Your Comprehensive Guide to Dental Cavities

3 min read

Tooth decay is common and affects people of all ages. A cavity is basically damage to a tooth because of decay. Some people have no evident symptoms of tooth decay or a cavity, but others may experience pain, inflammation, and swelling. If you are concerned about cavities, you should see your dentist regularly for oral exams, at least once in six months. You can check online for clinics for family dentistry Wichita Falls to know more. Here’s more on what you must know about dental cavities.

What are the symptoms of a cavity?

If the cavity has affected the tooth extensively, you may experience sudden pain. You may also have sensitive teeth, or your teeth may experience pain or hurt when you drink or eat something that’s too hot or cold. Other signs of a cavity include unusual stains on the tooth.

What causes a cavity?

The human mouth contains various types of bacteria. Harmful bacteria can turn sugary foods into acids. This eventually produces a biofilm that consists of bacteria, food particles, and acids, which is called plaque. Plaque eventually affects the enamel of the tooth, causing a cavity. If you eat carbonated drinks and sugary foods, you are more likely to get plaque and cavities. Other causes or risk factors for cavities include lack of fluoride, dry mouth, eating disorders, and lack of oral hygiene.

How is a cavity treated?

There are different treatments available for a cavity, depending on the nature and extent of damage to the tooth. Options include:

  • Your dentist will fill the hole in a tooth with special fillings.
  • Your dentist may place a crown to encase the tooth and prevent further damage.
  • Root canal. If the infection has reached the pulp of the tooth, your dentist may recommend a root canal treatment.

Can you prevent cavities?

Yes, a few steps can go a long way toward preventing dental cavities, including:

  • Regular brushing using fluoride-based toothpaste
  • Regular flossing
  • Avoid snacking and eating sugary foods
  • Keep up with checkups and appointments with your dentist
  • Eat a balanced diet

If you have unexplained pain or sensitivity in your teeth, it could be because of a cavity. Do your homework and find a clinic near you for an immediate checkup. Ignoring dental cavities only leads to more problems and oral health concerns in the future. Treated early, you don’t have to suffer tooth loss because of a cavity.

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