Understanding Dental Prosthesis And Choosing The Right One For You

3 min read

If you are missing a tooth or too or you want to cover up a tooth defect, do not worry because there are now methods that can help you with these dental issues. The most preferred is a dental prosthesis. The prĂ³tesis dental barcelona uses an appliance that includes implants, bridges, crowns, dentures, as well as veneers.

Some of them are permanently fixed in your mouth, while others are removable. Choosing from the many options your dentist offers you can be overwhelming. If you are not sure which to choose, then here are the most popular options for you.

Dental Implants

As its name suggests, dental implants, are implanted into the bone of your jaw such as the root of your tooth. It can be used to replace one or entire rows of teeth. These are basically a replacement of the tooth roots that provides a strong foundation for the permanent or removable teeth replacement. But remember that success rates of the dental implants vary because this will depend on where in the jaw these implants are placed. But generally, dental implants have a 98% success rate.

Dental Crowns

The dental crown is basically a tooth-shaped cap that will encase the tooth to restore it to its original shape, size, and strength. A crown may be needed to protect a weak or cracked tooth or to restore a broken tooth. A crown may also be suggested to cover a large filling especially if there is not enough of the tooth left. Dentists may also recommend this to hold a dental bridge or to cover discoloured teeth or implants.


If you do not want something permanent, then you can opt for removable options like dentures. These are removable replacements for missing teeth. You can opt for complete or partial dentures depending on what you need. The complete denture is preferred if all teeth are missing. And partial dentures are suggested when there are still some natural teeth remaining.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers or porcelain veneers are custom-made shells of materials that are designed to cover the front surface of the teeth. This is primarily used to improve appearance. The shells are bonded to the front of the shape which changes its colour, shape, size, and length. Veneers can be made out of porcelain or resin composite materials. Unlike the resin options, porcelain veneers can resist stains.

How Dental Prosthesis Are Made

Dental prostheses are suggested for patients who want to feel more confident with their pearly whites. But before that, the dentist will need to assess your teeth and oral cavity. For some, dental x-rays of the teeth are needed. This will help the dentist provide the best option that can help provide support if there are any remaining teeth.

So if you think that prosthesis is the best solution to your dental problem, then go ahead and check out your options above. Also, you can discuss this with your dentist or prosthodontist to know which prosthesis option is the best to help improve your smile.

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