Lifestyle Habits to Keep Your Lungs Healthy

The lungs are one of the most vital organs in the human body, yet also the most vulnerable to being damaged. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), respiratory diseases constitute five of the thirty most common causes of death. Lung-related illnesses are increasingly being caused due to factors influenced by lifestyle choices.

Since individuals can modify their lifestyles to embrace healthier practices, it is recommended to opt for guidance from a medical professional. Dr. Latha Thanneer in New York specializes in providing such comprehensive healthcare services.

Lungs Healthy

Lifestyle Practices to Maintain Healthy Lungs:

  1. One of the most common lifestyle changes that a person can make to have healthier lungs is to quit smoking. Cigarette smoking affects the air passages and makes breathing difficult. It can also lead to the destruction of lung tissue and can also lead to lung cancer. Cutting down on active smoking will automatically reduce instances of passive smoking, leading to healthier lungs for others as well.
  2. Reducing exposure to pollutants is a crucial way to maintain healthy lungs. The outdoor air is laced with several toxic pollutants, and breathing them in constantly can weaken the lungs. Since the lungs also require fresh outside air, it is impossible to prevent going outdoors. It is thus imperative to take proper precautions, such as wearing a mask outside or staying away from places with heavy traffic, which produces heavy pollution.
  3. The lungs are easy targets of infections. Some of the deadliest diseases (like COVID-19) directly affect the lungs and weaken them. A condition as simple as a cold can become damaging if not treated in time. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to take precautions and prevent catching an infection. One can take such precautions by maintaining hygiene such as washing hands regularly with soap and water, using sanitizers, and avoiding the public space during peak-flu seasons.
  4. One can do various breathing exercises which help improve lung functionality and strengthen them. They help by maintaining the volume of air in the lungs. In addition to lung exercises, other physical activities are also beneficial to enable stimulation of the lungs, which keeps them active and alert.
  5. Indoor pollution can also be a problem. Regular dusting and cleaning of the house and having proper ventilation channels can ensure a decrease in indoor pollution.
  6. Regular medical check-ups can help determine one’s vulnerability to lung-related illnesses, and regularly getting tested can lower the risk of developing complications.

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