Why You Need a Stress Test

Did you know that a stress test can be used to determine the wellbeing of your heart, particularly when you are under physical stress? While heart problems are easy to detect when your heart is trying to pump blood throughout your body, it can still be daunting to determine its condition unless you go for stress testing in Philadelphia. In doing so, heat problems including ischemic heart disease, cardiac failure, or heart valve disease can easily be diagnosed so that an appropriate medical plan can be tailored for you. Read on to find out why this diagnostic procedure will help you.

The team at Corrielus Cardiology consists of board-certified cardiologists and other medical practitioners dedicated to providing top-notch heart care in Philadelphia and other areas surrounding it.

What to expect during a stress testing procedure

If you are having trouble keeping up with physical exercises, chances are your heart could be struggling to pump blood from the heart to other parts of your body. Your physician may refer you to a cardiologist to conduct a stress test to determine whether your heart can normally handle its functions.

During a stress test, the image reflects a person having an exercise stress test. Your cardiologist will attach electrodes to your chest and link it to an electrocardiogram machine. It will note down your heart’s electrical activity. You will be required to walk on a treadmill or use a stationary bicycle after the blood pressure cuff registers your blood. That way, your cardiologist can determine whether your heart is at risk of contracting diseases that prevent it from functioning as it should.

Your doctor may warn you against taking prescription medicines or specific beverages 24 hours before the test to get the best results. You may also be required to wear clothes and shoes that fit loosely. After the stress test, your doctor will take images to see how the blood is flowing through your heart. It also aims at determining how your heart pumps blood at every beat. In some cases your doctor may ask you to put on a mask or mouthpiece to see how your lungs are functioning.

What happens after the stress test?

After the stress test, your doctor will gauge your heart activity and blood pressure to ensure that both results are restored within the normal range. That indicates that it is okay for you to resume your normal activities immediately. In the case of a radioactive dye, your doctor may recommend that you take enough fluids to eliminate it out of your system.

If the stress test reveals a healthy heart, you may not be required to repeat testing or treatment. Other diagnostic procedures may be recommended to determine whether there is a pre existing heart condition.

Stress testing can save your life

Unless you have chest pain symptoms, you may not be a perfect candidate for stress testing. But if you feel something is amiss about how your heart works, it would be best to go for this procedure. For more information on how the stress testing works, consult your cardiologist today.

Management of pain and injuries in sports

In the current world, adults and children are engaged in many sports activities. Recreational sports have played a significant role in keeping your body fit. Physical fitness reduces the possibility of experiencing stress, depression, and developing cancer. Since there are many types and versions of sports, you can get injuries and pains depending on the sport you have engaged in. During sports, your body can suffer either internal or external injuries, which are accompanied by pain. Many people incur these injuries during sports. If you live in or around Raritan, anti-aging & regenerative medicine specialists are available to offer services and treatments on multiple types of injuries and pain.

Top 4 injuries associated with sports

An injury in sports occurs during practice or in participating in competitions You can develop injuries in sports if you have not properly warmed up or if you have not been regularly practicing. This injury includes:

  •       Knee injury – This injury alters the movement of your knee joint.
  •       Bone dislocation – When your bone is forced out of its socket, we refer to the injury as a bone dislocation.
  •       Fractures – Bone fracture is also called broken bone.
  •       Swollen muscles -. This occurs when a muscle is injured.

The above injuries are accompanied by pain and joint weakness. The most efficient ways of treating sports injuries are explained below.

The best treatment of sport injuries

In sports, treatment of an injury depends on the characteristics or intensity of pain. RICE is a treatment method for mild sports injuries that stands for:

  •       Rest
  •       Ice
  •       Compression
  •       Elevation

This method of injury treatment prevents you from additional pain and swelling of muscles. In some cases, your injury may look severe and you should make an appointment with a doctor immediately. The following are some of the conditions that will indicate your injury is severe: body instability and weak joints, popping or crunching sound in joints, fractures, and joint dislocation. The section below discusses how you can prevent sports injuries.

Tips to prevent the occurrence of injuries in sports

Proper preparation is a fundamental activity you can do to avoid injuries before participating in sports. Make sure that you warm up frequently, stretch your muscles to prevent tearing down during the actual activity. Exercising and warming up your muscles makes them less prone to injuries.

It is also advisable that you wear proper equipment before engaging in a sport. For example, in football, wear the right shoes that will prevent you from sliding. Shoes with no spikes are prone to sliding, which can result in joint dislocations.

The success of every sport requires unique techniques and moves. The development of tactics and moves depends on the rules and objectives of the sport. Failure to adopt the right posture attracts significant consequences in sports.

Significant Consequences of injuries in sports 

A sports injury can be severe or mild. Severe injuries can be hard to recover from, even after treatment and management. For instance, a spinal injury can result in paralysis, thus changing your lifetime career. A bone fracture often results in poor performance in sports, even after recovery.

Engaging in sports without  observing precautions increases the chances of getting injuries. Once you get a mild or a severe injury, consult Performance Pain & Sports Medicine in Raritan for treatment. Consultation or seeking healthcare advice from a professional will reduce the risk of the severity of your injury.

Signs of Early Menopause

The first picture that comes to most peoples’ minds when they hear the term “menopause” is of a woman in her mid 50s. The truth is menopause for each woman occurs differently, depending on their estrogen levels. Some may experience it as early as their 30’s. Some experience harsh and unrelenting symptoms, while others may only experience mild symptoms that can easily be treated by lifestyle changes, such as avoiding hot drinks when they have hot flashes. If you are dealing with such symptoms, seeing Dr. Michael Coppa, MD, a gynecologist specializing in menopause in Providence, can be the best bet you have at finding the solution that is right for you.

The signs and symptoms of menopause

While menopause does not need treatment, the symptoms associated with it can be problematic. Changes you may experience include:

Irregular periods

When you are approaching menopause, your periods may become more irregular. Sometimes it may come less often or last longer or shorter than before, making it difficult to predict when it will come. Determining how long it will last or if it will be heavy or light also becomes daunting. This classic symptom of perimenopause can also make it harder for you to conceive.

Hot flashes and night sweats

The temperature change you have always experienced during ovulation is not the same as approaching menopause. The latter is characterized by hot flashes that may redden your skin. Your heart may also start beating fast, and then it gets cold. This is a classic sign of the onset of menopause.

Vaginal dryness and bladder control

At this point, you may experience vaginal dryness, making you uncomfortable during intercourse. In other cases, you may have either vaginal or bladder-related infections that may make it harder for you to hold your urine long enough to reach your bathroom. When you are unable to control your bladder, you suffer from a condition known as incontinence. It gets worse when you are sneezing, laughing, or exercising.

Insufficient sleep

Trouble sleeping is a common symptom of menopause that most women face. It gets worse when it is accompanied by night sweats that keep waking you up. This is one of the frustrating effects of menopause that affect both your nighttime and daytime routines.

When to see a doctor  

Menopause is a regular aging process that every woman will undergo at some point in their lives, so experiencing these types of symptoms is inevitable. But when it becomes troublesome and affects your normal daily activities, it would be advisable to seek an expert’s help.

Your gynecologist may perform the PickAMH diagnostic test that was recently approved by the FDA during your examination. Through this new test, it is easy to detect perimenopause symptoms, which can cause adverse side effects. That way, your doctor can devise a perfect plan that can prevent you from the risk of chronic conditions such as cardiac disease, vaginal dryness, osteoporosis, or fracture.  To learn more about menopause and its symptoms, consult your gynecologist today.

Benefits of Seeing a Pain Management Specialist

It can be challenging to avoid pain problems, especially if you have a chronic medical condition. If your pain control is beginning to appear out of control, it may be wise to consult a pain specialist. As with any ailment in New York, tremors can be treated by a highly qualified neurologist. At NY Neurology Associate, you consult with a specialist with the right expertise to get you on the right path to recovery.

Do not continue to suffer. If you have been experiencing tremors for an extended period, it’s time to seek help. Working with a pain management specialist or a neurologist comes with the following benefits:

Extensive training and experience in pain management 

If you are looking for any form of treatment, you want it done by the right professionals. A highly trained neurologist knows what to do to help you deal with the pain better. What is more, your doctor will approach your case personally and help with the perfect solution for your condition. You do not have to worry about any mistakes because the doctor has been in the field for a long time and has dealt with many patients who may have had the same issues as yours. He knows what to do and will get you on the right path in the best way possible.

Access to specialty equipment and treatment options 

Pain management can be a daunting task, which is why it requires ultimate attention. No one wants to deal with pain, be it tremors or a migraine. The right neurologists have access to state-of-the-art equipment that focuses on where the pain is originating from. They have the resources to manage the condition until you get to where you want to be.

They prescribe the right type of medication.

Pain management often involves being prescribed different types of medications. However, taking medication does not guarantee recovery. While you may be trying to suppress chronic pain desperately, the worst mistake you can make is to take drugs without professional guidance. An expert assesses your condition first to know what may be causing your problem, then prescribes the right medicine that helps get you to recovery.

They have skill, patience, and empathy

Managing pain successfully requires expertise. It is not something that any medical practitioner can take care of effectively. Things like migraines and tremors require a lot of patience. Such conditions take time before recovery. A professional walks with you throughout the journey, prescribing the right medication and issuing advice on what practices to do to get better. They are committed to treating your specific type of pain. They aim to improve your quality of life and ensure the pain doesn’t affect your daily activities.

Everyone dreams of living a life where they don’t have to deal with pain, even as they age. A visit to NY Neurology Associates will help you get rid of all your pain. Visit your doctor to find out what options are available for you.

Benefits of Vaginal Rejuvenation

Many women at the childbearing age undergo hormonal changes due to aging and experience changes in their genital parts. These changes can affect a woman’s life due to urinary unpredictability, lack of vaginal lubrication, and a reduction in sexual sensation. Vaginal rejuvenation is the solution to your vaginal problem. This non-surgical operation can help improve erotic sensation. Broward Specialty Group, your leading Coconut Creek vaginal revitalization center offers this and other women’s services.

Importance of vaginal revitalization

A woman’s genital area changes due to childbearing, aging, and hormonal imbalance.

To improve the vaginal muscle strength and tone

The female genitalia is composed of elastic muscles, which expand when there is a change in hormones or aging. This makes it loose with thinned-vaginal walls, thus making one feel that they have a bigger diameter. This feeling makes one lose confidence; you can opt for vaginal revitalization because it enhances your vaginal muscle tone and robustness. The procedure helps improve sexual satisfaction.

Treating vaginal atrophy

Vaginal revitalization is the solution to thin, dried, and inflamed vaginal walls. Vaginal atrophy leads to painful intercourse and distress during urination. Vaginal rejuvenation at Broward Specialty Group can reduce the discomfort and give you a new sensation.

Am I a good candidate for vaginal revitalization?

Consult your doctor if you notice the following changes:

  •   Discomfort or pain in the vaginal area
  •   Difficulty to hold your bladder
  •   A feeling of discomfort while wearing some clothes
  •   Pain during sex

The above challenges can be due to vaginal loosening and dryness. Specialists at Broward Specialty Group are readily available to give you the best evaluation and solution to your condition.

However, vaginal revitalization is not all about sex; there are numerous other reasons you can go for the procedure. First, falling of tampons, unwanted tissue around the genitals such as a scar, when you experience a “popping” sound when walking or in any physical activity. You can also get vaginal rejuvenation when you encounter a rough time with bowel movements. Also, vaginal revitalization is a long-term investment; after the reconstructive treatment, you are assured that you will be good for the rest of your life.

This process is done at Broward Specialty Group without requiring incisions, anesthesia, or needles; it is a painless process that is done within 15 minutes. Your doctor at Broward Specialty Group advises that you should abstain from sex for a week after treatment. If you would like to get this rejuvenation, consult a Broward Specialty Group specialist as they understand the importance of rejuvenating your sexual health. However, vaginal rejuvenation is not a guarantee that you will return to the way you were while you were 18 years old; the body goes through wear and tear as we age. It is a good option to assist in alleviating many problems and restoring your confidence; however, you should consider its possible outcomes.

Consult your doctor to learn how vaginal rejuvenation can help restore your confidence and self-esteem.

A Cardiologist Can Help You with Your Heart Problem

Heart problems can be caused by many factors including genetics, underlying issues, or unhealthy lifestyle habits. The good news is heart conditions are preventable, but only when you entrust your body with the right professionals. Fortunately, Syed Bokhari, MD, FACC is a board-certified cardiologist in Riverside, CA that leads a team of other heart-related specialists at Advanced Cardiovascular Care, Inc. Read on to find out why they are the best.

A collaborative approach with other cardiologists

The only way to beat heart-related complications is through a collaborative approach with other like-minded specialists in cardiothoracic surgery and vascular and endovascular surgery. This is done to ensure all patients receive seamless care regardless of their gender, race, and medical history.

High-quality cardiac patient care

A good patient care facility should uphold an excellent level of service. Patients need to be placed under the care of compassionate and professional cardiologists so that they can believe in the process. Healthcare providers do not just offer their services for the sake of it. Rather, they should involve their patients and other medical practitioners to promote a patient-focused practice.

A dedicated team of medical practitioners

If you or anyone you love needs heart surgery, the center has cardiac surgeons, cardiac nurse practitioners, and anesthesiologists. They are available around the clock and work closely with you to plan and deliver your treatment, so you get the best service before, during, and post-surgery. The best part is that they explain what will go on during the surgery and what you can expect afterwards.

State-of-art equipment and tools

Heart surgery and other related complications can only be diagnosed using the latest biplane digital imaging tools programmed for interventional procedures. The team relies on advanced cardiac imaging initiatives to identify, evaluate, and treat all types of coronary heart diseases. You can rest assured that your problem will be identified and solved with the best cardiologists in town.

The center also has electrophysiology procedure rooms that are equipped with the latest digital tools for implanting devices, removing leads, and training upcoming cardiologists on electrophysiology. That way, they can perform complicated procedures that primary care providers cannot.

Alternative medical plans for acute heart cases

If you are at risk of developing heart disease, the team will work with you to evaluate your heart’s wellbeing. Helping you to lower the chances of getting heart disease is one of their primary goals. You will be taught how to lead a healthy lifestyle through medication, diet, exercise, and many others. Always adhere to their rules if you want to stay healthy.

Visit a cardiologist today

Advanced Cardiovascular Care has a large team of specialists dedicated to both men and women’s heart health in the region. Whether you have heart failure, stroke, or other heart-related condition, the team will go out of their way to identify the cause of your problem. Even after your surgery, they will monitor how you respond to the treatment. For more information on matters of the heart, consult your cardiologist today.

Common Causes of Venous Insufficiency and Where to Find Help

Understanding how your heart and veins work is one way to prevent vein diseases. Arteries are responsible for carrying blood from the heart to all parts of the body. On the other hand, the veins carry it from all parts of the body back to the heart, and the cycle continues. Your veins have strategically placed valves, which prevents the blood from flowing backwards. If the veins have a problem sending the blood from your limbs back to the heart, the condition is referred to as venous insufficiency or venous disease. This condition is treatable. Many vein specialists can correct this condition, but the problem will be rectified professionally and effectively when you meet Dr. Danny Harrison.

Many factors can lead to this problem, though the leading factor is blood clots or what is referred to as deep vein thrombosis. Deep vein thrombosis, also referred to as DVT, occurs in a deep leg vein and runs through the calf and thigh muscles, but most cases form on the calf muscle. Anyone can be a victim of DVTs. At least one out of a thousand people in the US get affected by it at least once each year.

The other factor for venous disease is varicose veins. These are large, visible, swollen and twisted veins. They are often dark purple or appear blue. Varicose veins happen when the faulty valves in your veins allow the blood to flow backwards or to pools. It is thought that up to 23% of all adults are affected by this vein condition.

Venous disease can be prevented, treated, or managed even though you might have a family history of the disease. A good doctor will reveal to you simple steps that you can use to prevent or manage the disease. They can recommend the steps that you can take to lower your chances of getting the condition.

The causes of Venous Disease

As seen above, this condition is most of the time caused by varicose veins or blood clots in your veins. When the blood moves forward through your veins, but it gets obstructed as it is witnessed with blood clots, blood will build up under the clot, leading to venous insufficiency. In the case of varicose veins, the valves are either impaired, missing, or leaks backwards. There are also cases whereby there is a weakness in the leg muscle, which squeezes the blood forward. The condition is more common among women than men, and in most cases, adults above the age of 80 are more likely to get it. Other risks of this condition include:

  •   Pregnancy
  •   Obesity
  •   Smoking
  •   Cancer
  •   Family history
  •   Standing or sitting for long periods

At Sky Vein & Aesthetics, you will find help for this condition and many other diseases as this is a general surgery and aesthetics provider. Other services you will receive here include ultherapy, PDO thread lifts, wrinkle reduction, skincare, and skincare products. Schedule your consultation to bring to an end your vein problems.

4 Signs You Should See a Dry Eye Specialist

Your body naturally produces tears. While you probably know this, did you know that you could develop dry eyes if your eyes didn’t perform this function optimally? In fact, approximately 4.9 million people in the United States suffer from chronic dry eye. The symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe eye problems. This is why you should know when to touch base with Dr. Russell Levine, New York eye specialist.

What Is Dry Eye?

Dry eye disease is an often uncomfortable and irritating condition. It occurs when your eyes fail to produce enough tears, which results in inadequate lubrication. In some cases, the tears might be sufficient but of poor quality.

A dry eye condition is uncomfortable on its own. However, it can be made worse by activities such as sitting in an air-conditioned room, jogging or cycling in the wind, or staring at a screen for hours. Common symptoms of dry eye include:

  • Sudden sensitivity to light
  • Redness and itchiness in the eyes
  • A stinging or burning sensation in the eyes
  • Stringy mucus in or around your eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • Heavy eyelids
  • Having trouble producing tears
  • Watery eyes

Reasons to See a Specialist

Mild dry eyes can usually be treated through over-the-counter medicine. However, you should set up an appointment with an eye specialist if you notice the following:

Accompanying Symptoms

Dry eyes can be an indicator of some autoimmune diseases like lupus. An autoimmune disease is a condition that causes the body to attack healthy cells. If the disease affects your eye glands, you might develop dry eyes. This is why it is important to see a doctor if your dry eye condition is accompanied by other symptoms. Look out for headaches, fatigue, nausea, and dizziness.

Worsening Symptoms

Dry eyes can be the result of some medication you’re taking. Your eyes could also feel itchy after a hike through dusty terrain. Usually, these symptoms will clear on their own in a few days. They are often not a cause for concern. However, if your dry eye symptoms get worse by the day, you should seek medical help. They could be an indicator of a more severe condition.

Symptoms Affecting Your Daily Activities

All dry eye symptoms are irritating. Mild discomfort is easy to take, especially if it doesn’t get in the way of you performing your daily duties. However, if your dry eyes make it difficult for you to look at a screen, read, keep your eyes open, or even sleep, you should see a specialist.

 Symptoms Resistant to Over-The-Counter Medication

A good number of mild dry eye cases can be resolved with over-the-counter eye drops. Nonetheless, severe cases tend to be resistant to such remedies. If you can’t alleviate your symptoms through a visit to the pharmacy, make one to the hospital.


Mild dry eyes could be a side effect of some medication you are taking and could clear up on its own. However, if your dry eye problem is painful or preventing you from performing your daily duties, it is time to seek professional help.

Are dry eyes affecting your quality of life? Contact Russell Micah Levine, MD, to discuss your symptoms and possible treatment options with an ophthalmologist.

Signs You May Need To Have Dental Implants

Dentists recommend dental implants for various reasons, one being that they have a success rate of 98%. Once you receive dental implants, you will not need to worry about them falling out or needing fixed if you properly care for them. Dental implants are a common restorative dentistry procedure for patients. With more than 3 million Americans having dental implants, according to statistics from the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, it demonstrates how popular they are. If you have dental problems like missing teeth, you may want to visit Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center to determine if dental implants are an option for you. So why do many patients consider implants to improve their smiles?

You have missing teeth

You do not have to be ashamed of having missing teeth as there is hope for you to restore your smile. Dental implants are an option for missing teeth. When you undergo the procedure, it fills the space or gap where the original teeth were. It looks natural, just like the rest of the smile. You do not have to worry about the implant looking fake.

Your dentures or partials are loose

If you have loose partials or dentures, you can opt for dental implants to fix the problem. It is a shame to have patients live with loose dentures because there are many options to fix them. If you decide to replace your dentures with implants, you do not have to be self-conscious about the implants falling out while talking or eating. Your implants will feel and look like your natural teeth.

You have an infected tooth

When your tooth is infected, you may want it pulled out if it cannot be saved using other procedures. If your dentist tells you that the tooth infection is just too bad for the tooth to be saved, you may need to have an implant. After the infected tooth has been removed, you receive an implant that serves as the new tooth. The implant is strong and durable and functions as the original natural teeth. When having a dental implant, there are no special care instructions you need to observe. You need to take care of the implants like you do to your other teeth. Regular brushing and flossing will ensure the implants remain in good condition and function properly.

You have got a sunken-in facial look

People who choose dentures may have a sunken-in appearance on their faces. This happens because dentures do not usually stimulate a person’s jawbone to encourage the regeneration or regrowth of critical tissue. Your jaw will ignore that you have dentures. So, your jaw will continue regressing or lose its bone as you age. You can solve this problem by opting for dental implants. Your jawbone is stimulated when you receive the implants and chewing, allowing the tissue to begin growing back.

If you are experiencing these dental problems, you’ll want to consider dental implants. These implants are long-lasting, durable, and conform well to your existing smile. People will not easily realize that you have implants. Before you get the implants, you will need to discuss it with your dentist to see if you are the right candidate for the procedure.

Dr. Jay Edabat, the Back Pain Specialist

Headache and back pains are among the most common pain experienced by many people worldwide. Whether it’s a mild pain or normal pain, it’s essential to visit a health practitioner to determine the cause of the pain and develop an appropriate treatment plan. South Bay Wellness Center is a chiropractic and rehabilitation facility located in San Jose, California. Jay Ebadat, DC, is the main provider and is committed to providing excellent care to patients.

With more than 26 years of experience, Jay Ebadat provides excellent chiropractic care to patients with severe back pain problems. He provides comprehensive chiropractic treatment to individuals before and after surgery, and to people who have lost mobility after an injury. He uses safe, natural approaches to help treat the pain and its causes. Dr.Ebadat is highly knowledgeable, having studied and trained from the best institutions in San Jose, California.

Dr.Ebadat uses highly advanced techniques to treat headache and back pains. With his effective treatment plans, many individuals have benefited from his prescribed treatment that has helped relieve their pain. The chiropractic specialist believes in the body’s natural ability to heal itself with him being the facilitator. Through his personalized care, he is committed to helping your body heal and achieves its wellness.  Having gone through an extensive surgery that made him go to rehab and regained the health of his back, he understands his patients’ journey to recovery.

The highly experienced chiropractic specialist is dedicated to helping patients get rid of their pain and live quality, healthy lives. Due to his exemplary chiropractic services, he has won several awards including Consumer Business Review Chiropractor of the year in 1996, 1997 and 2001, and Ultimate Chiropractic business owner of the years 1996 to 2006. Together with his qualified team, they are friendly and caring to their patients. They create a comfortable environment for them, treating them like family.

They offer services such as:

Spinal decompression

The non-surgical procedure helps relieve back pain allowing you to go back to your daily activities. If you are experiencing severe back pain or discomfort, get help by visiting the experienced chiropractic specialist Dr.Ebadat today in San Jose, California.


Its main symptoms are numbness of the hands and feet and disrupt the proper functioning of the nerves. Get treated for neuropathy by visiting the South Bay Wellness Center today.

Back pain

The back pain specialist Dr. Jay Ebadat in San Jose, California offers a wide variety of back pain treatment options, to help relieve your pain. Call them or book an appointment today to learn more about their back pain treatments.

What more would you ask for than having a team that takes care of you and treats you as one of their own. At South Bay Wellness Center in San Jose, California, Dr. Jay Ebadat and his team provide excellent care to their patients, helping them recover from their pain and injuries. Dr.Ebadat believes in the natural healing of the body and uses effective techniques to allow the body to heal by itself. Having undergone spinal surgery and even being in rehab for a year, he perfectly understands his patients’ needs and helps them to recover and heal. Visit them today, call, or book an appointment online to start your journey of recovery.