Helpful Guideline for Various Methods of Aesthetic Dentistry

4 min read

Staying with a missing, decayed, or dissatisfied with teeth alignment can be devastating as it can lower self-confidence and how one socializes with others. As a result, most individuals are turning to aesthetic or cosmetic dentistry to repair their teeth’ appearance. If you are a candidate looking for help, aesthetic dentistry Chesterfield might be the answer. The procedure comes with several methods you can choose depending on the nature of your treatment. The following is a helpful guideline for various methods of aesthetic dentistry.


When reshaping a deformed tooth, your dentist needs to remove part of the enamel to boost the tooth’s enamel. The procedure is ideal for correcting chips and cracks on the teeth. Besides, your specialist can utilize it to change the position, length, and shape of the teeth if it is crooked. Once the dentist removes the enamel, there is no chance of replacing it; thus, caution should be practiced when utilizing this technique.


Teeth whitening is the most common procedure of aesthetic dentistry. Your dental specialist first evaluates if bleaching can whiten the teeth because some discoloration may be due to a dying tooth. However, some procedures function more effectively than others. Although there are worries about sensitivity due to bleaching, modern methods are safe, quick, and simple to do.


Implants are artificial tooth roots that enable you to attach or embed a denture into the mouth and make it function like a natural tooth. The implant is superior because it is mainly drilled right into the jawbone. The implants are made up of three parts: a denture connected to the implant via the abutment, the implant, and the abutment that function as the middlemen between the two.



Bonding is a procedure used whenever your dentist applies enamel-like dental composite components to the surface of your teeth, sculpted into shape, and then polished. Bonding can be used as a filling, tooth cement, or a connecting agent for creating veneers. Also, it is beneficial when repairing a crooked or decayed tooth. Nevertheless, if the tooth left to be fixed is little or molar, bonding cannot be used.


Teeth straightening and whitening is one of the most common aesthetic dentistry people embrace. With the help of braces and retainers, your dentist can effectively straighten your teeth. Besides, you can receive Invisalign treatment which makes braces invincible under naked eyes and facilitates greater flexibility than metal braces. Straightening repairs overcrowded and overlapped teeth, giving you a sparkling smile.


A dental bridge uses the healthy teeth on either side of the removal site for hanging dentures. Alternatively, it may be supported by a few or more dental implants, such as in the scenario of all-on-4 to all-on-8 implants. If you currently have one or more lost teeth, bridging can be ideal. The missing pontic or fake tooth hangs between the abutments, and the bridges are cemented onto the abutments.

Bite Reclamation

Anesthetic dentistry can help you reclaim or repair your bite. It is maintained for individuals having vertical teeth dimensions altered by many years of excessive bruxism. Since they comprise a shorter or closed appearance to their face and smile, they require bite reclamation to open up their bite and jaw once more. The procedure should be done by an experienced specialist since, if treated incorrectly, they would not give effective results.

If you constantly find yourself hiding your teeth when talking or laughing, the experience can be annoying. Luckily aesthetic dentistry can rectify these problems enabling you to smile again confidently. If interested, contact Chesterfield Dentistry with offices in Chesterfield, Missouri. Dentist Melba Akinwande and his team are dedicated to offering wide-ranging oral care to all people. To request an appointment, call their offices or book online today.

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