Hair Restoration and Transplant Specialist Located in Hauppauge, New York

3 min read

Many aging people face the prospect of losing hair. It can be a stressful situation for both men and women. However, the days of having to live with a bald head are over. If you are a resident in New York, there is a Hauppauge hair restoration and transplant specialist who can help stop hair loss and promote healthy hair growth in affected areas.

When you visit Advanced Robotic Hair Restoration Centers, in Hauppauge, NY, you will find Dr. David A. Mayer, who is a hair restoration and transplant specialist. He leads a team of well-trained professionals who provide hair restoration services to both men and women.

The team works closely with each patient to provide personalized solutions. When you check-in for an appointment, one of the providers will examine your hair loss problem and determine the best course of action to take.

What is Hair Restoration?

It is also known as hair transplant surgery, and it is a cosmetic procedure that restores hair to parts of the scalp that are bald or have thinning hair. At the clinic, it is also possible to restore hair in areas such as eyebrows and facial hair.

Hair Restoration and Transplant

The different types of hair restoration include:

1. Flap surgery

2. Hair transplantation

3. Scalp reduction surgery

4. Tissue expansion surgery

The team of professionals determines the best type of hair restoration to apply to each patient. They do this by pinpointing the root cause of hair loss. Also, the hair restoration’s objective will help the providers choose the right surgical procedure to use.

Who should come in for hair restoration?

The best candidates for hair transplant surgery are people who are beginning to bald. It is also essential that the person has healthy hair growth at the sides or back of the head. For completely bald people, other treatment options exist that are more beneficial than hair restoration.

If you want to have a successful hair restoration procedure, you need to have portions where healthy hair is growing. These become the donor areas, where the treatment providers can source grafting or flap material.

Why choose to come at Advanced Robotic Hair Restoration Centers

There are numerous reasons you should decide to book an appointment at the facility for a hair restoration procedure. They include:

1. An Experienced and well-trained lead surgeon

Dr. A Mayer is a board-certified surgeon who has excellent education and experience in hair transplant surgery. He leads his team of world-class and respected doctors, nurses, and clinicians to provide safe and effective hair restoration services.

2. Cutting edge technology

The team at the facility uses modern and advanced techniques to offer hair restoration services. For instance, it uses the ARTAS iX Robotic Hair Restoration System. This is one of the most advanced hair restoration technologies available.

The system uses artificial intelligence and 3D imagery to map and calculate the hair follicle data for successful graft harvesting. With this technology, you can have successful and long-lasting results. The hair implants blend with the surrounding hair, and no one will tell you that you had a hair transplant.

If you have any hair loss or thinning problems, you can book an appointment at the facility to learn more about hair restoration. You will be able to regain your hairline and regain your confidence as you step in at your workplace.

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