Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

3 min read

Deciding to see a dentist is one of the scariest decisions that most of us have to make. As if that is not enough, having your dentist tell you that you need a dental implant may even make matters worse. But, worry not, if the procedure is handled by a professional dentist who uses high quality tooth implants in ST. Louis, you will have a smooth operation and in no time have your smile back.

However, take your time to inquire as much as possible from your dentist for you to have the courage to go through the process without necessarily having to fear anything. Below are some of the frequently asked questions with answers about dental implants procedures;

  1. What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a dental procedure that involves placing a titanium tooth root on the gum line. The dental implants have the same feel and look like the normal teeth, and unlike dentures, dental implants stimulate the growth of the jaw bones hence preventing a sunken-in look appearance.

  1. How can I find a good dental implant dentist?

The quality of work the dentist displays varies from one to the other. Firstly, check the level of experience that the implant dentist has in the same field as it will give you some insight into the capabilities of the dentist. Additionally, choose a dentist that is board certified, offers a reasonable payment plan and insurance plan and has excellent customer service among others. You could also make use of referrals and reviews before choosing one.

  1. How do I take care of dental implants?

Like any other dental procedure, it is paramount to take good care of your dental implants. Ensure that you brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss your teeth regularly, avoid chewing hard foods and also quit smoking. Additionally, regular checkups to the dentist are also vital during the process as it helps you in the recovery period and the dentist is able to correct you in areas that you might be going wrong.

  1. What are the warning signs that I need an implant?

The most obvious reasons are having a cracked, broken or missing tooth. Also, if you start noticing that you are not able to enjoy your meals as before due to increased sensitivity, it might be an indication that you need to see your dentist ASAP. In addition, loose dentures and a sunken in appearance due to bone loss in the jaw area may be warning signs that you need a dental implant appointment.

  1. How much does it cost to get an implant?

The cost of the dental implant procedure will entirely be dependent on the detailed treatment. The price varies from one person to another as people might be having different dental conditions. However, be careful not to fall victim to dentists who are more interested in your money rather than your dental treatment.

  1. Does it hurt to get a dental implant?

Most dentists will use anesthesia to numb the specific area that undergoes the minor surgery meaning that the chances of feeling pain are quite minimal. However, note that you may experience increased sensitivity as well as discomfort a few days after the treatment before getting used to it.

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