Why should the four old kids be breastfed?

There are many mothers across the globe who are said to breastfeed their four year old child. They are of the opinion that breastfeeding helps to alleviate the symptoms of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). It is claimed that breastfeeding any first grader was equivalent to sexual molestation, however, has been disagreed upon by the family court judge. There are even noticed mothers who occasionally nurse their 8 year old baby, although she is not confident if she is able to produce milk or not.

Significance of breastfeeding

The American Pediatrics Academy recommends breastfeeding for the initial six months and to introduce solid foods to the child gradually. At the same time, breastfeeding is to be continued for minimum 6 months until the child is of one year of age and as long as both baby and mother desire. Breastfeeding is recommended by the WHO for minimum for 2 year from birth.

Benefits of breastfeeding a 4 year old

Breastfeeding is termed to be an effective way to ensure better child survival and health. If each and every child is breastfed once they enter this world and provided with breast milk only for initial six months up to two years of age, then around 800,000 lives can be saved annually. As per reports, only about 74% of infants born were breastfed in 2006 in the U.S. The objective here is to increase this volume by about 81.9% by 2020. It is necessary to implement several effective strategies for overcoming the different barriers that are noticed to breastfeeding.

Some barriers to overcome are as follows:

  • Dearth of knowledge: Reports state that just about 36% of women are of the opinion that pregnant and breastfeeding a 4 year old will safeguard their baby from diarrhea. Only few people agree that providing infant formula to the baby rather than breast milk will increase chances to get sick.
  • Poor social and family support: Those women having friends who breastfed their babies are said to be influenced by them to breastfeed their little one. But those living in an environment with negative attitudes are likely to refrain from breastfeeding.
  • Social norms: Bottle feeding the infants is rather seen as normal way for feeding them. There are specific cultural practices and beliefs which contribute towards what the women should do to follow normal feeding practices, even though such practices are being not suggested. The common wrong misconception is that big is healthy for babies. This may lead to inappropriate formal feeding as well as early introduction to solid foods.
  • Social embarrassment: Reports have been made by centre managers of shopping complexes and restaurants that breastfeeding are discouraged in their facilities or for the mothers to move to any secluded area.
  • Lactation issues: There are experienced few problems resulting from breastfeeding like engorged breasts, sore nipples, leaking milk, mastitis, failure on the baby to latch on to its mother’s nipples and pain. Insufficient milk supply is also stated to be another reason for mothers to stop breastfeeding their baby.

It is the duty of every mother to focus on the needs of their baby and to discuss the issues faced by them with a qualified physician, so as to satisfy themselves and the baby.

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