How to get rid of cavities using home remedies?

3 min read

Dental cavities are anembarrassment for a lot of people. Sudden bleeding from teeth while speaking or articulating in public shows the lack of a person’s dental health. Basically, cavities are pours on the surface of teeth. Dental cavities are caused by bacteria residing on the surface of teeth and converting sugar into the acids. It is caused mainly by bacteria named Streptococcusmutant. This bacteria forms a thin strip on the surface of teeth which is called plaque. Plaque consists of acids which demineralize enamel of the teeth. When the acid spreads in a sufficient amount under the enamel layer cavities are formed.

Cavities are the worst enemy of the teeth, and hence one who wants to have good oral health needs to take care of this issue first. One must avoid all the food items that can lead to thecavity and also try to have some home remedies that can counter this health situation. They are methods which are tested over theperiod and known for their results.

Following are some remedies used to cure cavities. In this article you will get to know that how to get rid of cavities naturally at home safe and fast.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is very important for absorption of calcium and phosphate from the food a person consumes. Vitamin D can be obtained from yogurt and milk. It is well-known that solar energy also contains Vitamin D in abundance. Children are expected to consume vitamin D enriched food to get rid of cavities.


Clove is the best home remedy to cure any type of dental problem. Clove is analgesic and has anti-inflammatory anti-bacterial characteristics. Clove can help prohibit the growth of cavity in an effective manner. One is required to mix 2-3 drops of clove oil with a¼ spoon of sesame seed oil. The solution shall be mixedthoroughly, and it should be applied to the infected tooth using a cotton ball. Apart from this one can also chew a piece of clove gently and then placing the chewed clove under the tongue for few minutes.


Salt possesses anti-bacterial and antiseptic characteristics. Salt can ease pain and reduce inflammation without allowing any infection to grow. Moreover, it also prohibits the growth of any kind of bacteria present on thetooth surface. One needs to boil some water up to a tolerable temperature and then pour it into the glass. Then after a pinch of salt shall be added and stirred thoroughly. Drink the water and swish the gulp of water for a minute around the infected tooth. This process has to be repeated 3 times a day for better results.


Garlic is often recommended for any teeth related problems due to its antibiotic as well as antibacterial properties. One is required to take 3-4 pieces of garlic and mesh it to form a paste, a quarter spoonful of salt should be added to that. This paste shall be stirred and then applied on aninfected tooth. It should be left on for 10-12 minutes before washing the mouth. Carrying out this procedure twice a day for one week shall cure cavity.

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