Oral Therapy for Sleep Apnea

3 min read

Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder characterized by an individual having inconsistent breathing pattern while sleeping. Breathing temporarily stops for ten seconds and can sometimes happen repeatedly for five times in an hour. This disorder is sometimes connected to snoring which results to higher airway resistance.

Our brain can detect a problem with our breathing whenever our oxygen levels decrease. When this happens, our brain wakes us up so that we can continue breathing normally. However, for those with sleep apnea, their brain does not send the right signals to wake up the person.

Different oral appliance therapies for sleep apnea

There are a lot of available treatments to sleep apnea. One of which is oral appliance. There are also two types of oral appliances to help in treating sleep apnea: mandibular repositioning devices and tongue retaining devices.

Mandibular repositioning devices are used to adjust the lower jaw in order for your airway to remain open while you are sleeping. Tongue retaining devices, on the other hand, help the airway to stay open by holding on to your tongue. These oral appliances are specially made to match the shape of your teeth and mouth. They can also effectively stop snoring.However, only professionals like dental partners of Boston – Charles River are advised to perform such therapies.

Advantages of oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea

  1. You can see instant results on the first night of using them.
  2. It is handy and convenient to use. You can bring it anywhere.
  3. It can also be unnoticeable once used.
  4. It conserves energy especially because you do not need to charge it.

Disadvantages of oral appliance therapy for sleep apnea

  1. There is a possibility for you to have TMJ or temporal mandibular joint arthritis.
  2. Your teeth may tend to move.
  3. You might feel a strange sensation after removing the device.

How much do oral appliances cost?

The price range of an oral appliance usually range from $1800 – $2000. The mouthpiece you will be using, dentist visits, adjustments or modifications to the mouthpiece, and follow ups are already included in this price. It might be expensive, but there are health care providers who will cover this treatment.

How do you get a sleep apnea oral appliance?

The first thing you should do is to consult with a doctor. They will know best what will work for you because there are instances wherein people with sleep apnea are not advised to use sleep therapies. To assess you, they might conduct a sleep study and then discuss your symptoms. If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, there will be treatment options presented to you.

If a dental device is required, you will be endorsed to a dentist who specializes in treating sleep disorders related to breathing.

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