How accurate is rapid antigen test for COVID-19 and available locations in Delhi

The COVID-19 is still dominant in most parts of the world, including India. The country is suffering from the second wave of this pandemic. The healthcare sector is trying every possibility to curb the spread of the virus. And the rapid antigen test is one of the three tools doctors are using to confirm the infection in people. Patients can get the result of this rapid test in a few hours or by the end of the day! But is this test accurate? Let us find out!

Rapid Antigen Test in Delhi: Know Its Accuracy

The accuracy of the antigen test is the talk shop in most places. To collect samples for the Rapid Antigen Test in Delhi, the medical professionals insert a small cotton swab to collect mucus and cells from the throat and nose. This swab is applied to a testing strip to see the presence of the virus in the sample. If the strip changes colour, the test is positive. Since this process is less invasive and detailed, the accuracy may differ.

Possibility of False Negative Reports

  • Rapid tests proved to be accurate for 72% of people with prominent symptoms of COVID-19. Some researchers were 95% confident about its accuracy for 79% of people who tested for the virus.
  • The accuracy rate is near about 58% for people who are asymptomatic to the virus.
  • The Rapid Antigen Test in Delhi has been the most accurate when patients submitted their samples in the first week of observing symptoms.

How Brands of Testing Kits Make A Difference

Many healthcare brands have released their COVID-19 rapid test kits that our professionals are using now. As per studies, STANDARD Q has delivered the most accurate results, while Coris Bioconcept has performed the poorest of all. One should go to a clinic that uses the former brand for Rapid Antigen Test in Delhi.

Ways To Rule Out Getting False Results

  • Go to a trusted and reliable clinic or collection centre to get tested.
  • Check the brand of testing kit used to ensure the accuracy of the results.
  • Take the rapid test in the first week of observing the symptoms. If it is later than that, go for RT-PCR tests.

Available Locations For Rapid Antigen Tests In Delhi

With the increasing rush and spread of the virus, finding the best clinic to get Rapid Antigen Test in Delhi is challenging. But the SpiceHealth clinics are available in different opulent locations of the city to help people get the tests done on time. This healthcare firm has established numerous collection centres across the city. Here is where one can go for collection in Delhi.

  • Azadpur Mandi: A clinic is available right near the fruit market at Gate No. 5 in this locality. People living anywhere near this place can also call for home collection services.
  • Rajouri: This collection centre is just by the Vishal Enclave in Nehru Nagar, Raja Garden. It covers a lot of nearby localities to help people with better and fast service.
  • Chattarpur: This centre is in the Dr Ambedkar Colony on the main Chattarpur Road. One can visit the clinic to submit the sample.
  • Rohini: This collection centre is in the School of Excellence, Delhi Government School.
  • Dwarka: This centre is also in the government school at Sector 6 for Rapid Antigen Test in Delhi.

All these centres are offering the best possible services with attainable accuracy to help Covid patients get the exact details. One must contact the collection centres to book slots. Although the accuracy of the rapid tests is questionable, this is the only COVID-19 test that delivers the fastest results. If one has doubts, going for the RT-PCR test is a better option!

The Unknown Benefits Of Using Hemp Products

Health should be one of the most important things people should pay attention to and yet, it is the most neglected. This neglect can be attributed to the busy life people lead in the modern days. With the advancements of technology, things were expected to be more convenient. While life has grown easier, more convenient, and everything has become more accessible, people have somehow grown busier than ever. This has made people ignore their health and there are only a few people who are concerned about their physical and mental well being. They workout consistently, meditate, and take superfoods that will keep them healthy. Hemp seeds are known to have many health benefits and the use of the same can allow people to enjoy good health provided they use it in the right amount.

Hemp seeds are derived from the cannabis Sativa plant. They belong to the same cannabis species but they are of a different variety. The main difference is that hemp seeds do not contain the majority of THC which is a psychoactive compound. Due to this, they do not produce a very high effect and are safe to use. Hemp seeds have a very high nutritional and medicinal profile. They contain rich minerals, proteins, and healthy fats which helps you to keep your health in check and keeps a lot of health issues at bay. They are extremely nutritious and therefore, they are very healthy.

Benefits of hemp seeds

There are many health benefits of hemp seeds and you should know about them when you are considering using them:-

  • It helps in the reduction of heart diseases. Cardiac diseases are one of the major causes of death all around the world. Hemp seeds are rich in amino acid arginine which helps in the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes and dilates your blood vessels which lowers your blood pressure and hemos you to prevent heart diseases. Hemp seeds are also rich in linolenic acid acid which helps in the reduction of cholesterol levels.
  • Hemp seeds are additionally rich in healthy fats. If you are suffering from chronic pain and body pain, using hemp seeds can be extremely beneficial because it helps to reduce chronic pain and joint pain and keeps you healthy for a long time.

You can check to learn more about the various benefits of hemp seeds.

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How to take calcium and vitamin d3 tablets

Calcium and Vitamin D3 are vital for pregnant women. It is essential for women who wish to continue having an active lifestyle. They are ideally taken as a combination since it improves the rate of absorption by the body. There are many ways a calcium tablet can be ingested. Some are water-soluble while many of them come in the chewable form. Same with Vitamin D3. The myriad vitamin supplements that are available in the market focus on the overall well-being of the individual, providing them with all the important minerals and nutrients, necessary for the optimal functioning of the body.

Why is Calcium important for the woman’s body?

Calcium is one of the elemental minerals necessary for the creation and functioning of life as we know it. And it is not just limited to the growth and strengthening of the bones and teeth. Calcium is necessary for the blood to clot, the heart to beat and the muscles to contract. While it is true that almost 99% of the calcium is deposited in the bones and teeth, numerous other functions rely on the mineral. The human body loses a large amount of it through sweat and since the body cannot make up its reservoir of the mineral, it must rely on a balanced diet. When there isn’t enough intake of calcium, the body borrows it from the bones. While, as an infrequent action, this would cause no issues, but if it becomes a regular activity, over a period in time, the bones will become weak and brittle.

How much Calcium should a woman need?

There are stipulated dosages of Calcium that women of disparate age groups should ingest:

vitamin d3 tablets

For women above the age of 50 years: 1200 mg daily

For women below the age group of 50 years: 1000 mg daily

For expecting mothers, the dosage depends on the test results. It predictably would be higher than normal times since the loss of the mineral is more. To supplement this loss, the expecting mother would have to be prescribed Calcium tablets, since the diet may not be able to fulfill the shortfall. As mentioned previously, the calcium supplement may be water-soluble dosages or chewable and can be taken in the way directed. It is usually taken with meals since the absorption is better.

Why is Vitamin D3, important for the woman’s body?

The primary task of Vitamin D3 is to assist the body to absorb calcium. This is the reason why both calcium and Vitamin D3 are given as a combination. This combination is also prescribed to those who suffer from Calcium deficiency. Vitamin D3 is also essential for the maintenance and strength of the bones and teeth. Those suffering from Vitamin D3 are likely to experience brittle and weak skeletal structure and increased muscle fatigue.

The usual ways of getting adequate amounts of Vitamin D3 are:

  • Sunlight
  • Food
  • Supplements

However, it is usually the third that becomes a necessity over a while.

How much Vitamin D3 should a woman need?

Like Calcium, there are certain dosages for women relative to their age:

For 55 years and older it needs to be anywhere between 800-1000 IU

For 55 years and younger, it can be a bit less than that.

However, for women who are expecting, the dosage will vary as per the tests. But it will certainly be more than the normal times because, during pregnancy, the mother ends up losing a large number of minerals and micro-nutrients, since it gets transferred to the child in the womb.

There are two types of Vitamin D, namely vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Both are good for the health of the bone. However, it needs to be prescribed by a medical practitioner. It is also essential that the dosage prescribed be adhered to.

Medical Conditions arising out of Calcium deficiency

There are severe medical conditions that may appear due to calcium-Vitamin D3 deficiency:

  • Bone loss or osteoporosis is one of the most common ailments arising out of it.
  • Weak bones or rickets is another ailment like bone loss
  • Decreased activity of the parathyroid gland or hypoparathyroidism
  • Muscle ailments like latent tetany

If the correct amount of Calcium is not available to pregnant women, then both the mother and the child are in danger of contracting severe medical conditions. The fetus may undergo partial skeletal and nervous development. The child may be stillborn or premature and might not be able to survive for long.

how do you know if you have sciatica

Major Causes of Debilitating Pain Resulting From Sciatica

Sciatic nerve pain can be disabling. The excruciating pain can prevent you from even getting out of your bed. The pain results from several issues including spinal trauma and tumors. Spine expert Dr. Evan O’Brien and his team offer patient-centered care to their various patients affected by spinal concerns, including sciatica in Woodbury. These professionals know that in order to understand and solve sciatic nerve pain, you have to know its exact cause. Sciatica’s radiating pain that travels from your buttocks down to your legs can either be mild or chronic, lasting much longer than it should. In some cases, the pain may result in numbness and muscle weakness, affecting your mobility.

What do you need to know about sciatica?

Sciatica is not a condition. Rather, it describes a symptom resulting from other health concerns in your lower back. Sciatica happens when something like a herniated disc irritates, inflames, or compresses your sciatic nerve or either of your nerve roots that eventually form the sciatic nerve. As a result, you might feel pain that radiates up and down your affected leg, especially from your buttocks down to your ankle. The pain you are likely to feel from the compression can be sharp, dull, or have a burning sensation. You may also feel intermittent shocks of instant shooting pains in your lower back and down the affected leg.

Also referred to as sciatic neuropathy, the radiating pain can either be intense or mild, depending on its severity. However, you are likely to worsen the pain with movements such as coughing, bending, or twisting. Relief from sciatica can take approximately six weeks depending on your treatment, though you may still experience weakness and numbness in your leg. However, your doctor may recommend advanced treatment when you have chronic sciatica that fails to resolve with treatment. The only way to rid you of sciatica is to know its root causes through a diagnosis from your doctor.

sciatica leg pain

What are the common causes of sciatica?

  • Herniated disc or Lumbar bulging disc

Your spinal discs serve several functions including transferring the weight you exert on your spine through to the discs. A bulge or a herniation is common in your lower back and the compression against a nerve root may result in sciatica. Disc herniation is even worse. Not only does it compress your nerve, but it also contains hyaluronic acid (chemical irritant), which is likely to result in nerve inflammation.

  • Lumbar spinal stenosis

Your spinal roots branch outwards from your spinal cord through neural foramina, where they join and form nerves that extend to your body. However, with spinal stenosis, the foramina narrow, thereby compressing your nerves. The narrowing can either result from disc herniation, spinal injuries, or bone spurs.

  • Spondylolisthesis

The disorder that affects your lumbar spine happens when a vertebra slips over an adjacent one, forcing the displaced vertebra to press on the nerve roots or nerves beneath it.

  • Piriformis syndrome

The piriformis muscle in your spine’s lower part connects to your thigh bone and helps in hip rotation. The sciatic nerve that passes under the piriformis muscle might experience irritation from the muscle when it’s inflamed and compresses against the nerve.

Sciatica hurts. However, pain relief without a proper diagnosis can be challenging. Therefore, contact your doctor for a thorough evaluation to get appropriate treatment for your sciatic nerve pain.   

Sleep Apnea Types, Symptoms, and Treatment

Sleep apnea can be defined as the condition that causes an individual to stop breathing while sleeping. Lack of breathing comes with the consequence of less intake of oxygen. An individual will therefore try to gasp for air, and in most cases, he or she will wake up in the process. However, you will not realize that you stopped breathing, and hence they may continue back to sleeping usually. This is a sleep condition that will require your attention because it may cause severe problems. You must understand it and seek the appropriate medical attention. Highlighted below are three main types of Bristow Sleep Apnea.

Types of sleep apnea

  • Obstructive sleep apnea – is the condition that occurs when throat muscles relax. In this case, breathing stops involuntarily for brief periods due to the narrowing of the airway and space in the throat.
  • Central sleep apnea – This condition mainly happens when the brain does not send the right signals to the muscles that control breathing. It is caused by the deactivation of respiratory muscles or the failure of the brain to activate respiratory muscles.
  • Complex sleep apnea syndrome – the condition that is also referred to as the treatment-emergent central sleep apnea. It mainly occurs in patients who have both obstructive sleep apnea and complex sleep apnea syndrome.

Symptoms of sleep apnea

Sleep Apnea types

There are some signs and symptoms that you may notice from sleep apnea. The symptoms of central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea are almost similar. Some of the common signs may include the following.

  • The patient may snore when sleeping
  • When sleeping, you may gasp for air
  • Headaches in the morning
  • Waking up with a dry mouth
  • Insomnia
  • Feeling sleepy during the day
  • Feeling irritated
  • Being less attentive when awake
  • Another person could report periods when you stopped breathing

Factors that may increase the risk of sleep apnea

Some key factors that may make you more like to have this condition include:

  • Excess weight – people with obesity are known to suffer from this condition. It is a result of fat deposits that accumulate on the upper airway and hence obstructing your breathing.
  • Circumference of the neck – those people who have thicker necks will be more prone to suffer from sleep apnea due to narrow airways.
  • A narrow airway – having a narrow airway can be a family problem. Some narrow airways may be caused by large tonsils or adenoids that may enlarge, making the airway thinner. The condition mainly occurs in children.
  • Age – older people are more vulnerable to this condition.
  • Use of drugs- some drugs such as alcohol, sedatives, and tranquilizers will relax the muscles in your throat. It will, in return, worsen obstructive sleep apnea.

Treatment for sleep apnea

If you are suffering from the condition, be aware that you can get the treatment. If the disease is mild, the doctor will recommend that you change your lifestyle. Some changes include losing weight and quitting the use of certain drugs. If you suffer from allergies, get the treatment, and the condition will disappear. If the situation does not improve after changing your lifestyle, the doctor may recommend using devices that will keep your throat open. CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure therapy utilizes a machine that will help you recover.

Contact a sleep apnea specialist

While some sleep apnea conditions are mild and recover by lifestyle change, other cases will require a specialist. The specialist will give the right sleep therapy, and this will help you recover. The team at Momentum Dental Care will deliver the service that you deserve.

The 4 Main Conditions That Require Acute Care Surgery

Acute Care Surgery is an area that has three vital sections. It deals with critical care, emergency surgery, and trauma. Surgical specialists involved in acute care use quality and evidence-based procedures to improve patients’ treatment with time-sensitive surgical conditions. If you are experiencing a condition that requires acute care surgery, visit the Surgical Specialists of NY, who are regarded as the best Upper East Side acute care surgery specialists. The highly-skilled team practice medicine with passion and offer the best services to their patients.

Below are some of the conditions that need acute care surgery:


Your appendix is a vital organ that is pouch-like and found on the abdomen’s right side. This condition is a short-term disease. That is, it resolves within a few days or weeks. It starts with pain around the belly button and relocates to the right side. Later, symptoms such as nausea, poor appetite, fever, and vomiting then follow. You may wonder what could trigger your appendicitis. Here are its causes:

  • Abdomen trauma.
  • Blockage of the appendix’s opening from the inside.
  • Stool or growth that can cause coughing of your appendix.

Its treatment is either antibiotics or surgery(Acute Care Surgery). If this condition persists without a specialist’s attention, it can cause rupture to the appendix.

Intestinal Obstructions

This is a condition that affects both the small and large intestines. Intestinal obstruction is a condition that occurs when there is compression of the gut by fibrous tissues. There are two types of intestinal obstructions, namely functional and mechanical. Functional obstructions arise when there is neither physical blockage nor food movement through the tract. On the other hand, mechanical problems occur when the movement of food is prevented due to blockage. Some of the causes include hernias, impacted stool, foreign bodies, tumors that can block the intestines, and gallstones.


It is also known as colonic diverticulitis and affects people aged 40 and above. It is an infection found along the walls of the large intestines. Some of the symptoms include pain in the abdomen, nausea, and vomiting, among others. Therefore, it would be best if you visited a doctor any time you have severe abdominal pains. How to treat the condition:

Acute Care

  • Exercise regularly.
  • Drink lots of fluids.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Eat more fiber.

Changing lifestyle habits and eating patterns would help with the condition.

Perforated Ulcers

A perforated ulcer is a critical condition that occurs when an untreated ulcer has burned through the wall in a segment of the digestive tract. It later leads to leakage of gastric contents into the abdominal cavity. The symptoms of this condition include:

  • Pain developing from the back or shoulder.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Swollen belly.
  • Severe pain in the abdomen.

For this condition, you should seek immediate treatment. In most cases, your doctor will advise you on immediate surgery.

Consult an Acute Care Expert Today

Some of the conditions that require Acute Care Surgery can be fatal. Therefore, it is crucial If you are undergoing any of the health problems mentioned above to see a specialist immediately. In addition, if you are a resident of New York City, Surgical Specialists of NY are absolutely the way to go. They not only operate on their patients but also perform palliative care. Call them today to schedule a consultation with the specialists.

Orthodontic Expanders

Top 5 Benefits of Using Orthodontic Expanders

Expanders have become one of the most orthodontic treatments recently, and many people are turning to them to prevent oral complications and improve overall oral health. Robert J. Lopatkin, an orthodontist at Advanced Digital Orthodontics, offers Expanders in Roslyn to manage a crossbite or a narrow upper jaw. However, the treatment option can also be recommended to handle various common dental complications, particularly alignment issues. Many exciting benefits are experienced when using this treatment, and here are some of them. Have a look.

Promotes the Natural Process of Upper Jaw Expansion

Using expanders, particularly for your children, can augment their upper jaw until the age of 14 or 15, when the mid palatal suture is almost permanently fusing. This midpoint between the right and left halves is expanded slowly and gently to create new bone tissues within the area. This makes the upper jaw wider, unlike without the expander. The entire process is stimulated by the natural processes around a child’s growth.

The Expansion Process is Comfortable

When using the expanders, they will be activated daily, and the expansion occurs at a rate of about 0.2 millimeters a day. This makes the process slow with minor discomfort. As a result, many children barely notice the changes happening in their jaw as the palate expands to the anticipated width. Generally, the process takes about 3-6 weeks with daily activation to achieve the desired jaw width. At the end of the duration, it becomes possible to undergo any additional treatment successfully.

It Simplifies and Enhances Other Treatments

During your expansion process, your provider will demand a regular and frequent checkup to monitor your progress. You may require orthodontic visits every week or two weeks to help your provider carefully follow your process and halt the treatment once the required width is attained. However, the expander is left in the mouth for about six months to allow the bone to fuse naturally, and it becomes solid and stable. This makes it ready for the next part of your orthodontic treatment helping your provider proceed easily.

The Expander Can Correct Various Issues

It is not often to find a solution that can address several issues altogether. But with an expander, you can manage posterior crossbites, lower jaw asymmetry, and crowding. These complications can affect your child’s ability to bite and chew and cause permanent asymmetry alongside other complications such as temporomandibular joint syndrome. But when an expander creates a better balance between the upper and the lower jaws, it not only improves these issues but also gives your child an aesthetically appealing smile.

It Makes Breathing Easier

Many patients who use expanders report that breathing through the nose becomes easier. When the upper palate is expanding, it also raises the nasal airway, hence the improved breathing. However, this is not a predictable outcome, but it is a possibility. Studies suggest that for those who breathe through the mouth, snore, or are suffering from sleep apnea due to a narrow upper jaw, the use of an expander can make a significant difference over time.

Learn if you or your child can benefit from expanders by contacting Dr. Lopatkin at Advanced Digital Orthodontics. Dr. Lopatkin will help you understand the treatment process and what you can expect during the consultation appointment.

Top 7 benefits of hemp in health foods

Top 7 benefits of hemp in health foods

Hemp as we normally hear is considered to be associated as a way to get high. But it is not so in the actual sense as there are many health benefits in hemp which we have tried to present below.

  • It is rich in unsaturated fats:

Our body needs good fats for effective functioning. Excess amounts of bad fats should only be avoided. These unsaturated fats are good fats and are found in certain foods. Omega 3 fatty acids contain unsaturated fats which are good for health and immunity. Hemp is also considered rich in these good fats. They help in the maintenance of body mechanisms and also in recovery health management.

  • Moisturizing:

Due to the being able to give moisturizing qualities, hemp is used in cosmetics. A wide variety of beauty products include hemp as an ingredient. It can be found in lotions and hand sanitizers. The hemp oil component is natural and is blended well with other ingredients to give you the desired benefits.

Exhale Wellness

  • It helps reduce the symptoms of PMS:

During the premenstrual period, there is certain discomfort encountered. This can be by way of bloating, and mood swings. It is due to excess production of prolactin by the body. Hemp oil provides relief in such cases. Hemp oil has a component of gamma-linolenic acid which helps to control the hormones during the premenstrual period.

  • Treating inflammation:

Hemp can be effectively used in the treatment of inflammation. It can give you the relief given by pain killer medicines. The component omega-6 fatty acid helps in achieving this.

  • Good for digestion:

Hemp can be found in health products by Exhale Wellness and this is due to its high fiber content. It proves to be an important ingredient in health supplements. Fiber is very much essential for digestion. If this cannot be attained directly through food, supplements can be taken. Hemp in nutrition foods has a judicious mix of soluble and insoluble fibers.

  • Rich in vitamins and minerals:

There are some very important minerals that our body needs for healthy functioning. Magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, and vitamins like Vitamin E are essential for our body. These are some minerals present in hemp. There are many other trace minerals also which help in health management.

  • Superfood:

Hemp is considered a superfood because it is rich in nutrition. Along with healthy fats, it is also rich in proteins. The high-quality proteins help in building our body structure.

Classification of Teeth in Orthodontics

Orthodontics is the study of the growth and development of the jaws and face. This specialty of dentistry also covers internal and external influences on the development, prevention, and correction of teeth concerns. Dr. Yon Lai is an orthodontist in Flushing, NY, and the founder of House of Braces. This institution offers a variety of tooth services to improve the functioning of oral and facial apparatus.

The most common reason for seeking orthodontic care is to improve the appearance of the teeth and face. Many malocclusions are associated with the unsightly appearance of teeth and can thus affect the individual self-image; thus, orthodontic treatment should improve the aesthetics of an individual’s teeth. The oral-facial region consists of dental, skeletal tissue, and soft tissue, including musculature. Stable orthodontic treatment maintains a balance between these three components.

Five major characteristics of an orthodontic patient

orthodontic patient

When diagnosing a patient, dentists place their findings into five categories:

  • Facial proportions and esthetics: Patients are usually concerned about their lip posture and smile.
  • Alignment and symmetry: This class involves issues of teeth crowding, spacing, and rotations.
  • Transverse: Most patients in this category complain about having a posterior crossbite.
  • Anteroposterior: Over jets and Angle Class are the significant issues in this class.
  • Vertical: Dentists deal with overbites and curve of spee.

The list shows that the categories are not clean cuts; they overlap each other.

Basics of an orthodontic exam

A thorough assessment focuses on the following:

  • Teeth are part of an intraoral exam.
  • The face makes up an extraoral exam.
  • The dentist also gets additional information from radiographs, particularly the cephalometric.

Teeth diagnosis

During an intraoral exam, your doctor will evaluate your teeth, specifically looking for:

  1. Malocclusion

This condition presents as misaligned teeth and is also known as a bad bite. Patients with severe malocclusions may have difficulty performing essential oral functions like chewing correctly. A dental health professional may recommend specific treatment options like using braces to reposition your teeth, dental appliances for realignment, or surgery to reshape your jaw.

  1. Molar classification

This system classifies malocclusions through molar relationships. There are three classes:

  • Class 1: The first molar on the upper jaw is positioned posteriorly to the lower jaw.
  • Class 2: The maxillary molar is inclined forwards to the mandibular molar.
  • Class 3: The posterior position of the maxillary molar to the mandibular molar is severe.
  1. Incisor overlap

This condition is also known as an overbite and involves the overlap of the bottom incisors on the upper jaw. Dentists use braces to correct this dental concern.

  1. Crossbite

When the teeth in one jaw are closer to the cheeks and tongue than the other jaw, dentists classify this as a crossbite. This condition affects the alignment of teeth and may result in an odd-looking smile.

  1. Bolton Analysis

When diagnosing teeth, dentists pay attention to a patient’s tooth sizes in the upper and lower jaw to develop an ideal treatment plan.

Contact House of Braces to learn more about the state of your teeth by booking an appointment to get a comprehensive orthodontic diagnosis.

Chronic pain

Effective pain management

Chronic pain occurs as you age and is more common in older women than older men. However, you should seek advice about the coping mechanisms that can work for your condition. As such, it is advisable to consult a New Jersey Back Pain occupational therapist. Here are effective pain management strategies that can work for your condition.

Managing Pain without Medications

You can treat chronic pain at home without medications and administer different therapies that help curb pain. At the initial stages of pain, you can use hot or cold therapy by pressing a hot pad or ice on the muscles. Heat pads relieve pain by increasing blood circulation, leading to the removal of toxins and oxidation of the inflamed body parts. An ice pack wrapped in a towel offers pain relief as well as reduces any swelling that may occur.

back pain treatment

You can opt for physical therapy activities like walking, stretching, and anaerobic activities which elevate your mood and reduce pain. When starting physical therapy, it could be wise to increase the exercise very slowly to improve mobility. Relaxation and stress management techniques such as meditation and yoga may help patients deal with chronic pain at home.

At-home massage is better suited for soft tissue injuries and might not be a great option if the pain is in the joints. You can contact pain therapists who offer alternative pain relief management such as acupuncture which involves inserting needles on specific parts of the body to relieve pain.

Medications and Surgery

If the pain does not go away with at-home remedies, you may opt for over-the-counter medications to deal with the pain. Consequently, you can ask your doctor for pain prescription medications such as opioids, and topical gels. You can also opt for nerve-blocking injections such as epidural injections on a specific body part. If the pain does not subside, you can opt for surgery as the last resort to pain management.

Suggestions on Handling Persistent Pain

When handling persistent pain, you should remember to focus on how to improve your everyday function, as well as stopping the pain. Certain symptoms might not go away. Prepare for the flare-ups that may occur, and talk yourself through the tough times. If you suffer from depression, professionals can also teach you how to cope with depression since being depressed can intensify the pain.

You should find out more about the underlying cause of the pain and learn how to manage and prevent chronic pain. Increasing the dosage of the pain medication without talking with the doctor might lead to severe side effects such as addiction to the pain medications, and building a tolerance to certain medications. As you heal it is wise to reintroduce activities that you enjoy and cut on the activities that trigger the pain. Find fun activities that do not make the pain worse and seek further coping mechanisms from the professionals at each stage of pain management.

Final Thoughts

Chronic pain can make it impossible to accomplish everyday activities. Practice at-home remedies such as massage, heat therapy, and physical therapy to deal with pain. If the pain does not improve, talk with professionals, use the correct medications, and get professional help if surgery is needed as the last resort to your pain management.