The most trusted Energy Workers Compensation lawyers in your locality

3 min read

It can be really unfortunate if you have been suffering from a serious health condition as a result of uncontrolled exposure to harmful radiation at your workplace. Victims suffering from these conditions often face prolonged illnesses and serious ailments that are sometimes irrecoverable. If you or anyone else from your family have faced a similar situation, you have the right to file a claim for compensation from the employer. UEW Healthcare has a pool of expert worker’s compensation lawyers who can help you file a case and recover the compensation amount.

There are strict laws for worker’s compensation in the U.S. and the legal processes are not easy to follow. If you are certain about your eligibility as a claimant, seek expert legal advice from a reputed firm in your locality to file a claim. As most people don’t understand the loopholes and complications of a legal process, getting a legal help is mandatory. The efficient layers will patiently listen to your case and discuss everything in detail. Then they will verify all the documents and analyze your case to find the best strategies to file a claim. Once the case has been filed, the lawyers will help you collect all the necessary documents and represent the case in the court on your behalf. UEW Healthcare has a proficient team of competent attorneys with immense experience in the relevant field. These lawyers will protect your rights and fight the case with the aim to receive maximum settlement amount and medical expenses. There are strict guidelines of the legal consultancy charges that range between 2% to 10% of the total tax-free settlement. Paying this petty amount as consultancy fee you will receive a lifelong security and justice

According to the EEOICPA and RECA Acts, the approved claimant or a survivor can receive up to $2, 50,000 as compensation plus full medical expenses borne by the individual to treat the illness. However, the victim needs to provide proper medical proofs and documents that he suffered from radiogenic cancer, beryllium sensitivity, chronic silicosis or chronic beryllium diseases that are direct results of working in a closed DOE facility. A survivor is a financially dependent family member of the deceased worker. In most cases, a survivor is a spouse or the children of the worker. But in some cases, the grandparents or the grandchildren can also be considered as a surviving beneficiary.

In order to be eligible to receive EEOICPA/RECA benefits, there are certain criteria. It is best to consult a professional law firm to establish the eligibility of the claimant. With the vast experience and a rich client base, the firm appoints industry’s best attorneys at your service. To know more about the EEOICPA/RECA benefits and claim a compensation book a free consultation at your nearest branch. They have a prominent presence in multiple locations all across the U.S. So, call them up to fix an appointment or visit them directly to discuss your case.

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