How to take care of your heart at 30, 40 and 50

3 min read

The heart is first and foremost a pump whose role is to send blood into the arteries.But it is a special pump because it works rhythmically: the heart contracts, but it relaxes immediately after to contract again.Thispump adapts to the efforts: the rhythm is variable and can accelerate and slow down. It is a closed-circuit pump: it starts from the arteries which receive the blood under a strong pressure and send it into circulation. But the pump also receives blood through veins from the entire body.The heart is an automatic pump, that is to say that works with its own rhythm independent of the will and any other organ of the body. This automatic, autonomous center operates through a variety of internal electrical circuits in the heart called conduction pathways. The problems related to this are therefore conduction problems that affect the rhythmic function of the heart.The accumulation of plaque in the arteries can begin silently even from adolescence. You can reduce the chance of having coronary heart disease if you look at your lifestyle habits after 30, 40, 50 and more. Click here for online cpr certification.

From 30

Prevention is key. Healthy eating is crucial to reduce cardiac risk. Work and family obligations may tempt you to sleep less to do more, but sleep is also important to the heart; Try to sleep seven hours a day. Finally, keep moving. The United States Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity – that is, walking, cycling, or dancing – at least five days a week. Visit this site for online cpr certification.

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From 40

The metabolism becomes slower, that is, take care of your weight and keep abreast of your level of glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as signs of inflammation (such as C-reactive protein). When the woman turns 45, her risk of cardiovascular disease during life amounts to 55 percent, and Hispanics are at greater risk of dying due to them. If you do not control your stress level, this can cause you to increase your pressure and cholesterol, and increase the damage to the arteries, that is, it incorporates relaxation techniques in your daily routine.

From 50

With menopause, women should talk to their doctor about the risks and benefits of hormone treatments, considering their personal and family medical history, as well as their lifestyle. If you haven’t exercised, you may first need a physical exam and a stress test. Some doctors also suggest determining with a CT scan if you have calcium accumulation in the coronary arteries, which is indicative of heart problems.

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