Everything About Diabetes

3 min read

Defining diabetes

The disease or disorder in the body that takes place when the hormone known as insulin is not properly utilized, or it is produced in very small amounts is known as diabetes. When insulin is produced in inadequate amounts or not properly utilized, it causes the level of blood sugar in the blood to increase rapidly, causing a buildup. Diabetes is broadly categorized into two main categories, known as Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is also referred to as juvenile diabetes, and it is characterized by the absence of any insulin production in the body. This type of diabetes is mainly diagnosed in teenagers, children and occasionally in adults. Type two diabetes is characterized by the failure of the body to produce adequate amounts of insulin or failure to utilize it properly. It was previously assumed that only adults could suffer from this type of diabetes, but recent surveys show that children are also at risk. The number of children suffering from Type 2 diabetes in Lady Lake is growing with each passing day, and family physicians suspect that the increase in obesity and overweight children might be the cause.


Prediabetes is the state in which the amount of blood glucose in the body is extremely high as compared to the normal range, but it is still not high enough to be considered as diabetes. Having prediabetes significantly increases the chances of an individual getting Type 2 diabetes. If diagnosed with prediabetes an individual can easily make some adjustments to their lifestyle to prevent the onset of fully developed Type 2 diabetes. Some of these lifestyle changes include being physically active, intake of a healthy diet and ensuring your weight is within an acceptable range.

Signs and symptoms

The signs and symptoms that indicate the onset of the various types of diabetes vary from one person to another. During the initial stages of diabetes, the symptoms are very mild and negligible, and many people do not realize they are sick. Despite the symptoms being mild, there might be significant damage and harm taking place in the body organs such as the kidneys, cardiovascular system, and eyes. The main symptoms experienced by people suffering from diabetes include excess thirst, urinating frequently, excess hunger, drastic weight loss, blurry vision, drowsiness, bruises, sores or wounds that take a prolonged period of time to heal, fatigue, itchy or dry skin numbing or tingling feeling in hands or feet and a recurring vaginal yeast, bladder, skin or gum infections. For many individuals suffering from Type 2 diabetes insulin resistance symptoms like skipped or no menstruation in females, darkening of the skin around armpits or neck and high blood. If Type 2 diabetes is left untreated, the symptoms become more severe, and individuals may experience irregular breathing, vomiting, confusion, nausea, drowsiness, weakness and muscle movement that is uncoordinated. This is because when diabetes is uncontrolled for a long period, the blood sugar level accumulates intensely causing the symptoms to become more severe and can even lead to death.

Cause of diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is caused by the failure of the body to produce insulin as a result of the pancreas cells being destroyed by the immune system attacks. Health specialists are still not certain why or how this occurs. Type 2 diabetes is caused by the failure of the pancreas to produce enough insulin, which can effectively allow glucose into the bloodstream. Excessive buildup of blood sugar in the nerves, heart, kidneys, eyes and blood vessels damage these organs.

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