Combating Eye Strain

3 min read

Digital devices are a part of our lives, whether we like it or not. As technology improves on a daily basis, people spend even more time staring at screens. The toll of these advances is constant eye strain and for some a loss in sight. Optometry is offering answers to the pressing issue controlling eye strain for those with normal sight as well as those with astigmatism. Consider these tips for taking care of eye strain between regular appointments with Nicholas Rutkowski, O.D. and associates.

Take Breaks As Much As Possible

The constant glare of a phone, computer, or TV screen can affect eyes. No matter the device or the reason for watching, everyone should take regular breaks from watching the screen. The number of breaks often depends on the amount of time spent throughout the day. As a rule of thumb, a person with average vision issues and a normal eye exam should schedule a break every hour. Each break should run about 15 minutes on average and the user should try to acclimate to outdoor lighting or spaces with more natural lighting tones; some doctors even suggest going for a walk outdoors for the best benefits.

Look Up From the Screen From Time To Time

Taking a full break might not be in the cards for everyone, so at least consider looking away from the screen from time to time. No, this does not mean moving the gaze from a computer to a TV screen, instead, it means a stress-free experience for eyes. Look away from all device screens and focus on anything else in the room. Posters and aquariums are both great choices, but they represent just some of the things that can help break eye strain before it happens.

Choose Glasses with Blocking Lenses

Device users with glasses can find extra relief from pairs that help to reduce eye strain. Over time, the blue light can add up to create eye strain and much worse; lenses work by preventing blue light from reaching eyes and distorting views. Many optometric brands and products are offering wearers the choice of coatings or entire lenses that tackle the problem by redirecting the impact of light. The cost of these options is minimal, especially considering how much time it saves on lost work as well as productivity.

Switch Off Tech At Bedtime

Many users are reporting that they carry their smartphones and tablets to bed, some even leaving them on throughout the night to regularly check on news or email. The best thing a person can do is leave the devices off when they enter the bedroom. This time gives eyes a chance to rest and relax before bedtime, while also helping people reach a deeper level of sleep for healing.

Schedule Regular Appointments with an Optometrist

An optometrist can help address the effects of eye strain while offering tailored solutions to addressing the issue head-on. The unique reasons and details of eye strain vary from person to person, that are why having a trained professional monitor the changes are crucial. They can also help someone notice a serious issue in the making before it gets out of hand.

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