Reproduction Process at Desert Star Family Planning

3 min read

Are you a woman dealing with reproductive issues in Phoenix, Arizona? If so, it is the right time to consult a Phoenix gynecology specialist at Desert star family planning center and have your reproductive matters resolved. With a team of qualified personnel, they are willing to provide a high-quality service at a lower cost. Desert star center has experienced gynecologists who offer gynecology services and advice. Specialists can help their patients with conditions like vaginal infection, family planning questions, STDs, abnormal menstruation, uterine fibroids, sexual dysfunction, incontinence, menopause, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Services included in gynecology is well-woman exams, colposcopy, STD testing, and urgent evaluation. The clinic offers the following services to its patients: birth control, annual exam, gynecology, STD testing, abortion, miscarriage, family planning, and medical abortion.


Abortion is a medical procedure to remove the fetus from the uterus with minimal risks. The method is safe compared to other techniques used. Dr. Taylor at the facility uses medical instruments that gently suck the fetus from the uterus. If the fetus is past 16 weeks old, laminaria or misoprostol is used to open the cervix. Many women describe the feeling of abortion is like having menstrual cramps. After an abortion, the patient needs to rest for more hours, wear a pad to relieve cramping, and avoid taking aspirin as it increases bleeding.

 Birth control

Birth control is all methods women use to control getting pregnant. Substances used to prevent pregnancy include condoms and medication from the doctor. There are several birth control types: short-term hormonal control, barrier method, contraceptives that are long-acting but reversible, and sterilization. Contraceptives come in different styles, namely IUDs and birth control implants.

Annual exams

Annual wellness is the yearly health visit focused on protective health needs. The visit helps get screenings at each phase of life like pap smears, wellness advice, and family planning management. Pap smears are used in detecting signs and symptoms of cervical cancer at early stages. The following can be examined during annual exams: breast, fertility advice, birth control options, and sexual health education.


Gynecology is a field of medicine dealing with a woman’s reproductive system. All females need gynecology care, which should begin on the onset of monthly menses and last through menopause and beyond. Gynecological conditions that affect women include fibroids, menopause, vaginal infections, premenstrual syndrome, incontinence, abnormal bleeding, and endometriosis. It would be best if you practiced Gynecology care annually.


A miscarriage occurs when the unborn baby dies before the twentieth week of the pregnancy. Mostly miscarriage occurs at the twelfth week of the pregnancy. Miscarriage disorder is due to chromosomal abnormality in the fetus, making its life at risk. Signs of a miscarriage include vaginal bleeding, tissues passing out of the vagina from the uterus, cramps that cause abdominal pain, and back pain. One can get pregnant even after a miscarriage. It would be helpful to seek a doctor’s advice on maintaining and taking care of the pregnancy to avoid future miscarriages.

If you are suffering from the above disorders, you need to seek doctors’ help. Specialists at Desert Star Family Planning are willing and looking forward to helping their clients. They offer their services at a minimal cost. You can book an online appointment or call their offices to see the doctor.

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