Maintain a Healthy Weight with These Certified Medical Options

3 min read

Maintaining a body mass index of below 35 implies you are at the least risk of heart problems. However, with poor nutrition and a lack of exercise, you put yourself at a BMI greater than 35. Such great BMI values can put you at a greater risk of a heart issue. Weight loss makes the majority of the time for people with obesity; however, with the help of Dr. Michael Sutker McKinney, you can have your problem sorted faster. With weight loss surgeries and medicines, you can prevent a deadly heart problem.

Why do you need a weight loss procedure?..

Various weight issues often affect people with obesity and other heart problems. If you maintain your weight too high, you are more at risk of the following problems:

  •         Cancer
  •         Sleep apnea
  •         Liver disease
  •         Hypertension
  •         Type two diabetes
  •         Heart disease

Weight problems can make you struggle with basic things like walking and running. Additionally, if you are extremely overweight, you can have many problems when trying to lose the extra weight. However, with an expert by your side, you will have fewer complications when cutting the extra weight for a healthier body.

When trying to lose weight, the first point for consideration is your diet; with little calories, you remove the extra weight within a considerable time. Additionally, lifestyle changes are imperative when you want to lose weight, as exercising and other activities can help you cut the excess calories.

Your doctor can also give other advanced methods for losing weight when the basics do not work; you may benefit from surgeries and medicines such as gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy.

Weight loss options available for surgical weight issues

Various medical issues can help your doctor book you for weight-loss surgeries. Mostly, morbidly obese people qualify for surgeries to help cut down excess fats. During the surgery, your doctor will reduce your stomach’s size to prevent you from having extra-large meals that play a role in weight increase. Your doctor can also focus on a hunger hormone that gives you the constant urge to eat large meals.

Surgeries available to help reduce weight include:

  •         Sleeve Gastrectomy

This surgery helps to reshape your stomach to make it look like a thin tube such that it only permits a small amount of food.

  •         Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

This type of surgery involves a realignment of your intestines to make them occupy the position left by your reduced stomach.

  •         Revisional Weight Loss

Your doctor will check whether you need this surgery by finding out whether you have procedures such as Lap-band or banded gastroplasty. If you pass the requirements of the surgery, your doctor may recommend revisional surgery.

One advantage of weight-loss surgeries is that they are less invasive, and their symptoms disappear much faster.

Other recommended recommendations include the Obalon system that helps when other conventional weight loss methods fail.

Benefit from a weight loss surgery with the above weight loss procedures. Have that shape and weight that will not put you at risk of heart problems.

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