Lacrosse Injury &Its Healing

There are many people who love sports and along with this they are also ready to take the injury. But now there is no need for the sport person to worry as the there have been many clinics for sports which have been developed which offers diagnostic services to the sports person, runners and athletes. Also there are many clinics which offer biochemical analysis. There is also a motion analysis laboratory which the clinics and hospitals have.

Motion Analysis Lab Comprises of –

  • Specialized treadmill
  • 3D video analysis system
  • Special software
  • Surface electromyography system
  • Ground reaction force plate

As a part of religious and cultural sport in the modern American culture, lacrosse is a very well known college sport. The sport originated from America. It is also played from religious point of view. In the American culture the sports are played and there are many different kinds of lacrosse sports which comprises of the following lacrosse sport, men’s and female lacrosse, box lacrosse etc. The sport is the same but the rule differs.


 Before you get to know what kinds of treatments and other facilities are available, it is also important for you to know what are lacrosse and its injuries and how it can be helped with. Lacrosse is the kind of sport in which the injuries which the player gets is a bit different when it comes to comparison of men and women. The reason for the same is because in men’s lacrosse sports they face more injuries because of the contact, whereas in female games this rule is not applicable. So men suffer more than the female. For more info refer this

There are Various Ways in Which the Players Can Prevent the Injury, they are as follows –

  • Firstly, there are many steps which are the basics which the player needs to follow, especially for men in which there is contact. This shall help them in preventing further injury
  • The players should also be aware of the surrounding in which they are playing
  • They should also wear a protective gear
  • And the most important thing which not only lacrosse player but all the players and dancers are supposed to do is S-T-R-E-T-C-H. Stretching before any game removes the stiffness of the nerves and helps play more flexibly
  • Also, the players should be aware of different types of pain and should not ignore minor kinds of pain
  • The next thing which the players should do is to be aware of their physical capabilities and should not go beyond that.

Treatment –

There are various kinds of treatments which includes diagnostics methods and many other methods for the players who are injured. Surgery is one of the best methods which many orthopedic surgeons ever suggest. But it depends upon the pain of the player and the depth of injury which he/she has received. The option of surgery should be left as the ‘lender of the last resort’. There are also other methods which the players and the doctors can suggest and they can apply like a band method, slight physiotherapy etc.

How to Get Rid of Headache in A Natural Way

Did you know that there are healthy and natural ways to get rid of headaches? Yes, correct. By using some small tricks, the terrible headache will be gone in a few seconds. rxrefill will give you a small list of things you can use to relieve headache.

Use cold compress. This is the simplest and probably the most effective way to fight headache. All you need to do is get some soft cotton cloth and dip it into cold water and then put it on your forehead. That is all. It is not much of a philosophy right? So let it stay like that for a few minutes while you lay and rest. You will notice how the pain slowly disappears and within a few seconds you will feel like a completely different person. The pain will be gone.

There is another thing you can do to get rid of the boring and annoying headache. This may seem a bit unrelated to the headache, but it really works. What you need to do is take put your feet in a hot water and sit like that for 10 – 15 minutes until the water starts to get cold. How is this related to headache? Well, this will reduce the blood flow to the head and increase the blood flow in your feet. We all know that the blood vessels dilate in warm water, right? So that is another interesting and effective trick that will help you get rid of headache. Also, you can put a few rose petals in it and salt and it will have an even better effect. The rose petals have a relaxing and calming effect on your body.


Ginger tea is another great medicine that helps remove headache. How can you make a ginger tea? What you need to do is take a few slices of ginger root and put it in hot water. Then, perform inhalation while it is still warm and gargle it. Also, drink 100 – 200 ml of it. Within a few minutes you will notice the difference. It has the same effect as a pill.

Fresh lemon juice is also very effective when it comes to relieving headache. It is a completely natural drink that when mixed with chamomile tea can do miracles. This will reduce all kinds of pain in your body. Simply drink one glass of lemon juice mixed with chamomile tea every day and you will notice the difference immediately.

Another natural remedy that can help fight against headache are almonds. They contain salicin, which is contained almost in every painkiller. There are a lot of natural ways to get rid of the boring headache. You can try all of them and use the one that you like the most. There is really no harm of using all of these natural remedies. This is a healthy and natural way to beat headache and live a better and healthier life.