Symptoms and Causes of TMJ Disorder

2 min read

TMJ disorder is a painful condition. It refers to a problem in temporomandibular joint or jaw joint which severely affects the jaw, neck, head & face. TMJ issues are identified with chronic pain and difficulty in swallowing and talking. The worse is TMJ conditions often go unnoticed. Thus, the post below offers a brief on the major symptoms of the disorder so that you can reach for a tmj treatment on time.

The major symptoms of TMJ disorder to stay aware of-

  • Tenderness and pain around cheek, jaw, neck and ears
  • Migraine attack or severe headache
  • Stiffness or pain in jaws
  • Clicking, grating or popping jaw
  • Locking jaws
  • Pain sensation while chewing
  • Change in facial expression
  • Fatigued face
  • Neck, face and shoulder pain
  • Pain behind eyes
  • Ear stuffiness or ear aches
  • Numbness in arms or fingers

So, what causes the TMJ disorder?

There are myriad factors that can lead to problems in temporomandibular joint. These factors are:

  • Injury in neck or jaw region. Whiplash is one of the major reasons behind TMJ disorder.
  • Sleep disorders leading to breathing issues which happen from collapsed airway that blocks breathing while you are asleep.
  • Arthritis, irrespective of the joint it has affected.
  • Erosion or dislocation of a joint
  • Problems in bite alignment
  • Poor dentistry issues like improper placement of fillings or crowns

If you sense the symptoms mentioned above, don’t take them lightly. Untreated TMJ conditions can leaf to unbearable pain, badly affecting your normal active life. Thus, you should consider seeing a dentist in case you find yourself or a near one in such situations. A lot of people go to ENT as TMJ issues are characterized by ear stuffiness but since the problem stems from the jaw- you should better consult a dentist.

A reliable dentist will run some painless test to diagnose your level of TMJ disorder. The most common test here is Ultrasound/Doppler. The other related tests are x-rays, muscle palpation as well as a number of motion tests.

There is a wide range of treatment therapies that the dentists use to treat a TMJ condition. The most popular of these are Splint therapy, T.E.N.S., E.G.S, spray & stretch therapy as well as trigger point therapy. In mild cases, hot & cold compress therapy is also used to redress TMJ disorders.

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