What You Need to Know About Pelvic Pain

Pelvic Pain

Women are prone to suffer from discomfort in the lower abdomen and pelvic region. This can be caused by abnormalities that affect vital bodily systems. Most of the time, this pain originates from the reproductive, urinary, musculoskeletal, or digestive system. The best Miami chronic pelvic pain and minimally invasive surgery centre can help end your suffering. Be it chronic or acute pain in the pelvis region, we believe this should be medically examined to avoid complications in the future.

Major Causes of Pelvic Pain:


These are non-cancerous growths in the uterus muscle. Fibroids exert pressure on the pelvis when they increase in size or multiply in number. These growths contain estrogen receptors, which make them increase during menstruation significantly.

Endometriosis or adenomyosis:

When endometrium (uterine lining tissue) grows outside the uterus (Endometriosis) or into the uterine muscular wall (Adenomyosis), this can result in cramps and heavy bleeding.

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID):

Sexually transmitted infections such as herpes, gonorrhea, and chlamydia can cause severe bacterial infection in the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. The infection can make you experience pain during sex and urination. Failure to seek treatment can result in scar tissue formation, making it impossible for you to conceive.

Urinary tract infection (UTI):

Urinary tract infection can cause pain and a burning sensation in the pelvis region. Causes of UTI include diabetes, multiple sclerosis, genetics, and spinal cord injury, among others. It would help if you visited your gynecologist to help avoid the infection from spreading to the kidney.

Ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage:

If a fertilized egg is implanted outside the womb, for instance, in the fallopian tubes, this can be life-threatening. Embryo development can be so painful. Also, if you lose a pregnancy before the 20th week, this can cause cramps and pain in the pelvis region

Ovarian cysts:

Your ovaries contain sacs that are filled with fluid. These sacs dissolve naturally, and their rapture can cause pelvic pain.


Dr.Khamvongsa will begin by observing the symptoms and history of your pelvic pain. He may request imaging, urine, blood, culture, and pregnancy tests to help get to the root cause of your pain.


Based on the cause, frequency, and intensity of pelvic pain, Dr.Khamvongsa will decide on the best treatment plan for you.

The first treatment method is usually a prescription of non-steroidal drugs to help relieve your pelvic pain and inflammation. If your pain worsens during the menstrual cycle, Dr.Khamvongsa will give you medication to prevent ovulation. Your doctor will also advise you on diet and exercise to help in pain management.

If you experience recurrent pain in the pelvis, your doctor will combine psychosomatic and medical procedures to enhance your treatment results. He will also incorporate behavioral training to help establish the emotional and psychological tools required to identify the factors that trigger and worsen the pain. If your doctor fails to establish the cause of your pelvic pain, they may recommend surgery.

If you are having problems with pelvic pain, visit us today to get examined and help prevent your condition from worsening.

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