Why Is Cosmetic Surgery So Expensive In The UK?

5 min read

Cosmetic surgery in the UK is only carried out on the NHS when it’s a matter of urgency. Most people pay privately to have this type of surgery whether it’s for:-

  • Arm lifts
  • Tummy tucks
  • Breast enlargement or reduction
  • Liposuction
  • Eyelid reduction

The cost of cosmetic surgery can be astronomical however some patients don’t hesitate to pay to look more beautiful, more voluptuous and younger. If your hair for instance is thinning or falling out, you will be pleased to know companies like Get Hair can offer you a hair transplant in Cyprus. Many people are travelling abroad and in particular to Cyprus to have cosmetic surgery which includes quality hair transplants.

Put your trust in hair transplant specialists

Non surgical procedures such as hair transplants often have risks so make sure to talk over what will happen to the surgeon before the operation takes place. Do a little research to find a practitioner or surgeon who is competent in all fields of cosmetic and hair transplant surgery. Find out more about:-

  1. The costs – as cosmetic surgery is usually carried out privately, take into account any additional costs for aftercare or putting right anything that has gone wrong with the first operation. This goes for hair transplants too. Imagine the day after your op seeing a wonderful head of hair only to discover a week or so on, it is falling out.
  2. Patient safety – there are specific regulations for surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures to make sure all patients are treated in a safe manner. Ask for advice and more information about the procedure you wish to undertake so you understand fully everything that is going to happen.
  3. Make sure cosmetic surgery or a hair transplant is right for you.

The surgeon you choose whether in the UK or abroad should have the necessary qualifications to carry out all procedures. Check his or her credentials out well in advance of your appointment as a safety measure.


Plastic surgery at a cost

Ask yourself, is it worth having plastic surgery when it might cost so much? Take a look at some of the richest people in the world who have had plastic surgery that’s gone terribly wrong and it could answer the question. Many famous film stars have had cosmetic surgery only to find they looked better beforehand and the clock can’t be turned back. Don’t make the same mistake. Find cosmetic surgeons and hair transplant specialists who know exactly what they are doing.

Rhinoplasty is another name for a nose job. Those people with unsightly, large noses feel having an operation to reduce the size will make them look so much better. Crooked noses, small noses or Roman noses can all be corrected by cosmetic surgery. This often helps them to be able to breathe better and will definitely alter the face. In the UK rhinoplasty can cost a fortune, fortunately going abroad to have this type of surgery done will still leave you with money in the bank. There are many other types of surgery that people opt for such as:-

  1. Full body lifts – this is a major operation which is usually carried out on obese people who have shed pounds and pounds of flesh. The weight has gone but layers of excess skin remain. A tummy tuck will resolve this excess skin along with fat taken from the person’s back resulting in a slimmer look.
  2. Liposuction – a very popular procedure to get rid of unwanted fat from anywhere on the body. It involves a small tube being inserted into the fat via small incisions in the skin. Unwanted fat is then suctioned out which can improve the shape of the body. Costs to have liposuction are fairly expensive with recovery time being as little as a week.
  3. Face lifts – when wrinkles start appearing and the skin starts to sag, many people wish they could look like they did when in their twenties. Some people are fortunate enough to have lovely smooth skin well into their forties and fifties. Collagen and Elastin, two of the tissue types of skin, start breaking down which affects the tightness and elasticity of the skin. Celebrities don’t stop at one face lift, they have many, as money doesn’t seem to be an object.

These are regarded as the most expensive cosmetic procedures available with the very rich and well-known stars not batting an eyelid at the price.

What do you get in a hair transplant package?

Men and women who decide to travel abroad to have a hair transplant know they are in safe hands. With low prices, an exceptional service and a full head of hair at the end of the procedure, other additions you get in a package usually include:-

  • The opportunity to see a beautiful country like Cyprus
  • A direct flight to Cyprus from Birmingham, Edinburgh, London, Newcastle or Manchester
  • An experienced and friendly surgeon with a professional back up team
  • Accommodation for a two night stay in a four star hotel, breakfast included
  • Aftercare, shampoo and lotions
  • Airport transfers

More people than ever before are putting their faith in cosmetic surgeons and hair transplant consultants abroad. Hospitals have state-of-the-art facilities and cutting edge technology to treat patients with cancer, those who want IVF and many other problems. That’s why more Brits are travelling abroad for treatment.

Enjoy Cyprus and come back a new man or woman

Whichever treatment you travel to Cyprus for, why not also enjoy the sun, the fabulous beaches and learn a little about this wonderful country’s history? There’s something for everyone from museums, abbeys, nature tours, music festivals and street performers to watch. You’re sure to return home a new man or woman, feeling more confident, more relaxed about your appearance and above all, much happier.

Cosmetic surgery and hair transplants are the way forward, so do it now!

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