How to Perform an Intervention for a Friend or Family Member who is Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol

3 min read

If a loved one or friend is suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction, consider an intervention. An intervention is best defined as an orchestrated attempt by an individual or several people who are close to the addict to convince him to seek professional help. Such recovery assistance is available at drug detox in Malibu. Though your friend or loved one might not appreciate the effort to intervene in his life at the moment, he will eventually be grateful for your intervention as time progresses.

Plan the Intervention far Ahead of Time

Do not attempt to “wing it” during the intervention. This is too important of an event to ad-lib. Sit down with everyone who will be attending the intervention and discuss the best possible approach. Come up with a list of grievances, suggestions, statements and so on. If necessary, rehearse the intervention once or several times before it actually occurs. Do not hesitate to write down your thoughts, statements, requests and any other information you would like to communicate to the addict. These letters can be read aloud to the addict during the intervention to give him an accurate idea as to the extent his addiction has negatively affected the lives of his loved ones.

How to Perform an Intervention

Interventions are not easy. You will likely have to be a bit confrontational in order to convince your family member, significant other or friend to participate in drug detox in Malibu. Ask the addict to meet with you at a certain time in a specific location. Do not let him know that the purpose of this meeting is to intervene in his lifestyle. Once he arrives at the meeting, directly address his addiction to drugs or alcohol. Do not beat around the bush. Let the addict in your life know that his addiction has decreased his own quality of life as well as the quality of life of his family members and those in his social circle. If the addict is made aware of the fact that his addiction has harmed those he loves, he will be much more inclined to attend drug detox in Malibu.

Let the Addict Know You are in his Corner

It is imperative that you communicate your support for the addict. Let him know you will be available to talk or enjoy activities in order to keep his mind off of the substances that have dominated his life. Make sure he is aware that you will pay him several visits while he is in drug detox in Malibu. If he understands that at least one person will back him throughout his rebound from addiction, his chances of returning his life to normalcy will be greatly increased.

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