How to take calcium and vitamin d3 tablets

4 min read

Calcium and Vitamin D3 are vital for pregnant women. It is essential for women who wish to continue having an active lifestyle. They are ideally taken as a combination since it improves the rate of absorption by the body. There are many ways a calcium tablet can be ingested. Some are water-soluble while many of them come in the chewable form. Same with Vitamin D3. The myriad vitamin supplements that are available in the market focus on the overall well-being of the individual, providing them with all the important minerals and nutrients, necessary for the optimal functioning of the body.

Why is Calcium important for the woman’s body?

Calcium is one of the elemental minerals necessary for the creation and functioning of life as we know it. And it is not just limited to the growth and strengthening of the bones and teeth. Calcium is necessary for the blood to clot, the heart to beat and the muscles to contract. While it is true that almost 99% of the calcium is deposited in the bones and teeth, numerous other functions rely on the mineral. The human body loses a large amount of it through sweat and since the body cannot make up its reservoir of the mineral, it must rely on a balanced diet. When there isn’t enough intake of calcium, the body borrows it from the bones. While, as an infrequent action, this would cause no issues, but if it becomes a regular activity, over a period in time, the bones will become weak and brittle.

How much Calcium should a woman need?

There are stipulated dosages of Calcium that women of disparate age groups should ingest:

vitamin d3 tablets

For women above the age of 50 years: 1200 mg daily

For women below the age group of 50 years: 1000 mg daily

For expecting mothers, the dosage depends on the test results. It predictably would be higher than normal times since the loss of the mineral is more. To supplement this loss, the expecting mother would have to be prescribed Calcium tablets, since the diet may not be able to fulfill the shortfall. As mentioned previously, the calcium supplement may be water-soluble dosages or chewable and can be taken in the way directed. It is usually taken with meals since the absorption is better.

Why is Vitamin D3, important for the woman’s body?

The primary task of Vitamin D3 is to assist the body to absorb calcium. This is the reason why both calcium and Vitamin D3 are given as a combination. This combination is also prescribed to those who suffer from Calcium deficiency. Vitamin D3 is also essential for the maintenance and strength of the bones and teeth. Those suffering from Vitamin D3 are likely to experience brittle and weak skeletal structure and increased muscle fatigue.

The usual ways of getting adequate amounts of Vitamin D3 are:

  • Sunlight
  • Food
  • Supplements

However, it is usually the third that becomes a necessity over a while.

How much Vitamin D3 should a woman need?

Like Calcium, there are certain dosages for women relative to their age:

For 55 years and older it needs to be anywhere between 800-1000 IU

For 55 years and younger, it can be a bit less than that.

However, for women who are expecting, the dosage will vary as per the tests. But it will certainly be more than the normal times because, during pregnancy, the mother ends up losing a large number of minerals and micro-nutrients, since it gets transferred to the child in the womb.

There are two types of Vitamin D, namely vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Both are good for the health of the bone. However, it needs to be prescribed by a medical practitioner. It is also essential that the dosage prescribed be adhered to.

Medical Conditions arising out of Calcium deficiency

There are severe medical conditions that may appear due to calcium-Vitamin D3 deficiency:

  • Bone loss or osteoporosis is one of the most common ailments arising out of it.
  • Weak bones or rickets is another ailment like bone loss
  • Decreased activity of the parathyroid gland or hypoparathyroidism
  • Muscle ailments like latent tetany

If the correct amount of Calcium is not available to pregnant women, then both the mother and the child are in danger of contracting severe medical conditions. The fetus may undergo partial skeletal and nervous development. The child may be stillborn or premature and might not be able to survive for long.

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