The most popular second job for dentists

4 min read

If you had to guess what was the most popular second job for dentists, we would not blame you if you found it difficult to wrap your head around the idea of a dentist have a second job at all! After all, don’t they work very long hours and have to put in a lot of work in their first job? This is the typical response that we get, although there are some people who like to make a guess. Vet is a popular one, as people like the idea of a dentist looking down at a dog’s teeth, or a lion! Others guess that they teach in dental schools on the side so that they can give back a little of the knowledge that they have, and although both of these guesses are good, they are not correct. No, in fact there are many people who believe, and we see no reason to disbelieve them, that the most popular second job for dentists is actually a Botox administrator.

You probably weren’t expecting that. No one is! Who looks at a dentist and considers them an excellent candidate for Botox training? But strangely enough, the more that you think about it and the more that you consider it, dentists are actually the perfect fit for cosmetic surgery. After all, they do not really need to learn to inject botulinum toxins: they already have a huge amount of training and experience with using needles because of their dental training, and they are better off than most other medical professionals because they deal almost exclusively with the facial area already. They know their anatomy of the mouth and cheeks almost better than anyone else, and then stands them in the perfect stead for Botox training. They are accustomed to working with strange chemicals and ensuring that they are mixed to the absolute perfect ratios, and they are perfectly happy and relaxed around patients. After all, that is what they do almost all of the time!

In fact, the only thing that a dentist would need to do in order to be able to offer Botox to their normal dental patients – removing the need for them to even take a step out of their own dental practice – is to be completely Botox certified. For this to happen they will need to take some classes to prove that they can learn to inject botulinum toxins but there is almost no way that they could fail that class because of all the experience that they already have. Many dentists do not even think about it that seriously but just get the certification because it could be useful in the future. After all, there is a lot of money to be made in cosmetic surgery, and Botox is the one that absolutely everyone knows about, so why not add to your income stream and give your dental patients the option of leaving not only healthier, but also looking younger?

It is impossible to imagine why each and every dentist does not decide to get Botox training and learn to inject botulinum toxins when you realize just how easy it would be for them, and while there will almost certainly be some dentists who are purists and would rather stick to the profession that they chose when they were young, there will be many who want to diversify their skill set, and picking up the ability to offer Botox to patients is rarely going to be considered as a bad thing. The question is, how long will it take them to learn to inject botulinum toxins and how quickly can they become qualified?

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