Personalized Foot & Ankle Care in Florida

Effective, Personalized Foot & Ankle Care in Florida

A significant number of persons have lost their leg to amputation, with the bigger percentage of these amputations resulting from a foot ulcer that failed to heal. With exceptional wound care, this is something you can now effectively control. So, if you have a wound that is failing to heal, rely on the wound care specialist in Tamarac at Advanced Foot, Ankle, & Wound Specialists, PA. The practice also has other offices in Pompano Beach, Las Olas Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Hollywood, Downtown Fort Lauderdale, and Coral Springs, Florida. For effective, individualized foot & ankle care across Florida, get in touch with one of their offices through mobile or schedule a consultation online.

Meet the Providers

The practice takes a multidisciplinary and personalized approach to patient care. All their offices feature state-of-the-art systems, and providers utilize innovative techniques to develop the most effective treatment plans. Patients can access the individualized care they necessitate from a comfortable and convenient setting that allows them to relax and unwind while receiving care from some of the best providers across the region.

Led by the team of board-certified podiatrists and foot and ankle surgeons, Advanced Foot, Ankle, & Wound Specialists, PA takes a compassionate and caring approach to foot and ankle care. Do not let ignore or assume any sign of an ankle or foot problem. Reach out to your select podiatrist in case you have any queries or concerns about the practice.

foot & ankle care


With several innovative facilities across Florida, Advanced Foot, Ankle, & Wound Specialists, PA makes it easy for patients to access the highly experienced and qualified podiatrists. This expert medical team provides invasive and noninvasive treatment solutions for an extensive range of foot and ankle problems, including ankle sprains, hammertoe, fractures, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, bunions, corns, and calluses.

The specialist also provides exceptional care for patients suffering from diabetic ulcers and other wounds that won’t heal. Patients can benefit from various innovative treatment options at their offices, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy and bioengineered skin substitutes. To develop a customized treatment plan, the podiatrist specialists must first perform extensive diagnosis and evaluation tests to determine if you are the right candidate for their services.

Patients can access the convenient patient portal on the facility’s website. Regardless of your prevailing health concern, there’s always a treatment for you at Advanced Foot, Ankle, & Wound Specialists, PA. Schedule a consultation today to find out more about the practice and get to make well-informed decisions about your proactive health.

To sum up, Advanced Foot, Ankle, & Wound Specialists, PA is dedicated to offering effective and individualized care. The podiatrists at the practice treat every patient like family, ensuring that they receive quality services from the initial consultation, through treatment, and even after. They are currently welcoming patients of all ages and walks of life to their practice. To find out more about Advanced Foot, Ankle, & Wound Specialists, PA and determine which is the most suitable treatment for you, request an appointment today by calling the office near you or use the convenient online booking tool.

Everything You Need to Know About Lung Cancer

The complexity of lung cancer disease calls for its personalized care depending on the unique characteristic of each patient’s condition. Board-certified medical oncologists and their highly skilled team at Hunterdon Hematology Oncology, LLC, provide a state-of-the-art level of care for lung cancer in Flemington, New Jersey. The team of experts works closely with you, to provide all-around services such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and advanced immunotherapy to ensure that you are provided with the best treatment and management options for your cancer. The facility is honored for providing personalized care to support your emotional and physical needs.

Types of lung cancer

The different types of lung cancer exhibit different symptoms and require different approaches to treatment. There are several types of lung cancers. The two most common types are;

  1. Non-small cell lung cancer which represents 80-85% of the total lung cancers that are diagnosed in smokers and nonsmokers. It has three subtypes:
  • adenocarcinoma which starts in mucus-secreting cells
  • squamous cell carcinoma which starts in cells that line the airways
  • large cell carcinoma, that develops in any part of your lungs.
  1. Small cell lung cancer also known as oat cell cancer and whose diagnosis occurs in 10-15% of the total lung cancer patients. It usually begins in the bronchi or airways. Compared to non-small cell lung cancer, oat cell cancer spreads faster. It is mostly diagnosed in smokers.

Symptoms of lung cancer

Symptoms of lung cancer usually appear in the advanced stages of the disease and include:

A persistent cough that doesn’t improve, wheezing, coughing of blood, shortness of breath, hoarseness, fatigue, chest pain, and unexplained weight loss.

A wide spectrum of symptoms, including bone pain in your back or hips, migraines, dizziness, swollen lymph nodes, seizures, jaundice, etc can be experienced when cancer in your lungs spreads to other parts of the body.

Treatment of lung cancer

In the early stages of lung cancer, surgery is usually recommended to remove the tumor. Surgery often treats non-small cell lung cancer. However, in cases where the cancer is diagnosed in its advanced stages as in small cell lung cancer, specialists at Hunterdon Hematology Oncology, LLC provide advanced treatment options including:

  • Radiation therapy treatment which destroys cancer cells by using high-energy X-rays. Radiation therapy is usually the primary treatment option that is done before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor. It is also performed after surgery to get rid of any cancer cells still in your body and to treat lung cancer that has spread to other parts of your body.
  • Chemotherapy which is performed before and/or after surgery regardless of radiation having been done or not. The combination of chemo and radiation is used to treat cancer that has spread throughout the body.
  • Immunotherapy which involves the use of medications to strengthen and support the immune system’s ability to fight lung cancer. Immunotherapy can be used for both types of lung cancer but only for those that exhibit specific characteristics – lab tests can determine if you’re a candidate.
  • Targeted drug therapy which is an option for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. The drugs used, help to inhibit the growth of blood vessels in the tumor, killing the cancerous cells.

To learn more about lung cancer and to receive exceptional treatment and care for lung cancer, call Hunterdon Hematology Oncology, LLC, or book an appointment online today.

Common Causes of Back and Spine Pain

According to statistics, spine pain is one of the common problems affecting most adults. It affects approximately 80 percent of adults in their lifetime. Although most of us can work through the pain, it can sometimes be so severe that some have to miss work. It can also have an impact on how we carry out our daily activities. Book an appointment with Gramercy Pain Center for spine pain in Holmdel to get the most personalized and effective treatment. Below are some of the main causes of lower back pain:

Herniated disc

Lumbar discs have a jelly-like center that can break through the outer layer and consequently irritate the neighboring nerve. The herniated position also contains proteins that could result in inflammation of the nerve root or nerve compression, causing excruciating pain. When the position tears through the disc wall, it could also cause pain as it has a vast connection of nerve fibers.

Degenerative disc disease

At birth, the intervertebral discs are healthy and full of water for efficient functionality. However, the discs reduce their hydration with age and wear down in the process. A dehydrated disc cannot resist forces properly, causing tearing. As a result, the individual with this condition experiences pain. The weakening could also cause a herniation that could also be problematic.

Facet joint dysfunction

Each disc is supported by two facet discs that aid in motion in every lumbar spine segment. The joints are then surrounded by cartilage between the bones and a ligament that has numerous innervated nerves. The patient may experience both joint and disc pain in this case.


Arthritis is a condition that affects the joint and ligament supporting them. When it attacks the spinal cord joints specifically, it could cause the individual unbearable pain and discomfort.


Sciatica is the chronic pain that results from an irritated or pinched nerve that runs down to the buttock and hips along the entire back. The nerve then travels to one leg. People who experience this type of pain describe it as running from the legs to the lower back.

Spine deformities

A problem with the spine could mean recurring pain that is difficult to manage. This mostly occurs when something is wrong with the spinal joints, discs, muscles, or nerves to operate during movements.

Accidents and injuries

If you happen to fall and get a fracture, sprain, or strain, it could result in chronic back pain. Injuries will result in most physical problems but could also be the entire cause of spinal pain. Lifestyle causes

Pain could be a result of your daily lifestyle behavior. For example, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, slouching at the desk, too much lift of heavy objects, and smoking could affect your back and result in pain.

There are various other causes of spinal pain, including pregnancy and osteoporosis. The doctor will tailor the best treatment option depending on your need and cause of pain. Book an appointment with Gramercy Pain Center for effective minimally invasive treatments. You don’t need to go through surgery to eliminate spine pain.

All You Need To Know About Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are common, and about three out of four adults experience them occasionally. Often the cause of hemorrhoids is unknown. However, medical and home treatments, together with lifestyle changes, are effective in treating hemorrhoids.

Board-certified gastroenterologist, Robert Narvaez, MD, MBA, is your go-to specialist if you seek treatment for San Antonio hemorrhoids.


Hemorrhoids are also known as piles. They are irritated and swollen veins in your anal canal and lower rectum. They are similar to varicose veins. Hemorrhoids are prevalent and require medical care, as they can cause uncomfortable or painful symptoms.

Causes of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids occur when the veins around your anus stretch due to pressure, resulting in bulging or swelling. Increased pressure in the lower rectum can be due to:

    • Aging
    • Pregnancy as the baby puts weight on the anus
    • Anal intercourse
    • Straining during bowel movements
    • Sitting on the toilet for long periods
    • Chronic constipation and diarrhea
    • Being obese
    • Eating a low-fiber diet
  • Not drinking enough water
  • Regular heavy lifting

Types of Hemorrhoids

There are two types of hemorrhoids:

  • Those that occur externally- Develop under the skin around the anus
  • Those that occur internally- Develop inside the rectum
  1. External hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids are swollen veins under the skin around your anal opening. The swelling can feel like little bumps. Signs and symptoms of external hemorrhoids can include:

  • Itchiness or irritation around your anal opening
  • Anal pain and discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding

External hemorrhoids that are incredibly swollen can be uncomfortable, making movements like walking, sitting, or wearing certain underwear itchy and painful.

  1. Internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids cannot be seen or felt because they exist inside your rectum. They do not usually cause discomfort the way external hemorrhoids do. As they grow larger, internal hemorrhoids can cause difficulty in passing stool. Straining during bowel movements can cause:

  • Painless bleeding
  • Some hemorrhoids to swell significantly and protrude from your anus, leading to pain and irritation

When to See a Doctor

Bleeding during bowel movements and hemorrhoids that persist for a week even after trying home treatment indicates your need to see a doctor.

Remember, rectal bleeding does not always mean that you have hemorrhoids; it could be a symptom of another serious underlying condition. Large amounts of rectal bleeding accompanied by dizziness should be addressed immediately by your healthcare provider.

Treatment of Hemorrhoids

At Digestive & Liver Disease Center, Dr. Narvaez will first conduct a physical exam to evaluate the type of hemorrhoids you have. Depending on the type, he will develop the most suitable medical approach for your hemorrhoids.

He usually first recommends options like taking warm bath soaks or using topical creams or suppositories. If these do not work, Dr. Narvaez may prescribe a more powerful suppository or steroid cream.

Severe symptoms like repeated bleeding usually require in-office procedures like rubber band ligation, infrared treatment, and sclerotherapy.  Rubber band ligation involves placing tiny bands around hemorrhoids, restricting their blood supply, and causing them to fall off. Severe and highly dilated hemorrhoids will require surgical procedures to remove them.

To learn more about hemorrhoids, call Digestive & Liver Disease Center to schedule your appointment.

The Best Treatment Option for Spine Fractures

Osteoporosis is a common side effect of aging characterized by the development of painful spine fractures. Highly skilled specialists at Balanced Pain Management, including Leslie DeLaney, MD, offer options like percutaneous balloon kyphoplasty procedure to fix spine fractures in Walnut Creek.  This procedure is usually minimally invasive and is done in-office.

Causes of spine fractures

A spine fracture is a vertebra’s dislocation that causes bone fragments to break and damage the spinal nerves or spinal cord. Spine fractures can occur anywhere along your spine but are most likely to develop in your lumbar (lower back) and thoracic (mid-back) spine.

Trauma to the spine due to car accidents, falls, gunshot or sports-related injuries cause spine fractures. Degenerative changes that occur due to aging also makes you prone to spinal fractures. Conditions like arthritis, spine tumors, or osteoporosis weaken your bones and make them unable to support your spine. Because of this, your spine becomes highly vulnerable to fractures during low-impact activities.

Symptoms of spine fractures

The symptoms of spine fractures usually vary depending on the severity and location of the injury. Symptoms include pain in the areas of your back or neck, especially after movement, numbness, tingling in your arms and legs, muscle spasm, weakness, and bowel/bladder dysfunction. Sometimes fractures cause spinal cord injury that causes the spinal cord to be completely severed. This leads to paralysis (loss of movement in the arms or legs).

It is vital that you seek emergency medical attention at the nearest hospital as soon as possible whenever you go through a physically traumatic event and suspect you have had a spinal fracture. Most fractures usually heal with conservative treatment. However, mild fractures sometimes require surgery to realign the bones.

Treatment of spinal fractures

At Balanced Pain Management, Dr. DeLaney treats moderate to severe spine fractures using a minimally invasive procedure known as the percutaneous balloon kyphoplasty technique. She usually performs this procedure in-office. This technique helps in relieving painful spine fractures and improving the stability of your spine.

Things to expect during percutaneous balloon kyphoplasty

During the procedure, Dr. DeLaney will make a small incision over the fractured vertebrae in your spine. The procedure uses advanced imaging from ultrasound or fluoroscopy technology to guide a needle into the correct position. A small balloon is attached to the needle and Dr. DeLaney will inflate it to restore the height of the damaged vertebrae. After deflating the balloon, she injects a special bone cement, which quickly hardens to heal your fracture and stabilize your spine.

The benefits of balloon kyphoplasty for spine fractures

Balloon kyphoplasty effectively helps in treating vertebral compression fractures and requires minimal recovery time. Its quick recovery enables you to reduce reliance on pain medications and enables you to return to your usual activities without pain or disability.

Dr. DeLaney will suggest a few lifestyle and dietary changes and exercises that will improve your overall bone health and reduce your risk for future additional fractures.

If you need treatment for a diagnosed spine fracture and wish to learn more about spine fractures and the benefits of balloon kyphoplasty, call Balanced Pain Management or schedule an appointment online today.

Cosmetic Dentistry Is Never About Just the Look

In today’s quest for better looks, cosmetic dentistry is gaining a lot of fame. Many people now take advantage of the many cosmetic procedures to enhance their appearance. But wait a minute! There’s more to dentistry than the looks. A successful dental procedure is all about how the results make you feel about yourself. And this includes improved confidence, high self-esteem and better relations.

What should you consider when choosing a cosmetic dentist?

There are various aspects to consider when seeking the best cosmetic dentist in your cityFirst of all, consider the qualifications and experience of the dental professional. The reputation of a good dentist lies in the expertise and years of experience.

Moreover, ascertain whether the expert has the necessary certifications and licensing to offer cosmetic dental services in your state. The legal registration assures you that the dentist is certified and likely to provide quality services.

What of availability? This also matters. Check the days when the dentist is available, and the location of the clinic. You don’t want to travel miles away to get dental services. Lastly, consider the cost of services. You want the best looks but also want to save some cash. To get reasonable rates, compare the price between different dentists, and get the best bargain.

What are the benefits of successful cosmetic dental procedures?

How you benefit from cosmetic dentistry depends on your dental health and the dentist involved. The different cosmetic dental procedures are for example;

  • Veneers
  • Teeth bleaching
  • Dental bonding
  • Crowns
  • Braces& Fillings

Such procedures flatter your smile by whitening your teeth and concealing discolorations. That’s not all though. Here are many other benefits of cosmetic dentistry. These include;

  1. Improved self-confidence

A cosmetic dental procure will significantly impact your confidence levels. Having a good smile comes with numerous gains. It makes you establish better relations and make new friends. With high confidence, you can speak in work meetings and even negotiate for a pay rise. High self-esteem benefits you in many ways, both in your social circles and in the office.

  1. Functionality

Cosmetic dentistry will not only rectify your smile but also aligns your teeth, thus enhancing their functionality. For instance, if you have missing teeth, you’ll have issues with your bite. But cosmetic dentistry rectifies this and more.

  1. Quick results

Cosmetic dental procures like teeth whitening, and implants offer fast and instant results. To get the best cosmetic surgeon, conduct an online search to locate an expert near you. Remember, a cosmetic dentist’s website should look great. It should also be easy to use and find the type of services offered.

  1. Teeth strengthening

Some cosmetic procedures, like bonding, alter the structure of your teeth. These may be broken or cracked, and the procedure fixes the damage brought about by tooth decay. Most cosmetic procedures are for aesthetic purposes, but will still strengthen your teeth.

Final thoughts

Cosmetic dentistry comes with many perks and is a solution to most dental problems. There are different cosmetic procedures, and it’s good to engage the right expertise for your specific needs. Cosmetic dental procedures will transform your appearance and boots your confidence for good.

Tooth Bleaching

How is Tooth Bleaching Done?

Tooth bleaching is one of the scientific and practical methods in teeth whitening widely used these days. By bleaching, people can change their teeth color and achieve the desired color and have beautiful teeth. According to a group of North York teeth whitening specialists, the teeth color changes over time and age. This bad tooth color is due to the penetration of pigments into the enamel’s tubular structure and dentin minerals’ change and causes the yellow color in the teeth.

What Is Tooth Bleaching?

In the teeth bleaching method, a product containing bleach (hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide) is used to whiten the teeth. This substance eliminates the mass and yellowness of the teeth and is a kind of chemical method. The molecules of this substance penetrate your tooth enamel, cause root whitening of your teeth, and remove stains. Nowadays, there are many options for teeth whitening. Although many products are available for this purpose, professional treatment and a dentist’s help are more appropriate and offer more reliable results.

Your dentist will choose your treatment, depending on your dental health. However, the vast majority are satisfied with the results of their bleaching treatment. Side effects are rare and mild, and the treatment is non-invasive. This way, you can enjoy a beautiful smile with high confidence.

Benefits and Side Effects of Teeth Bleaching

Teeth whitening is performed using a bleaching solution. The treatment is generally done in less than an hour, and the results are very significant.

One of the advantages of using teeth whitening is its effectiveness and durability. Using the teeth bleaching method is much more impressive than the results of other teeth whitening methods.

Since the use of this chemical method is much more potent than similar products. But dental supervision is also essential. Even very yellow and scaly teeth can be whitened and treated professionally with tooth bleaching.

In general, the only major risk and complication of teeth bleaching is some people’s sensitivity to it, and this sensitivity is especially evident in the first hours after treatment. Your dentist will make sure that this is not an acute allergy. If you have a slight allergy, it is recommended that you rinse your mouth with warm water to prevent discomfort. Tooth sensitivity will gradually disappear.

Tooth Discoloration Causes 

There are two groups, internal and external:

1- When the color of the outer surface of the tooth changes, it can be removed by cleaning the teeth surface.

Causes: Smoking, poor oral hygiene, chlorhexidine, chromogenic bacteria, and using colored beverages and foods.

2- Internal discoloration, which can be removed by bleaching method. The internal discoloration is inside the tooth tissue.

Causes of internal discoloration: aging, colored foods, and beverages, enamel cracks, smoking, chlorhexidine, tetracycline use, excessive fluoride in water, severe jaundice in infants, tooth decay, enamel thinning, amalgam restorations, improper endodontic treatment, dental trauma.

Important points to know before teeth bleaching

  • Many chemical powders on the market can whiten teeth, but the consequences must be accepted. Many teeth whitening products are available in pharmacies and supermarkets with a concentration of less than ten percent and cannot be used for treatment.
  • Tooth color depends on genetic factors, children’s developmental environment, and drinking water in the area where they live.
  • The bleaching method uses an effective bleaching agent that does not have adverse and destructive effects on tooth enamel.
  • Bleaching can cause teeth whitening if the teeth do not have pathological or developmental problems.
  • Bleaching cannot be used to treat discolored areas on the tooth surface due to structural problems during the teeth formation or tooth decay or colored areas due to problems and conditions during the patient’s growth.
  • To whiten teeth, the dentist makes molds that fit the jaw arch. Then he puts the active ingredient in the mold. In this method, the person has to put the molds on the teeth for a few hours during the day so that after three weeks, the teeth gradually become whiter.
  • Or the dentist performs teeth whitening method in the office with a variety of light-emitting devices on the effective whitening agent that contains light receptors.
  • Teeth whitening procedures in the office may need to be repeated.
  • In the office’s teeth whitening method, all soft tissues of the mouth such as gums, tongue, lip mucosa, and cheeks should be covered with special materials to prevent chemical burns.
  • In some people, teeth bleaching may cause nerve stimulation and increase tooth sensitivity after a while.

Tremendous Merits of Having Plastic Surgery Treatment

Plastic surgery is of great importance in the medical field as it brings many health benefits. It can help you live a healthy and active life without any problem. Having plastic surgery with a good surgeon can help you eliminate various health problems and improve your life quality.

Today, many people worldwide prefer to use plastic surgery services because they improve the face and body’s appearance. A plastic surgeon can provide people with a wide range of plastic surgery procedures according to their needs; for example, it can be beneficial for obese people. It can also help people who have facial and body scars. Plastic surgery is a broad medical term that offers many benefits to people worldwide, so if you want to take a plastic surgery course to improve your appearance, you should consult a suitable plastic surgeon now.

Excellent benefits to  get from plastic surgery treatments:

Appearance improvement:

As a merit of plastic surgery treatments, it can completely change your appearance and make you look prettier and younger. You can undergo plastic surgery on key parts of the body like the buttocks, nose, face, hair transplants, breast augmentation, and reduction to look better than before. Your plastic surgeon will professionally meet your needs by applying plastic surgery techniques and making adjustments to parts of your body for significant changes.

plastic surgery in melbourne

Mole removal:

Today, most women prefer to undergo plastic surgery to remove unwanted moles from the abdomen and tighten the abdominal area. After a baby is born, the belly can become lousy, so you can use plastic surgery to restore it to its original condition. The surgeon can use tummy tuck to remove moles from the abdomen and make it appear slimmer.

Healthy lifestyle:

With plastic surgery in melbourne, you can also reduce your large breasts’ size to prevent the risk of various diseases. Large breasts can compromise your body posture and even become a significant cause of neck and back pain, so with the help of a good plastic surgeon; you can reduce your breast size and lead a healthy lifestyle and activities.

Build trust:

Low body composition can make you feel embarrassed among friends and family and become the target of comments, so plastic surgery will help you get out of this situation by giving you a beautiful new look. For example, if you are obese and have a big belly, you can have plastic surgery from an excellent surgeon to remove excess fat from your body and get a slimmer appearance. Having a good body shape will automatically increase your self-confidence and your peace of mind.

Restore beauty:

You can also remove accident scars from your face and body with plastic surgery procedures. You can remove emerging body scars to improve your appearance. For example, an accident scar on your face can ruin your beauty, but with plastic surgery, you can significantly reduce it or eliminate it almost completely.

Your Ultimate Hair Loss Treatment And Regain Confidence

Your Ultimate Hair Loss Treatment And Regain Confidence

Usually, most men are having troubles with hair loss and balding. It commonly occurs at ages 30 and above. Although girls may have this kind of hair issue, they can easily find solutions. Unlike men, they can’t easily find ways as women do. Hair problems, such as hair loss and balding problems, can loss of confidence. Therefore, men wear caps or wearing hoodies to cover balding heads. This time, guys need not wear all these camouflages. They can walk heads-up and confident with their beautiful hairstyle. The right solution for hair loss is the ultimate hair replacement and to regain confidence now.

The European hair loss treatment

Hair restoration is no more a problem today. Technology speaks that it can collide with science like growing your hair using the latest and modern European hair loss treatment. The treatment is very modern and realistic. You will never recognize that hair replacement treatment happened. It is a treatment that is non-surgical. Meaning, it can’t be painful and has no side effects. It is purely modern and sophisticated, which makes your hair and style looks different yet unchanged your style. Although it makes your style different, it doesn’t how your style is. The hair loss treatment is a purely modern, non-surgical nor chemical treatment used.

hair replacement

Hair restoration solution

There is no way for you to lose self-confidence; you are just losing hair. Losing hair has a solution to build up that self-confidence. No need for you to lose self-confidence, the same with the hair, hair restoration is possible. There is a good way for you to restore your hair with the unique solution of losing hair. Style your hair and cover that losing hair; it is a natural and friendly solution not to damage the scalp more and prevent it from continuous balding.

Your hair, your style!

Not everyone has the confidence to face everybody, especially if they have hair problems. Either damage hair or more serious hair loss problem, both can be treated. The only way is to style your hair and that is how you handle it. As they say, your hair, your style is true. If you learn to love your hair, you can always find a solution to make it look new. There is the only way to make you look more presentable, and that is how you bring your hair.

Hair loss treatment comes with a variety of options. You can have chemically treated or surgical treatment. But, there could always be a natural hair loss treatment, and that is to style your hair. Love how the way it is and learn to appreciate hairstyles. These are the ways to change how you look while keeping you in style. As what the others say, style it, love it!

Know Before Getting Dental Implants

What You Need to Know Before Getting Dental Implants

Dental implants offer the best long-term option to anyone who has lost a tooth or teeth to enjoy a more natural smile. When dental implants came, they offered the best option to replace a lost tooth or teeth compared to removable dentures or fixed bridges that were so hectic to maintain. Therefore, if you have lost a tooth or teeth, this is the best option for you. Doris Giraldo, DDS, is a trained and experienced dental specialist offering dental implants in Midtown Manhattan, NY, and can restore your smile. However, here are five things you should know about dental implants.

Implants Feel and Look Natural

The only difference between dental implants and your natural teeth when it comes to appearance and fee is that implants are not real teeth. Otherwise, other people will not notice that you have implants. This is because they are designed and customized to look, fit, and feel like your natural teeth. They are like perfect clones to the lost teeth and are not easily distinguishable from your other natural teeth.

Dental Implants can Protect Your Healthy Teeth

Other than just replacing lost teeth, dental implants protect your healthy teeth compared to other alternatives. Before the implants came, dental bridges were used as the teeth replacement option. However, they involved cutting some parts of the neighboring healthy teeth to get the best fit and balance of the bridge. Now, the bridges can be efficiently placed over the implants without having to cause harm to the alternative healthy teeth. Therefore, dental implants ensure that healthy teeth remain healthy by leaving them alone and also offering support by providing artificial teeth to strengthen them.

Dental Implant


Implants Acts as Replacements for your Missing Teeth

Unlike other teeth replacement options that focus on replacing the crown of the teeth, dental implants act as the roots of the teeth and are attached to the jawbone tricking it to produce new tissues around the implant. This creates a natural bond between the bone and the implant. As a result, the void created after a tooth is lost and that also improves your oral health.

It is Easier to Eat with Implants

Implants act more like your natural teeth. Unlike other teeth replacement options, they allow you to enjoy a more natural and substantial chewing experience and you don’t have to take much care while eating only as you would with your natural teeth. Other options such as dentures are sensitive to certain types of foods that limit your diet. with dental implants, you can enjoy most of your favorite meals and foods as they offer almost the same bite as your natural teeth, unlike the removable dentures.

The Success Rate for A Dental Implant Procedures is High

Although the dental implant procedure success rate depends on the needs and dental health of an individual, a good number of people who have undergone the procedures have done so successfully without complications. However, the success rate also depends on the expertise of your provider and that is why you need only to look for the best.

Note that not everyone is a good candidate for dental implants, you need to have healthy gum and enough bone to support the implants. Also, implants are not a good option for children and adolescents. Therefore, to learn if you are a candidate, you can book an appointment at New Dimension Dentistry and be informed accordingly.