How to choose a dental clinic?

3 min read

It is important that the professional who attends him be licensed in dentistry or in medicine and highly trained and qualified is his area with master’s or postgraduate degree. Thus, it will be able to be attended to in an excellent way and obtain a correct diagnosis, planning and development of the health treatment for your mouth. Dentists must belong to a College of dentists and stomatologists that certifies that they can practice the profession and you can request their collegiate number.

Of the Hygienists and auxiliaries

That the best dentist in central Clinical staff that works with the mouth of the patients is a hygienist or qualified assistant. The hygienists are health professionals who work oral health with the dentist, acting as assistants and with technical-assistance functions. The auxiliaries are health professionals who act as dental assistants.

Only the dentist and the dental hygienist are trained to work directly in the patient’s mouth. The assistants give support and support to the dentists.

Prevention as a priority

The dental aligners hong kong dental clinic must be committed to the health of its patients. It must be focused on prevention to maintain the health of your mouth, always advising the patient to avoid the appearance of major problems and thus avoiding very costly interventions.

At the dental clinic you should be concerned about yourself, get to know yourself and make recommendations that are optimal for your good oral health : from how to brush your teeth or performing regular check-ups, professional cleanings, periodontal examinations, occlusion evaluations or necessary preventive intervention.

How to choose a dental clinic

Specific dentists for each treatment

Dentistry treatments are every day more varied and complex and require more and more specialized and trained professionals (dental hygienists, pediatric dentists, endodontists, implantologists, orthodontists …) Each of them experts in a specialty, although The official degree in Spain is unique (Dentistry) and allows to perform treatments of all areas. We recommend that the dentist have been trained with complementary or postgraduate courses (masters) to extend the training received in the Bachelor’s degree and have assured experience.

Find a dental clinic that offers all the treatments of dentistry. You can receive a comprehensive treatment through teamwork of all profess

Treatments Before starting treatment you need a clear and complete explanation. You should receive information from the beginning, a clear diagnosis with a treatment plan that includes what they are going to do, the duration of the treatment, the necessary tests and the subsequent maintenance. You must explain all the conditions of the treatment or service before doing it and the alternatives (if any).

After the completion of a treatment, periodic reviews should be carried out to help maintain the optimal treatment outcome. Therefore it is very important to ensure that the clinic will remain over time and therefore the strength of the person who manages it is vital .

 Proximity and accessibility

It is important that the location of the clinic be close to the residence or place of work. Keep in mind that some treatments need several appointments and may be extended over time. The proximity facilitates subsequent revisions and also be able to go to the clinic quickly, in case you need urgent treatment.

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