What You Should Know About Soft Tissue Grafts

3 min read

For years the most effective method for recreating lost gum tissue has been soft tissue grafting. The techniques and materials have improved throughout the years and have limited the need to remove the tissue from another part of the mouth. Soft tissue graft in Frisco are used to reconstruct areas. For new gums to grow, techniques such as using donor tissue and tissue from the roof of your mouth are used.

The surgery is meant to:

  1.           Reduce tooth sensitivity
  2.           Cover exposed tooth roots that can lead to bone loss and decay

    iii.            To reduce recession by leveling out gum tissue

  1.           Give protection from cavities
  2.           Create a suitable environment for the placement of an implant

 Although it is rare for problems to occur after the surgery, complications may arise. It is important that you see your periodontist as soon as possible.  Smoking and drinking may increase your complication risk. Be on the lookout for complications like:

  •         Infection
  •         Swelling
  •         Reaction to sedation
  •         Shifting of the graft
  •         Bleeding gums
  •         Sensitive teeth

Does it hurt? Anesthesia will be used during the procedure to prevent any pain. However, for the pain after completion of the procedure, you can get medication.

How long is the surgery? The time taken will depend on the damage level and the affected areas of the gums.

Will I be swollen? The swelling that occurs should be minimal. If it goes on for more than a few days, see a periodontist. 

Things to do prior to the procedure

  1. a)  Inform the periodontist of your allergies and any changes to your health.
  2. b)  Take your prescription medications unless told otherwise.
  3. c)  Talk to the pharmacist or periodontist if you are taking over-the-counter medications or herbal supplements.
  4. d)  If you are going to be sedated, arrange for a ride

During the procedure:

  •         An IV will be placed in your arm. Your blood pressure, breathing, and heart rate will be monitored during the surgery and after the surgery is over.
  •         The affected area will then be numbed with a local anesthetic via a needle.
  •          A small cut will be made on the roof of your mouth, the surface and the connective tissue will be removed to be used as the donor tissue.
  •         The new tissue will be repositioned on the weakened gum line and stitched. It will then be dressed.
  •         To encourage growth, a mesh is placed between the gum and the tooth.
  •         Man-made materials may be used if you do not have enough donor tissue

Over the next four to eight weeks healing will take place. During this time eat soft foods, put ice packs on swollen areas, and take medication for any pain.

When to alert your periodontist

  •         The medication that was given does not control pain or swelling.
  •         Unusual discharge from the area that was operated on.
  •         Persistent nausea and vomiting.
  •         The stitches become uncomfortable or loose.
  •         If there are signs of an infection.

After the procedure:

  •         Avoid abrasive toothpaste
  •         Get advice on proper brushing techniques
  •         Use a soft toothbrush

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