Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

3 min read

Professional cosmetic dentistry procedures focus on improving your mouth, smile, and teeth. Though some procedures provide therapeutic benefits, cosmetic dentistry is elective rather than essential. For instance, to treat decayed teeth, dental fillings are commonly used. In the past, amalgam, gold, or other materials that left dark spots on your teeth, composed dental fillings. Today, natural looking, tooth colored dental materials are available making cosmetic dental procedures predictable and durable.

Cosmetic Dentistry Options

In cosmetic dentistry, the most standard procedures are relatively straightforward with others more involved and specialized. By using technologies such as lasers, dentists can perform sophisticated procedures without referring you to a specialist. Most popular cosmetic procedures include:

§ Dental veneers: Application of porcelain or composite laminates using adhesive bonds to correct chipped or cracked teeth. Dental veneers can correct your teeth’s excessive staining or worn out exterior. Provo Dentist recommends veneers for gaps in your teeth or when teeth whitening fails. When going for porcelain veneers assess you need, the costs, and dental insurance offsets.

§ Smile Makeovers: This procedure entails a complete evaluation of your smile aesthetics to determine possible improvements. Smile makeovers often require several procedures to correct defects in your upper or lower arches. Your dentist may suggest dental implants, dental veneers, teeth whitening, or gingival sculpting for your desired look.

§ Composite Bonding: Used to correct or improve the appearance of chipped, cracked, decayed, or discolored teeth. Composite bonding involves the application of a material similar to dentin and enamel to tooth cavities or surfaces. Sculpting, hardening, and contouring the tooth in place employs a high-intensity light. As a result, you enjoy a healthy, bright smile as the composite blends invisibly and naturally with your teeth.

§ Teeth Whitening: Often the most recommended cosmetic dental procedure. Years of use wear out or stain your teeth from drinks, food, smoking, medication, or poor dental hygiene. Whitening improves your teeth’s natural appearance. Bleaching or whitening achieves a lighter shade enhancing the sparkle of your smile. Whitening occurs only after the removal of tartar, plaque, and any debris from your teeth.

§ Inlays and Outlays: Inlays and outlays or indirect fillings, comprise composites or porcelain laminates that provide durable and aesthetic “fillings” for decayed or structurally damaged teeth. Dental laboratories design inlays and outlays placed on moderately or structurally decayed teeth to support fillings. Inlays are suitable for teeth with minimal damage and placed directly on the surface. In contrast, outlays cover the entire surface of extensively damaged teeth.

Choosing the Right Cosmetic Dentist
Choosing the correct cosmetic dentist for your unique needs entails careful reflection. Do your homework by investigating each dentist’s experience before the consultation.

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