The Importance of a Healthy Diet for Lactating Mothers

While most women stick strictly to their diet during pregnancy, once the baby is born, more often than not, they become so busy caring for their newborns that they may neglect their eating habits and diet plans in the process. Therefore, taking care of yourself with a healthy diet during pregnancy is important.

After having a baby while breastfeeding, remember that breastfeeding makes your baby eat what you eat. Learn why a mother’s diet is important for the baby’s growth and development even after the baby is born.

Foods that affect breast milk

To some extent, nutrition through food for lactating mother singpaore affects the quality of breastmilk. It is necessary to consider that the need for nutrition for the mother’s body increases during pregnancy and lactation. It is mainly because the child depends on the mother for nutritional needs. Nutrients such as vitamin A and water-soluble vitamins such as vitamins B and C depend on the food the mother eats. Research shows that babies can absorb more iron and zinc from breast milk than any other nutrient from other food sources.

Some women may be malnourished but still breastfeed their babies. In some of these cases, the nutritional quality of the breast milk they provide may be compromised. Therefore, it is always better to stick to a healthy diet even after the baby is born. In this way, you will bring significant benefits to your child.

Maternal Diet | Breastfeeding | CDC

Increased calorie requirement.

Breastfeeding is indeed hard work. Did you know that after having a baby, you need more calories than during pregnancy? While you will need about 350 calories during pregnancy, the amount of calories you need will increase to an additional 600 calories after the baby is born while the mother is breastfeeding. So keep choosing healthy foods. Interestingly, these different calorie requirements help some of these women lose weight during pregnancy.

Precautions to be taken by a breastfeeding mother

Many substances can be passed from mother to child, and certain precautions must be taken to ensure that the child does not become infected. Here are some precautions a mother can keep in mind:

  • Before taking any medication during or after pregnancy, consult your doctor first. It must be done because any medicine you have can pass to your baby through breast milk.
  • If you love coffee or cola, you should be aware that caffeine can pass through you to your child, causing hyperactivity. It can also cause sleep problems for the child. So ensure it’s always safe to check with your doctor before consuming caffeine. Your doctor will suggest to you if caffeine is safe for you and your baby, and if so, how much can you consume daily without harming your baby?
  • Avoid smoking during and after pregnancy. It can seriously affect your body’s ability to produce breast milk.

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