How You Can Overcome Dental Anxiety

3 min read

When you think about visiting a dentist, you probably have emotions. If you are worried or have weird feelings the moment you walk into your dentist’s reception room, you need to find ways to deal with those emotions. Dental fear is a common occurrence and affects many people. It is estimated that about 15 percent of patients fear the dentist chair. So how do you think about joining the other 85 percent who do not fear a dentist? There are ways you can overcome dental anxiety and ensure that you are comfortable and confident while visiting a Roslyn prosthodontist for tooth replacement.

Talk to your dentist

A common worry about visiting a dentist is that the procedure is going to hurt. So, if you are nervous about pain, you want to let your dentist know. He or she can administer anesthesia to numb you so that you feel comfortable when on the chair. If you are afraid of needles, then nitrous oxide or laughing gas tends to work well. It helps you to relax first and if it’s not enough, sedation dentistry is common.

Tell the dentist about your past experience

You may have had a bad experience during your previous visit to a dental office. Clients complaining of bad experiences seem to be common and it’s regarded as the second most common problem with apprehensive patients. The experience you have including the appointment can make you feel unsettled or repulsed.

Maybe you were over-billed or the hygienist was not thorough. You may also have had an assistant who was annoying or the dentist you visit was insensitive. These kinds of experiences should not prejudice you from having future visits to a dentist – whether the same dentist or another one. You want to tell the dental staff about what you experienced in the past. This way, you make them understand what exactly offended you so that you can avoid it. Dentists want to have the best experience with their clients and they will try to avoid anything that could offend the patients. Talking about the experience may make all the difference.

Don’t be embarrassed 

Your oral health may embarrass you especially if you have gone many years without a cleaning. Perhaps you put off treatment that compromised the state of your mouth. You may be embarrassed about what the dentist may say to you regarding the current state of your teeth or gums. These are issues that may create fear in seeing a dentist. However, dentists have seen it all. They will not pin you down for not doing something about your teeth or oral hygiene. They are here to help you and will talk nicely and respectively to you.

Looking forward to having a tooth replacement or other restorative dental procedure? You can consider a cosmetic dentist who specializes in dental implants, bridges, crowns, dentures, and other dental problems like temporomandibular disorders (TMJ/TMD). The cosmetic dentist will be able to offer you the right restorative treatment for your dental problem. Make sure that fear does not hold you back from regularly seeing a doctor or going for an appointment following a dental problem like tooth decay.

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