Best way to protect your Skin

What Options Are Out There for Arthritis Patients

Arthritis is something that most people feel like they have no control over. When it strikes, the condition can cut down on every part of life and leave sufferers missing their previous lives. Luckily, this doesn’t have to be the answer for people with the condition. Whether coming from sprained ankles or through previously broken fingers, there are options out there for Orthotics in Des Plaines.


Medications can help anyone with arthritis. There are painkillers to ease the pain of this disease and these choices can be prescription or over the counter. For example, some prescription medications like oxycodone or hydrocodone are opioids that will become addictive. Over the counter options can be something like Tylenol. Corticosteroids help the inflammation from arthritis; these can be medications like prednisone or cortisone and can be injected directly into the joints. NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may relieve pain and inflammation of people; they can be taken in pill form or by using creams on the skin. The pill form is Ibuprofen and Naproxen–Ibuprofen can be purchased as Advil while Naproxen can be purchased as Aleve.


Physical and occupational therapy assist those suffering from the disease. To help weak joints from arthritis, physical therapy increases mobility while helping with the stiffness that comes from the lack of movement. A physical therapist will put together a plan to follow and accomplish goals. Occupational therapy will show someone how to do their daily activities while taking care not to further hurt their joints. They will teach a person how to move in certain ways that will not cause pain over time.

 Arthritis Patients


Surgery may be the only answer to continuous pain. Synovectomy is a choice for those with inflammation; this involves removing some or all of the lining of the joints. The usage of the joint improves with surgery–some joints are replaced with artificial ones. The movement of the replacement is natural and the artificial implants can be made of plastic or stainless steel. During fusion, two bones that come together in a joint are put together and they stay this way until they are fused permanently. Joint revision is used when an implant has a problem. Implants wear out in 15 to 20 years.


A massage can offer relief through increasing the circulation of blood, there are several types of massages that will work for someone with arthritis. A Swedish massage is for the whole body. The pressure is as much or as little as a person needs. Also, self-massage can try to stop the pain in selected areas of the body. Someone can massage the areas that are in pain themselves and the masseuse may use heat or vibration from massage tools.

There are at home and non-medical therapies that will help. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is used to help with relaxation; this therapy shows someone how to do day to day activities, calmly, without stress. At-home therapies encompass a wide range of treatments. It can be as simple as dry heat from a heating pad or moist heat in a hot bath. Losing weight is very important; the less weight the joints have to deal with the better.

Tinnitus Treatment By Specialist Doctors

Tinnitus Treatment By Specialist Doctors

Tinnitus is a problem of the ear which is a sign and symptom of some disorders in your body. Before your doctor starts tinnitus treatment, he will first check for the existing disorders that could have lead to tinnitus. There is no known cure yet for tinnitus but there are various treatments that are done to help the affected manage their condition. There is nothing that can cause discomforts than a buzzing and ringing ear. Our services are available online, therefore, by visiting our website you can have your problem addressed by our specialists. Visit our website for Accessible & Affordable tinnitus treatment designed by a specialist doctor.

Tinnitus Treatment

Most doctors recommend the use of headphones to ignore the ringing sound in your ear. They make sure that they recommend the most affordable and easy to access methods of treating tinnitus to you. Headphones can easily be accessed and are highly affordable compared to other hearing aid devices. This method is the best in helping you ignore tinnitus and concentrate on your daily routine.There are very many methods of tinnitus treatment but the doctors will recommend the best one for you. This is the best place for you to seek help and get affordable treatment services.

Causes Of Tinnitus

1.Prolonged Exposure To Loud Noise

Loud noise from music devices, heavy equipment and machinery can lead to hearing problems. Loud noise causes damage to the inner part of the ear . It destroys cells and membranes in the cochlea causing hearing loss. Avoid exposing yourself to loud noise if you want to avoid tinnitus.

2.Old Age

Most people over the age of sixty years are experiencing this problem. Aged people commonly develop hearing problems while others stop hearing permanently. As you grow old, your ear nerves stop functioning normaly and can cause tinnitus.

3.Earwax Closure

This is a substance secreted by the ear to protect the ear canal. If this wax becomes accumulated in the ear, it can block the ear causing hearing problems. This will definitely affect the eardrum thus causing tinnitus.

4.Changes In Ear Bones

This is a condition whereby the bones grow abnormally. This causes hearing problems which can lead to tinnitus later.

Accessible & Affordable tinnitus treatment designed by a specialist doctor

How To Prevent Tinnitus

Some causes of tinnitus like age cannot be prevented but there are certain precautions that you can take to prevent tinnitus. If you work in industries that where you operate loud machinery , it is wise that you use hearing protections. If you fail to use hearing protections your ear nerves will be damaged causing tinnitus.

If you love listening to music, you should make sure that you do not keep the volume too high. For those who use  headphones while listening to music, they are at high risk of developing tinnitus if they do not turn down the volume.

Cardiovascular health problems can also lead to tinnitus. If you have circulatory system disorders, you can suffer tinnitus problem.


We from tinnitus treatment clinic have decided to make tinnitus treatment available to all people both in the urban and in the rural areas. The available metropolitan treatment services are very expensive for people to afford. Our website is open for all who need our help.

How exactly anabolic steroids influence your cardio and behavior

Do anabolic steroids affect the cardiovascular system?

Anabolic steroids can negatively affect the activity of the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of hypertension, stroke and myocardial infarction. In particular, steroids are able to stimulate erythropoiesis, which leads to an increase in hematocrit (percentage of red blood cells in the blood), causes an increase in blood viscosity and, consequently, a decrease in its circulation, which means that it can cause embolism and stroke. Almost all alkyl anabolic steroids due to androgenic activation of hepatic lipase, which is responsible for the breakdown of high density lipoproteins, reduce the level of so-called good cholesterol and can significantly increase the level of low density lipoproteins (the so-called bad cholesterol).

It should also be noted that the heart muscle, like other muscles in the body, contains androgen receptors and, as a result of their stabilization with steroids, can increase in size. Although there is currently no evidence of direct damage to the heart muscle as a result of sales of steroids in USA, this possibility should not be completely ruled out.

What is the effect of anabolic steroids on behavioral reactions and mental state?

The human brain has receptors for interacting with testosterone, so it can be considered as a target organ both for the hormone itself and for its synthetic analogues. Therapeutic doses of anabolic steroids can help improve memory, reduce mental fatigue and increase mood. In turn, the cyclical administration of steroids, accompanied by interruptions, causes constant changes in the mental state, which negatively affects the activity of the brain.

A variety of side effects depends on the dose of anabolic steroids, while their variability is quite wide – from depression associated with a sharp cessation of steroid use to the onset of a manic-depressive state. An overdose of anabolic steroids can lead to increased aggressiveness, a tendency to violence, and even hallucinations.

Are there sex differences in the effects of anabolic steroids?

Compared to men, women’s anabolic steroids are several times more effective – they are affected by the lowest doses and the “lightest” drugs like Winstrol. At the same time, women recover more easily in between cycles of taking anabolic steroids. But there are also disadvantages. Many USA women like the use of steroids due to increased libido, but at the same time their behavior becomes masculine, which is a certain problem in communicating with other people, especially with males. In addition, women can take anabolic steroids with a loss of adequacy of their worldview – they try to underestimate the self-esteem of men, unreasonably increasing their own. As a result, many couples in which american women use anabolic steroids diverge, as they constantly quarrel and cannot reach a compromise.

Is there an age dependence of the risk of side effects of anabolic steroids?

The younger the person, the higher the risk of side effects resulting from the use of anabolic steroids. At the same time, the recovery period between the cycles of taking anabolic steroids is easier for young people, while after 40 years it is more difficult and requires special pharmacological support.


Benefits Of Melanotan – Find the Right Supplier

We all know that if you ever use any skin products on skin to get the natural tan, in a lot of cases your skin may turn orange. Whereas still prettier than white skin, orange tan actually doesn’t look very natural.  Can you find any products that will give you the natural and pretty tan? If yes, what are they?

Melanotan will give you the natural and pretty tan – It is one very popular tan products right now and available at Lovemelanotan. No matter whether you want the tan for upcoming bodybuilding show, or sporting competition or want bronze look, you must consider making use of Melanotan. You can learn some benefits that this product needs to offer and you will decide if you must give this one try.

Less Exposure To Ultra-Violet Rays

 Primary benefit of the Melanotan is that you do not need lots of exposure to sunlight. Definitely, you need to have a little exposure to sun’s UV rays, however, not much as you will if you were not using Melanotan. Peptide can cut down amount of time that you need to spend in sun to get the tan. It is the chemical that will include melanin and pigment in everybody’s skin, which protects this from sun as well as makes your skin to turn different shades of brown. That depends upon how much of melanin is there in your skin. It’s also the highly effective ways of getting the natural looking tan and, when injected in the body, it begins to work fast.



Peptide is quite flexible in the terms of doses. Let us say for instance, you may continue making use of the specific amounts of this to reach the desired tone or you may take small loading dose. Eventually, you can get to a point when you just need to take the dose in each few weeks to maintain the skin-tone. To know how fast this works, it depends on many factors. Normally, speaking, in case you follow right directions on Melanotan use, then you must see the results within short time frame.

Longer Tan

Results you will achieve with the Melanotan are quite long lasting. You may stop using this product for many months and still your tan will last. Definitely, it might fade a little, but you still will have color. It is a case in case you avoid the sun exposure.

fertility clinic in New York

What Does It Take To Be a Surrogate

Surrogacy has reached the mainstream after once being seen as something only celebrities could do. A fertility clinic in New York is seeing more couples in search of someone to carry their hopes of parenthood while others are curious about becoming a surrogate themselves. As the practice grows in popularity, it’s only right to know what it takes to become a surrogate before signing up.

Age Matters

There are age limits to being a surrogate. A woman has to be at least 21 years old to be considered a viable candidate; experts feel at this age a person is more mentally and physically ready to take on this task. Another factor in the specific age group is a reduced risk factor for younger women. Ages 40 to 45 is the maximum age limit for most doctors, as they consider procedures like egg donation as well as in-vitro fertilization. Older women have more physical problems in general and those select issues could increase the likelihood of a dangerous pregnancy. Some health issues that an older surrogate may encounter are:

  • high blood pressure
  • gestational diabetes
  • miscarriage
  • stillbirth

In addition to health concerns, the advanced age could make it harder to get pregnant. If the couple has chosen a friend or family member that is older than the usual age group, they must be approved by the doctor.

A Healthy Body Is Important For Several Reasons

A surrogate has to be in good health before they are a viable candidate. An overall checkup with lab tests is needed at the onset of acceptance to being a surrogate. There are a number of things considered like having a good BMI and weight; with obesity being a big block to overall fertility. Another thing potential surrogates must refrain from is drug use and smoking. Doctors will look into any past pregnancies to establish the risk of miscarriage. They will also get a medical and sexual history as well as request any medical records. Any spouse or partner is checked for drugs or any diseases during the process.

fertility clinic in New YorkA Surrogate’s Life Is Thoroughly Evaluated

Psychological exams are part of any checkup for surrogates. Professionals such as counselors or social workers will look into mental well-being as a factor. They will quiz any potential surrogate on their feelings and what’s going on in their day to day life to measure potential issues. A candidate should be stable and willing to handle emotional responses that come with changing hormones. There is a check at the home of the surrogate to see the home setting and further discuss ideas about surrogacy; a psychologist or social worker wants to see the support she will have from a spouse, partner, and family.

Background checks are run through several agencies and consist of federal and state screenings for any criminal problems-convictions for drugs, DUI or child abuse are all potential red flags. There are financial background checks as well. The surrogate has to be able to provide for themself and not be on any government programs or depending on surrogacy fees.

Look At Transportation Options

Reliable transportation is important to anyone but a surrogate must be able to make all appointments on time in a safe manner. Costs of this are covered by the future parents, but that does not happen in every case. Some expectant parents choose to bring/accompany the surrogate to appointments.

Burke Dental Implants

How to Get Your Smile Back Through Oral Surgery

If you were involved in an accident in which you lost a couple of teeth, or need some implants in Burke, VA, the experienced physicians at Burke Dental Implants can help. This team of professional maxillofacial specialists will get your great smile back in no time!

The mouth, being an essential part of the body, needs to be kept clean and free of disease. Regular brushing of the teeth and cleaning all parts of the mouth, including the gums, palate, tongue, and other areas within the oral cavity, keep the mouth healthy. The most common dental illnesses associated with poor oral hygiene include tooth decay and gum illnesses, such as gingivitis and periodontitis.

Bad breath is also a common problem that can be caused by poor oral hygiene or other issues within the body.

Oral Surgery

Health problems affecting parts of the mouth and jaw may require advanced medical attention, such as surgery. Oral surgery is any surgical procedure performed by a dental specialist in and around the mouth. There are several surgical procedures performed, and few of them include tooth extraction, dental implants, gum grafts, impacted wisdom teeth, and root canal, among many others.

Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral and maxillofacial surgery specializes in the surgical treatment of many conditions affecting the area around the mouth, jaws, face, head, and neck and surrounding tissues and organs. People seek treatment for many reasons ranging from routine checkups to more complex interventions such as reconstructive surgery.

In cases of severe facial trauma, congenital defects or tumors in the facial areas, OMS treatments involve reconstruction of bones and soft tissue. Cosmetic surgery is a widely used form of maxillofacial surgery.

Burke Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental implants are some of the more common procedures carried out by oral surgeons. This is a procedure used to replace missing teeth and involves the embedding of a titanium root into the jawbone below the gum line to hold an artificial tooth. The titanium root fuses with the jawbone giving stable support to the artificial tooth.

Facial Trauma

Facial trauma or maxillofacial trauma refers to physical trauma to the face mostly caused by accidents. It mainly involves soft tissue injury such as lacerations, bruises, and burns, but also can involve more severe injuries such as fractures to the facial bones such as the jaws, nose, cheek, forehead or any other part of the face. Most common injuries to the face are caused by vehicle crashes and wounds from sports injuries or violent incidents.

Typical treatment for facial injury may include the stitching of open wounds, bandaging, and fixing broken or fractured bones.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

Plasma, mainly made up of water, salts and proteins is the liquid component of blood that carries the red and white blood cells and platelets. It offers a suitable medium for blood cells to circulate throughout the body, delivering life-giving oxygen to your various body organs and fighting infections as a component of the immune system. Platelets are cells within the blood that help the blood form clots on wounds.

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a procedure used by surgeons to quicken the healing of musculoskeletal organs with a concentration of the patients own platelets. Surgeons draw blood from the patient, isolate the platelets and inject the concentrated platelet-rich plasma back into the patient.

Surgeons are increasingly using this technique to treat problems like Achilles tendon ruptures, tennis elbow, and other soft tissue injuries.

Health and Fitness

Goal Setting For Health and Fitness

Is your goal to get healthy this year? Perhaps you’re obese or overweight, and you’re planning to drop a dress size? If you’re struggling to lose weight, you may like to contact Dr. Rohit Suri at the Nova Physician Wellness Centre. Dr. Suri can carry out a medical examination to see if you have any underlying health conditions which may be causing you to have issues with your weight. He can then help by offering you nutritional advice and creating a tailor-made exercise plan which is perfect for your fitness level and body type.


The goals you set for yourself need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. This article will help you to set smart goals to help you lose weight and become healthier. Let’s look at each of these in more detail.


It is important to set specific goals so that you know what you are aiming for and what you are working towards. What exactly do you want to achieve?

How much weight do you want to lose?


Find a way of measuring your goals. How will you know when you have achieved them? If your goal is to get fitter, how will you measure this? How much weight do you need to lose? How will you know when you are fit? E.g., the goal could be to be able to run a 10-mile race.


The goal needs to be challenging enough to keep you motivated and excited about achieving it. However, it also needs to be something that you believe you can achieve. You probably won’t believe that you’ll be able to run 10 miles by the end of next week if you’ve never run before.


While it’s important to set realistic goals, I think it’s also good to set goals that will be a bit challenging. These could be goals that help you learn a new skill that you find tricky or that will get you out of your comfort zone.

However, being realistic about what your skills and experiences are and what you can achieve is essential; otherwise, you are just setting yourself up for failure.

Health and FitnessTime-bound

Give each of your goals a time frame for when you want to achieve them. I have found this to be a beneficial practice. Do you want to spend a year achieving a big dream or set smaller goals which you will be able to accomplish in a month?

You may also like to write down what you would like to achieve in 1, 3, and 5 years. As your health and fitness improve, you will get closer to achieving the goals that you wrote in your five year vision.

For example, you might have written that in five years, you will run a marathon. This takes dedication and training, so you might have written in your one year plan that you will go to the gym and run every day, and at the end of the year, you will be able to take part in a 10 mile run for charity. Taking these actions has helped you move towards your goal of being able to run a marathon in five years.

Examples of SMART Goals

I’ll commit to 30 minutes of yoga a day.

I will go to the gym twice a week.

I will walk around the park three times a week.

I will cycle everywhere instead of taking the bus on days when the weather is good.

cosmetic injections in Meridian

Facts You Should Know Before Having Botox Injections

Botox injections can be used medically or cosmetically to treat certain muscular conditions and paralyze muscles to remove wrinkles, respectively. According to specialists for cosmetic injections in Meridian, Botox is derived from a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. It’s found in lakes, soils, forests, and other natural settings.

The bacterium is also found in organs of animals like crabs, fish and the intestinal tracts of many mammals. Your friend, your neighbor or your relative may have had a Botox injection, and now they look better than before. You now want to try out the same process to see if it can work for you. Before making an appointment with a dermatologist, below are essential facts you ought to know about the procedure.

Botox is a Safe Procedure When Done Correctly

The Botox procedure can be a little frightening when you think of a needle penetrating the forehead, or in between the eyes. This shouldn’t be the case as the procedure is widespread and was first approved by the FDA back in the year 1989 for medical use. In the year 2002, the FDA approved the use of Botox procedure for cosmetic purposes. For a safe and successful process, ensure that you choose a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist who is board certified.

Botox Does Not Eradicate Wrinkles

When having a Botox procedure done, your expectations of the results should be reasonable. The process does not remove the wrinkles on your face but relaxes the muscles, thus improving their appearance. For static lines, you can opt to smoothen them using laser treatments. But for wrinkles caused by facial expressions, having a Botox procedure can help to eliminate them.

Qualifications for Botox

According to the FDA, Botox should be done on people between the ages of 18 and 65. Here are some of the reasons why you shouldn’t have the procedure.

  • If you have had facial surgery or you are planning to have one in future
  • If you are on certain medications like vitamins and other supplements
  • If you are allergic to a botulinum toxin brand like disport, myobloc or Xeomin
  • If you have a skin problem or any other condition at the injection area
  • If you have problems like asthma, bleeding issues and difficulty in swallowing food or drinks
  • If you have an allergy of any of the Botox ingredients

Of all the clinical studies that have been done about Botox, none concern an expectant woman. For safety purposes, if you have plans to conceive, you are pregnant or currently breastfeeding, avoid Botox injection.

The Side Effects of Botox

The most common side effects that result from having Botox include pain accompanied by bleeding at the injection area, redness, swelling and inflammation. There are those side effects that result in allergic reactions such as rashes, dizziness, itching and wheezing.

In case you experience such feelings after a Botox procedure, it’s recommended that you consult your dermatologist immediately. Other Botox related side effects are fatigue, neck pains, muscle twitching, droopy eye leads, and headache, among others.

Is Having a Botox Painful?

All injections can cause pain, but the needles used for Botox are generally small, and the resulting pain is minimal. To help prevent or reduce pain, dermatologists apply a topical anesthetic cream or cold pack to numb the area to be injected.

Stem cell

Answering the Important Questions about Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy remains a highly misunderstood method of healing. For Brooklyn orthopedics and doctors who rely on it, there are significant results as well as extended promise. Get to know this practice that is becoming more mainstream as it works with even the toughest cases.

What Are Stem Cells?

Stem cells can become many different cells. They are used to treat a variety of diseases and research for both people and animals. The stem cells divide and repair the body. Cells can be taken from the body or made in a laboratory. They can be found in adult tissues and embryos and are found in blood and bone marrow. Stem cells from embryos are pluripotent which means they can be many different types of cells. Adult cells come in two types. One is from tissue such as the brain or liver and can only make cells of that type of cell. The other is adult cells from a laboratory that are induced pluripotent. These cells imitate embryonic cells.

What Is Stem-Cell Therapy?

Stem cells from a person’s own body are used to repair damage to various areas. It is called regenerative medicine and is a non-invasive treatment. These cells sometimes can be used rather than donor organs which can be hard to find. They are implanted and speed up healing in the body.

What Has Stem-Cell Therapy Been Used For?

There are numerous disorders that can be helped by stem-cell therapy. One important use is for cancer treatment. Stem cells are used to fill in the bone marrow when cancer or chemo has destroyed it.

Stem cell

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is for cancers affecting the blood like leukemia. Radiation or chemotherapy is done before the Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Anemias are other blood diseases helped. It is also used for injuries to joints and immune diseases. In the case of bone-related conditions, the cells give each bone the ability to heal, or at least continue to improve from its previous state.

How Does Stem-Cell Therapy Help Animals?

Stem-cell therapy can help animals. In dogs and cats, this therapy is used for osteoarthritis. It is used in the treatment of injuries to bones and tendons in horses. Fat cells are taken from the animals and sent to a laboratory. Injection into an area like a joint is done while the animal is under anesthesia. The anesthesia is much like what humans experience. While under sedation, additional pain injections or treatments may be administered.

Its use for animal care is also helping people with their chronic pain. Some of the treatments used today started out in veterinarian clinics or similar situations where animal patients put their potential to the test. As those in the medical industry noticed it’s helpfulness, they relied on the findings to present medication and treatments for human patients.

The practice of using stem cells in medicine is quickly becoming a factor in how patients are treated. By learning how this works and its benefits, many who are worried about using the process can see its potential. In the coming years, its uses seem limitless as its popularity grows.

Anti-Aging Treatments for Healthy, Youthful Skin

Anti-Aging Treatments for Healthy, Youthful Skin

With people living longer, the race against aging has become more important than ever. As people are working long past previous retirement ages, it is vital to maintain a confident, youthful appearance in the business world. Finding a qualified professional for Rock Hill wrinkle reduction to help your skin retain its healthy appearance should be your first step.

Time can be cruel, indeed. But, with the help of a medical aesthetics specialist, you can face the world looking your best.

What Are Medical Aesthetics Specialists?

A medical aesthetics specialist is has completed specialized training regarding cosmetic procedures. This includes many options, including Botox injections, collagen replacement therapy, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and much more.

Anti-Aging Treatments

Popular Anti-Aging Treatments

There are many nonsurgical ways to look younger, such as injectables and topical treatments. These minimally invasive procedures can give your skin a healthy, youthful glow. Among the most-often requested treatments to fight the aging process are the following:

Botulinum Toxin (Botox)

One of the most well-known age-fighting options is the Botox injection. Botulinum toxin is injected into the muscle, keeping it from contracting. This leaves you with a softer, more relaxed look, especially around the eyes and on the forehead.

Hyaluronic Acid

If your skin is dull and dry, hyaluronic acid can help improve your skin’s appearance. It offers a protective barrier for your skin that reduces its vulnerability to damage from many factors, including the sun.

Chemical Peel

If you are looking to improve your skin’s overall appearance, this procedure may be the perfect option. A chemical solution is put on the skin of your face, hands, or neck. This will cause the outer layers of skin to peel away, taking the dull, discolored, or scarred tissue with it. What is left will be smooth and bright.

A chemical peel is a great option for a variety of skin issues. It can treat fine lines and wrinkles, along with sun-damaged and acne-scarred skin. It can reduce mild scars, age spots, freckles, and other skin discolorations.

Options for Wrinkle Reduction

  • Injectable dermal fillers and neuromodulators are used to fill in facial lines and relax the muscles where wrinkles and lines appear.
  • Micro-invasive skin tightening treatments utilize nonsurgical devices that stimulate the production of collagen deep in the layers of your skin. Some use laser energy, ultrasound energy, or radiofrequency energy, or some combination of these, to send heat to the skin tissue.
  • Surgical facelifts can produce astounding results when the signs of aging have progressed. They can help with loose neck skin and excess neck fat, the development of jowls, facial sagging, and deepened folds from the nose to mouth, like a marionette.

Laser Skin Treatment

For the latest technological advance in the war on aging, opt for a laser skin treatment. This minimally invasive process can quickly erase years from your skin without surgery. It is an extremely popular option for aging skin.

In this procedure, lasers function to remove the outermost layers of the skin. This lets a fresh layer of skin to grow in its place. The laser also serves to stimulate collagen production and cell renewal. You are left with tight, healthy, new skin that looks years younger.

This technique is especially useful in reducing facial lines, like those that form around the eyes and mouth, and wrinkles.

You have options in the fight against aging. Find out more about what options are best for your skin.