Everything You Need to Know About Recurrent Miscarriage

3 min read

Infertility is a major global issue affecting more than 48 million couples worldwide. Usually, it happens due to a complication or a disease of the male or female reproductive system, affecting their functions hence lowering the chance to conceive or maintain pregnancy. There are many factors affecting fertility, including medical conditions or the abnormalities of the reproductive organs.

Miscarriage is also another factor that brings an end to an immature pregnancy. When it occurs severally, it can be not very encouraging, affecting your life quality. New York recurrent miscarriage specialist Peter L Chang, MD at Noble Fertility Center, provides advanced treatments and testing to treat your condition and improve your chance of carrying a pregnancy to term. Consider contacting him for more details.

What is recurrent miscarriage?

Recurrent miscarriage refers to multiple pregnancy losses consecutively. The research shows that about 1 percent of women in America experience more than two miscarriages.

A miscarriage is a painful experience both emotionally and physically affecting even the rest of your health and life. Finding the root cause of your problem and treatments may help the patient recover and find a meaningful life.

Is it possible to get pregnant after having a recurrent miscarriage?

Yes, women who have experienced several miscarriages in a row can get pregnant in the future. 60% of women with recurrent miscarriages indeed get a baby eventually, even when there is no found cause of the miscarriage.

What are the causes of recurrent miscarriage?

Recurrent miscarriage occurs due to:

  • Genetic issues
  • Blood clotting condition
  • Uterus and cervix issues

During your consultation, Dr. Chang screens you for the following conditions that cause miscarriage.

Antiphospholipid syndrome

Antiphospholipid syndrome, also known as APS, leads to abnormal blood clotting interfering with your pregnancy. Your doctor identifies the problem by measuring your antiphospholipid amount in your blood. Usually, 15-20% of APS antibody is present in most recurrent miscarriage cases.

Genetic problems

Chromosomal problems cause 2-5% of recurrent miscarriages. The genetic problem occurs when the bay inherits some of your genetic compilation.


Thrombophilia enhances your blood to clot, increasing your risk of recurrent miscarriage.

Uterine or cervical problems

A problem in your uterus or cervix, including the abnormality in its structure, may cause recurrent miscarriage.

Polycystic ovaries and hormone imbalance

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common hormonal problem among women of reproductive age. The problem may disrupt your hormone levels leading to a miscarriage.

Advancing age

The risk for miscarriage increases as you grow older. The eggs decline in quality and quantity from the age of 35 and above. The father’s age is also a contributing factor.

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Diagnosis of a recurrent miscarriage

Noble Fertility Center offers high-quality testing and diagnosis to determine the root cause of your problem. Dr. Chang offers the following:

  • Blood tissue testing
  • Chromosomal analysis
  • Ultrasound

The treatment of recurrent miscarriage depends on the root cause of your problem. Surgery may help correct some issues related to the shape and function of the uterus. Treating the underlying medical conditions may also help improve your chances to conceive.

Consult a recurrent miscarriage specialist today

A miscarriage is an awful experience that no woman wishes to go through; luckily, you can visit Dr. Chang at Noble Fertility Center to find your solution.

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