How to Reduce Saddlebags

A Common Occurrence

Saddlebags are very common. In fact, more than half of all women get saddlebags, a type of fat distribution in which their lower body becomes visibly larger than the upper side. This happens when excess fat accumulates in the outer parts of the thighs, giving the woman a distinct pear shape. The term “saddlebags” became popular because the appearance is reminiscent of side bags on a horse or motorcycle. They occur for many reasons but the most dominant cause is genetics because the information in your genes dictate where fat is stored in the body. Some women get an even distribution throughout the body while others are not so lucky. Diet also plays a major role. Patients who visit Marina Med Spa for saddlebag treatment often quickly get rid of the problem with safe, minimally invasive treatments.

Smartlipo Procedure

Smartlipo is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a highly effective laser liposuction technique to reduce saddlebags. The procedure is also highly effective in other areas of the body, for instance, the abdominal area and love handles. It is done under local anesthesia. Smartlipo works by gently melting the fat in the thighs, then suctioning it out of the body. Unlike other liposuction procedures, the heating and melting are done prior to removal of fat to ensure the skin is tight and the fat is suctioned with ease. To prevent excessive tissue damage, tiny instruments are used.

Smartlipo has very little downtime and discomfort post-procedure. A majority of the patients choose not to take a sedative so they can be able to drive home from the procedure. Others are able to return straight to work and perform other physical activities like exercises the very next day. Patients who undergo the procedure should expect some minor swelling and tenderness in the affected area, which will dissipate over a few weeks. However, you’ll be required to wear a compression garment for about two to three weeks post-procedure. Although most patients don’t bruise during the procedure, there is a chance it might occur. If it does, there is no need for much concern as it resolves in a very short time.

Sculpsure Procedure

Smartsure is a non-invasive and non-surgical warm laser treatment for fat reduction. It was the first FDA-approved procedure of its kind. It uses a hyperthermic device that destroys fat cells with heat in unwanted areas in the body. With each treatment, the laser energy heats and destroys the fat cells underneath the skin, while a contact cooling system ensures the skin remains cool and prevents burns as the heat is delivered to the fat and the surrounding tissues. The procedure results in up to 24% fat reduction. At least two treatments are recommended for best results.

Following the procedure, you will be able to continue with normal physical activities. The side effects include some tenderness in the treated area, but this dissipates after a few days. Because the procedure relies on the body to eliminate disrupted fat cells naturally, the results will vary from patient to patient, and it’s much less predictable than a surgical body contouring procedure.

Choosing the Best Procedure

The two procedures differ in the fact that one is non-invasive, while the other is minimally invasive. Although both are effective, the choice of treatment will depend on how much reduction the patient wants, if the patient can wear compression garments, their budget, and lifestyle.


Dental Implants

Do You Need Dental Implants?

If you live in Bangkok, you can obtain full dental care at a dental hospital. This hospital, which sits inside a medical facility, makes it possible for you to receive both medical and dental care. If you want the best in health care, this is the right approach to take.

What to Expect When You Visit a Major Dental Clinic

When you visit a full-service dental clinic in Bangkok, you will receive initial care in the form of a dental exam, a dental x-ray, and a full checkup. Once this part of the process is completed, your dentist will map out a treatment plan.

Same-Day Dental Care

By using advanced CAD/CAM software, dental providers in Bangkok can provide patients with same-day dental prosthodontics and restorations. By using CAD/CAM technology, a dental practitioner can improve how the dental restoration is made and applied.

Types of Dental Restorations

Some of the restorations made in Bangkok dental clinics include crowns, veneers, fixed bridges, onlays, and inlays. All types of specialties are featured in a dental treatment center within a hospital facility. These specialties include care for periodontitis, gum disease, and orthodontic care. Patients can receive dental implants and root canal treatments as well. A root canal is performed to save a tooth and the dental pulp.

Cosmetic Dentistry Services

Cosmetic dentistry is featured too. Dentists who specialize in this practice area create and apply bridges, crowns, and dentures. They also whiten discolored teeth, apply veneers, and reconstruct teeth so they perform normally.

dental solution

Maxillofacial Procedures

Do you need maxillofacial surgery or restorative care? If so, this is yet another specialty offered by dentists. You can receive these services quickly (one day), thanks to innovative technologies. Once you schedule an appointment for dental care, book an appointment for a checkup every six months. If you have children, you should have their teeth and gums checked every three months.

Feel Better Overall

When you stay proactive in this respect, you will run into fewer dental issues and feel better about your overall health. Patients who do not take care of their teeth can develop medical problems such as heart disease or circulatory issues. That is why taking care of your teeth and gums is not only good for you orally but it is also good for you overall.

Dental Implants: Trending Among Dental Patients

One of the more popular treatments today is the application of dental implants. These titanium posts serve as artificial roots so your dentist can add restorations such as crowns or dentures. When used for dentures, implants stabilize the prosthodontics so they won’t slip while you are chewing or smiling.

Regain That Youthful Smile

By adding implants, people can regain their smiles and feel more confident as well. If you want a permanent solution to a dental issue that affects your dental profile or dental health, you should learn more about dental implants. While the implants may be more expensive, they will provide you with a dental solution that is typically 99% successful. See what you are getting for your money today.