Family Medicine: Caring for Everyone

4 min read

Family Medicine delivers sustained and consistent, exhaustive and extensive health care for the individual and their family. It integrates and incorporates the biological, clinical and behavioral sciences. The scope of Family Medicine includes all ages and genders as well as each organ system and their possible diseases.

Family Medicine focuses on the patient’s overall health. By forming a good professional relationship with their patients through consistent follow-up, family physicians establish a comprehensive knowledge of their patients’ health status that enables them to offer astute and perceptive advice and treatment.

An excellent patient-physician relationship paves the way for family physicians to take into consideration other health aspects in their patients’ lives, such as family and community relationships over and beyond their reported concerns.

Forest Hill medical centre

It is then to every family’s benefit to avail of the services of Forest Hill medical centre, a family-friendly clinic that ensures the care of the highest quality with the best health outcomes in mind.

One of a parent’s worst nightmares is to have to bring a member of the family to a medical facility, especially, in the event of an emergency. Yet there are some emergencies which seem impossible to foretell, much more, prevent, it is always wise to be proactive in ensuring your family’s health. This entails going for regular check-ups with your family physicians, not missing out on laboratory and other necessary work-ups and showing up for follow-ups as scheduled. Not to mention, immediately seeing your doctor when experiencing any form of discomfort or anything that is out of the ordinary. Being in hospitals and clinics generally causes anxiety for just about anyone but it is always better to be sure than sorry. It also helps to find medical professionals who are kind and considerate of their patients and their family’s apprehensions and are willing to keep an open line of communication.

Below are a few tips on what you might need to look for in an excellent medical centre to aid you in making the correct choices with regard to your and your family’s health care needs and find out what is expected from the one you have finally chosen.

Assurance regarding safety

  • the physicians are well established and have years of experience in their respective fields of specialization; there is a strong support group of licensed nursing staff and allied health professionals that are knowledgeable and skilled
  • the patients’ medical history and records are accurate and kept confidential at all times
  • there are preparations and provisions for any unexpected contingency
  • accommodations and equipment are regularly and adequately sanitized and carry the lowest possible risk of contagion


  • the medical and support staff are all highly qualified with continuing education and training
  • prompt medical and surgical management is delivered by the staff who have prompt access to your medical records
  • your consent is a prerequisite for any procedure contemplated after thorough information and explanation with regard to it
  • your proposed plan of management is well-coordinated through the effective channels of communication among all departments involved
  • facilities and services are accessible

Good leadership

  • the medical centre is run in a professional manner that shows compassion to both patients and staff alike

Meet your needs

  • patients and their families do not need to commute or travel far for other services which may be necessary; there are pharmacies, or larger hospitals nearby if needed
  • ample parking spaces are available for clients
  • professionals from other fields of specialization are on hand to render assistance or services when they need for referrals arise
  • facilities and services are available at appropriate times
  • it is easy and simple to schedule an appointment
  • as much as possible, long waiting time, delays and cancelations are avoided
  • clients’ concerns or complaints are considered seriously and amended the soonest

Respect and care for patients

  • patients and their families are treated with respect, dignity, kindness, and compassion
  • you, as a patient is significantly involved in the decision making; in cases where the patient is a minor, the parents are the ones involved in the whole process
  • the patients’ health condition and plan of management are explained in a simple, understandable yet thorough manner

Your choice of a family clinic that meets your every health need in a convenient and accessible location is of utmost importance. More so, having a medical team that will treat you as if you are a member of their own family. Your family’s health deserves the best and highest consideration. Choose wisely.

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