Non-surgical Body Contouring

3 min read

Also known as non-surgical fat reduction, non-surgical body contouring refers to techniques used to shape or contour different areas of the body by reducing or removing stubborn pockets of fat. There are several non-surgical fat reduction procedures available, for those seeking aesthetics in Las Vegas. Cryolipolysis or controlled cooling uses freezing temperatures, laser lipolysis employs laser energy and heating, radiofrequency lipolysis uses controlled ultrasound technology and heating, and injection lipolysis, which uses injectable deoxycholic acid.

The Ideal Candidate

Non-surgical body contouring procedures are not meant or intended to replace weight loss solutions. The ideal candidate for these procedures is already doing exercises and maintaining a healthy diet and is close to their desired weight. They employ body contouring to eliminate the remaining stubborn pockets of fat, which are resistant to exercises, and diet. Your body mass index should not be above 30.

Because the body contouring procedures are minimally invasive to non-invasive, and non-surgical, you can typically resume your day-to-day activities immediately after the treatment. Mild, short-term side effects that are reported include redness, swelling, and slight pain. The best way to find out if you’re a good candidate for non-surgical fat reduction is to talk to a qualified provider. They can help you figure out which treatment is best for your individual needs and expectations.


Approved by the FDA, Cool Sculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction procedure that uses cold temperatures to destroy fat cells, in various areas of the body. The surrounding tissues remain unharmed and only the fat tissues are targeted. The destroyed fat cells are flushed out of the body’s system and will not reappear, as the effect is permanent. Some of the targeted areas include the abdomen, thighs, arms, flanks, and double chins, among others. The treatment length is usually 30 minutes to an hour per session, as multiple treatments are required to deliver satisfactory results.

Laser Lipolysis

Laser lipolysis is a noninvasive technique that employs laser energy to heat and kill fat cells. Approved by the FDA, the treatment uses high temperatures to destroy only the fat cells, leaving the rest of the tissues unburnt. The body uses the lymphatic system to get rid of the dead cells, within a period of about 3 months after the procedure. Some of the targeted areas include the abdomen and flanks. The treatment length is approximately half an hour per session and multiple treatments are required to realize the desired effects. There is no downtime with this treatment.

Radiofrequency (RF) Lipolysis

RF lipolysis is an FDA-approved, non-surgical technique for achieving fat reduction to contour the body. When destroying the stubborn pockets of fat, ultrasound technology is very gentle on the skin and there is little to no discomfort. Some of the targeted areas for treatment are the abdomen, and flanks, among others. Each treatment session takes approximately an hour on average, and although multiple treatments are required, you should be able to go back to your day-to-day activities immediately after treatment ends.

Injection Lipolysis

Approved by the FDA in 2015, injection lipolysis employs a non-surgical injection to reduce fat deposits, especially in the submental area (under the chin). The technique uses a specific form of deoxycholic acid, which is also naturally produced by the body, which helps absorb the fat. During weeks after the treatment, the body naturally metabolizes the dead cells. Treatment sessions last for 30 minutes, and apart from swelling and bruising, there is no downtime.


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