Why Should You Consider Getting Composite Fillings?

3 min read

With dental care getting more expensive by the day and our teeth so important to our overall health, it only makes sense that we ensure our teeth stay in the best of shape by looking after them as much as we can. One way to do this is by undergoing a process known as composite fillings.

Composite fillings in Dacula, GA, are a way of restoring and repairing the teeth to close up gaps left after tooth decay, cracks, and chips. They are actually composed of a composite resin material that is mixed with any number of other ingredients that either make it more flexible or harder depending on the need at hand.

They can also be used in the areas where gum recession may have occurred, and are also sometimes used to help restore strength in areas where there has been significant damage because of severe tooth decay. These fillings are often considered to be an alternative to crowns, although they can sometimes be used alongside them depending on what your dentist is trying to achieve.

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4 Reasons for Getting Composite Fillings

  • Chipped teeth

One of the most common reasons for people getting composite fillings is to help them repair chipped teeth. As we bite and chew on our food during the day, it’s inevitable that one or more teeth will get damaged. This can happen because of an impact on the tooth or a piece of food that is caught between the two of them. When this happens, it can either chip off a section of the tooth or break it in two.

  • Cracked or broken teeth

Another common reason for having composite fillings is to repair cracked or chipped teeth. When a tooth gets cracked or broken, it’s usually because of decay. As decay progresses and the tooth loses strength and gets weaker, it may develop fractures or cracks in the enamel. This can eventually lead to gum recession and damage to the roots behind the teeth if not repaired properly.

  • Decayed teeth

Although you’d probably not think it, the most common reason for someone needing composite fillings is tooth decay. This can happen when plaque hardens on top of the teeth and starts to get into the enamel. As this continues to progress, it can cause a cavity to form which then damages the underlying layer of dentine and causes even more damage.

  • Worn teeth

It’s also important to repair worn teeth because they can also become damaged in a similar way. Worn teeth often develop small cracks in the enamel which can then turn into larger, deeper cracks as the tooth continues to deteriorate. Getting composite fillings on these teeth may be the only way you can get them back into good shape and prevent further damage.

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