enjoy your food more than before. It is especially so if your dental structure was significantly damaged before the procedure.

When your teeth are damaged, eating can become a nuisance, and enjoying your food is impossible. When you get your teeth rectified as part of your smile makeover, chewing and swallowing both become easier and you are able to enjoy eating a lot more than earlier.

Better Oral Health

As stated before, a smile makeover may include procedures that rectify other areas of your mouth. When that happens, you may end up with better oral health than you had before.

Chipped, broken, and missing teeth are all things that may negatively affect your oral health. By fixing them for aesthetic purposes, you also improve their functionality and your oral health as a side effect.

Having a better and brighter smile leads most people to take better care of their teeth to maintain a smile. Flossing and brushing more for a better smile will also leave you with a healthier mouth.

What Are the Benefits of Regenerative Medicine?

Regenerative medicine is a medical field that treats a variety of conditions and diseases. It is a great treatment option for chronic pain. Sarasota regenerative medicine can help with pain in your knee, wrist, shoulder, elbow, or joints. Traditional treatments are great for managing chronic pain. However, regenerative medicine strengthens your tendons and repairs the tissues. It is not only great for relieving pain but also curing the cause of the problem. Some benefits of the procedure include:

Increased Functionality

One of the biggest benefits of regenerative medicine is that it promotes the production of collagen. It strengthens the problematic tissues and tendons. As a result, you may experience renewed or improved functionality. The increased production of collagen in your body increases the range of motion in your joints.

Accelerated Healing

Unlike traditional methods, regenerative medicine speeds up the healing process. The human body can take care of itself. If you accidentally cut yourself or fall, your wounds recover in just a few days. Regenerative medicine improves the healing power of your body. It targets the specific areas that your body needs to heal. Regenerative medical providers will inject a stem cell or PRP directly into the affected area. The injection accelerates healing for degenerative disease. It can aid in:

  • Regrowing cartilage
  • Repairing degenerated spinal discs
  • Regrowing and repairing ligaments and tendons

You can get back to your daily life activities as soon as possible.

Reduced Pain and Inflammation

Regenerative medicine is great for managing chronic pain and inflammation. Traditional medications often come with side effects. They may not work for everyone. PRP and stem cell therapies may cause some discomfort but they do not have any side effects. They do not introduce any foreign bodies into your body. If your body mistakenly attacks its own tissues, you may experience some inflammation. Regenerative therapy may prevent the problem. It is great for conditions such as:

  • Lower back pain
  • Joint pain
  • Sciatica
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Sports injuries
  • Lower back pain

Healthy Bones and Tissues

Regenerative medicine promotes the development of healthy bones and tissues. While traditional medicine is reactive, regenerative treatment aims to promote your overall health and avoid future problems. It makes your body stronger and improves the health and functioning of your musculoskeletal system.

It May be an Alternative to Surgery

If you have a degenerative injury or treatment that does not respond to traditional treatment options, your doctor may recommend surgery. However, you may benefit from regenerative medicine. It is a great option for older adults who may prefer to avoid surgery.

Minimal Recovery Time

With regenerative medicine, the recovery time is a lot shorter than for traditional treatment options. The material used in treatment is obtained from your cells and tissues. You will recover and get back to your normal routine fast.

If you are curious about regenerative medicine and its ability to treat your symptoms, seek the opinion of your doctor as soon as possible. They may suggest that you use it to treat osteoarthritis, sports injuries, or joint pain.

Why You Need Vaginal Rejuvenation

Most women could be uncomfortable with how their vaginas are dealing with old age or childbirth but could not dare talk about it. You should know that it is okay to talk about issues with your vagina, and it is prudent to seek the services of an expert gynecologist for vaginal revitalization in Forest Hills. They will guide you on the options available for you. Vaginal rejuvenation could help treat vaginal relaxation relieving you of the discomfort that comes with aging and childbirth. Vaginal rejuvenation can help boost your self-confidence by improving your sexual experience and the ability to control your bladder after childbirth or as a result of aging.

Conditions Treated With Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal relaxation might lead to decreased sexual sensation, and you can take care of this through vaginal rejuvenation. Vaginal tightness can have a significant impact on your sexual experience as it increases friction and pleasure. Vaginal rejuvenation can help you control a loose bladder that occurs due to childbirth and age. Some women who have experienced vaginal loosening say that they could not control the popping sound during yoga or while walking around, and this can be rectified with vaginal rejuvenation. There are different vaginal rejuvenation procedures which involve:

  • Vaginoplasty-which helps tighten the vagina
  • Labiaplasty- improves the appearance of the labia
  •  Labia majoraplasty- reduces the size of the labia majora
  • Clitoral reduction- is performed to reduce the size of the clitoris, which minimizes the folds of the clitoral hood.

What is a Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedure Like?

The vaginal rejuvenation procedure is performed in a hospital under general anesthesia, and it could take about one hour to complete. It would help if you chose a surgeon that makes you feel comfortable, as this helps you relax while undergoing the procedure. Your surgeon will examine your condition mark the areas for operation, and you might feel some pain and discomfort after the surgery. With the advice of a physical therapist, your gynecologist would prescribe some exercises that might help strengthen the pelvic muscles. Your surgeon gynecologist would help with vaginal muscle stretching, which helps reduce the formation of scars after the operation.

You should not have sex soon after the operation for at least two weeks as it can lead to tearing and delayed healing. Be careful not to lift heavy loads after the vaginal rejuvenation process as this could tear your wound. You should also eat small amounts of food and avoid constipation, which could stretch the muscles on the lower abdomen.

Is Vaginal Rejuvenation Effective?

Vaginal rejuvenation has a high success rate and can significantly improve the appearance of the genitalia and functionality. It can help you boost your self-confidence due to increased sexual pleasure and improved ability to control your bladder. You could choose minimally invasive methods of vaginal rejuvenation that leave you feeling good with minimal scars.

The Bottom Line

The vagina can relax due to childbirth, or aging and women are least likely to talk about the discomfort that results from vaginal relaxation. Vaginal rejuvenation can help tighten a relaxed vagina and enable you to control your bladder once more. Look for an expert who will help you achieve vaginal rejuvenation through minimally invasive procedures that heals within a short time.

A Closer Look at Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation

Receding gums can cause tooth sensitivity, affect the look of your smile, and make you look older due to tooth loss. Your gums can recede due to disease, excessive brushing, or the normal process of aging. If you are having gum recession problems, pinhole gum rejuvenation can come to your rescue. The thought of going under the knife, sutures, and grafts may prove to be a tough call of duty in your quest for a solution to your oral problems. Your doctor at Spa Dental Group Washington, DC, recommends this minimally invasive technique that does not leave any scarring.

What is Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation?

Gum recession exposes the teeth’s roots and can make you susceptible to a bacterial infection. When you visit your dentist for a pinhole gum rejuvenation procedure, they will use local anesthesia to numb and then create a small hole in the gums. The dentist will then gently pull the gum to cover the correct height at the area affected by the recession by using specialized tools. Your doctor will then insert collagen fiber through the tiny hole to help hold your gums in place. This treatment option requires one session.

Within a day or two, your gums will have healed, and you will not experience pain or swelling during or after your treatment. You will notice an improvement in how your teeth and gums appear immediately after your procedure.

Am I a Good Candidate for Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation?

If there are no underlying dental health issues affecting your gum recession, pinhole surgical rejuvenation is a viable option. Also, if you are having tooth sensitivity problems that are not tied to periodontal disease, you can opt for this method. If you are a smoker, you have to quit the habit after the procedure. Your doctor will require you to be in optimum overall health for the procedure to work. You must have a sufficient amount of gum tissue prior to the treatment for the procedure to be successful.

Benefits of Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation

Multiple locations can be addressed in one sitting using this technique, which saves time and money. When using the grafting method, multiple sessions will be required if the gingival recession affects more than one tooth.

  •       No surgical cutting or sutures: Pinhole gum rejuvenation is painless since there are no surgical cuttings or sutures.
  •       Less downtime: It will take a day or two for you to recover after treatment. You will be back to your daily activities without having to take a lot of time off.
  •       Fast results: Soon after your treatment, you can see a significant improvement to your gum line.

Ways to Avoid Gum Recession in the Future

Genetics can significantly influence your susceptibility to periodontal diseases. However, you can take the following measures to lower your chances of gum recession:

  •       Avoid using tobacco products
  •       Brush using a soft brush
  •       Make regular visits to your dentist for examination and dental cleaning
  •       Avoid piercings on the tongue and lips.

If left untreated, gum recession can lead to serious health issues. Consult your dentist today to learn more about pinhole gum rejuvenation.