Sanctuary Cosmetic Center – Butt Lift Specialists in McLean, VA

3 min read

If you are not satisfied with the shape and size of your butt and find that you have too much fat in other areas of your body, a butt lift surgery can be an excellent fit for your cosmetic goals. Choosing a specialist with the right experience to perform this procedure is crucial, and that is why women and men choose Sanctuary Cosmetic Center for their McLean butt lift surgeries.

What is the butt lift?

Butt lift is a surgical procedure that enhances the projection, shape, and size of the buttocks. It is a body contouring procedure that provides individuals with a natural way to accomplish shapelier and rounder buttocks without the need for implants. Genetics, aging, and weight loss can make your butt to sag. Nowadays, a plumper and rounder butt is considered attractive. A butt lift adds volume to your butt to accomplish the desired fullness.

Who is a candidate for a butt lift?

The initial step in determining if a butt lift procedure is right for you is scheduling a private consultation with a Sanctuary Cosmetic Center cosmetic surgeon. The specialist will perform a comprehensive physical examination to determine if your health and physical condition allow for the safe performance of the procedure. The procedure is excellent for individuals with less fat in their butt and other parts of the body and desire plumper but without undergoing the downtime associated with other invasive butt lift surgeries and fat harvesting and transfer.

How is the procedure done?

When a patient arrives at Sanctuary Cosmetic Center for a butt lift, you will lie on a table in a comfortable room. Your physician can apply anesthesia to your treatment area to make every injection feel comfortable. Then, he will inject natural substances in your butt tissues to improve your body curves and increase your butt volume. You can get home the same day after your procedure as the procedure is minimally invasive.

What to expect after a butt lift

After your butt lift procedure, your physician will give you some aftercare instructions. You can also expect to have some bruising, slight redness, tenderness, and swelling at the site of injection. Apply some ice at the injection area or use pain medications to reduce any pain experienced.

You should avoid strenuous activities and sit on your buttocks for a few days. Your provider might recommend that you get more butt injections overtime to get the most desirable and long-term outcome.

Don’t let the size of your butt prevent you from achieving the body size and shape you desire. Sanctuary Cosmetic Center offers simple non-surgical solutions to ensure that you achieve the body appearance you want.

If you want to take your butt to the next level, contact Sanctuary Cosmetic Center to learn more about their butt lift procedures. They will be happy to schedule a consultation with you to discuss your issues and determine if their non-invasive butt lift procedure is right for you. If you are ready to learn more, use our online booking tool or call to set up a one-on-one consultation with a specialist.

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