Do you Need Hip Replacement Surgery

4 min read

Do you suffer from stiff or aching joints? Are you finding it hard to walk or do physical activity? Do you have severe pain in your hip? If so, your doctor may recommend that you get hip replacement surgery. Deciding to have your hips replaced can seem daunting, but is ultimately life-changing for many people. Having a hip replacement shouldn’t be taken lightly as it is major surgery, and the operation does come with some risks. It’s important to consider the risks as well as the benefits when deciding whether you’re ready for hip replacement surgery. West Orange hip replacement specialists, Orange Orthopaedic Associates, are available to discuss your hip problems and the treatments available.

Tips To Help You Make A Decision

Many doctors say that hip replacement surgery is only necessary if the patient cannot cope with the pain any longer. However, with advances in medical technology and in particular, in the hip replacement process, things may not need to get so bad before you take action.

Before deciding to have a hip replacement, your doctor is likely to recommend less invasive treatments such as physiotherapy, rest, and pain relief. If these treatments seem to be working or are at least giving you some relief, you’ll probably be advised to carry on with them instead of having an operation.

Signs You Need A Hip Replacement

If you have tried alternative treatments for several months and your hip doesn’t seem to be getting any better, it may be time to consider having a hip replacement. If your pain is so severe that you’re unable to sleep and if it affects your daily activities, then you’re likely to be ready for the procedure. If you are in pain while carrying out simple movements such as rising from a chair, your life may be significantly improved by having surgery.

Surgery is recommended when your hip problems have significantly reduced the quality of your life. Some common signals could be you’re no longer able to effectively carry out everyday tasks such as basic household jobs, or you’re having trouble climbing stairs or trying to get out of the bath or a car. Perhaps the pain has made you give up activities that you used to enjoy, such as walking or swimming.

When considering if surgery is right for you, your doctor will also need to assess how your body would tolerate an operation. The doctor will take into account your age, bone density, and will also look at any other medical conditions you may have as well as your overall health.

Having a hip replacement should only be considered if you’re experiencing persistent pain, which is causing a disability. Many people have arthritic hip pain as they age, and if you experience occasional flare-ups, rest and alternative treatment are likely to be better than surgery.

What To Do If A Hip Replacement Is Recommended

If your pain is so bad that you and your doctor both agree that surgery is the best option, you will need to agree on a plan of action. The doctor will give you details of what the procedure will entail and will explain the type of post-op care available.

It’s a good idea to discuss any fears you have with your doctor and to ask any questions you have. If you have a greater understanding of what the surgery involves, your recovery will be quicker. If you understand what you’re likely to go through, you’ll be prepared for any challenges that may occur.

It’s also important to discuss the risks associated with surgery, as this will allow you to make an informed choice. There may be risks of nerve damage, infection, blood clots, and complications with anesthesia.

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