What Is Surgical Negligence?

3 min read

As much as we might hate going to see a doctor or specialist for medical treatment, it is sometimes necessary. But did you know that during 2013 and 2014, hospitals had to pay out one billion pounds in medical negligence claims? This represents a marked increase over the span of just a decade, and may be indicative of a growing population and increased use of medical services. Of course, this all sounds rather frightening, and if you have never heard of medical negligence before, you might be wondering what it is all about and could it affect you or someone you know.

Medical negligence is a situation where damage is caused to a patient as a result of negligence on the part of the medical practitioner. It also includes negligence as a result of a treatment that could have been applied, but was not. In fact, if you have undergone medical treatment but have not been informed of the possible side effects, and you suffer as a result, you may also be eligible to file a legal claim for medical negligence.

Am I Eligible?

First of all, if you believe that you have suffered as a result of medical negligence, you should see a legal professional as soon as possible. You should also be aware that filing a claim is time-limited to the incident having happened within the previous three years. It must also be proven beyond doubt that the medical practitioner was responsible for the suffering or injury sustained as a result of their failure to inform, failure to offer appropriate treatment, or failure to perform a surgical procedure correctly.

Why Should I File a Claim?

As common as surgery compensation claims are, it is important to understand why you are claiming for personal injury in the first place. It may seem as though the only reason to do so is to claim money, but the reasons are more involved than just that. Consider the following:

  • Treatment: It may be that the suffering or injury you sustained causes lifelong complications. It may also be that you require further surgery or other treatment. In these cases, it is important to seek fair compensation through a successful claim in order to pay for additional treatment. Why should you have to pay for the negligence of a medical practitioner that was trusted?
  • Ongoing costs: On a related note, it may also be the case that you need to seek counselling for further support during recovery. Imagine that your baby was damaged during childbirth due to the recklessness or negligence of a medical practitioner. Not only might you need counselling in order to deal with the emotional ramifications, but your child may even require lifelong medical management. This all costs money.
  • Closure: Many people who have suffered as a result of medical negligence find it difficult to experience emotional closure. Even though a successful claim cannot wipe out the memory, it may help to finalise the experience emotionally and make life easier.

If you think that you have suffered medical negligence, it is important to speak with legal counsel as soon as possible in order to determine your eligibility for filing a legal claim.

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