Challenge VIP 60 cuts body weight and keeps the body slim

3 min read

Challenge VIP60 is now considered one of the best weight loss program for the individuals who have little time to spend for this purpose, yet they want to achieve a nicely shaped body. The programa de emagrecimento desafio vip 60 is designed by the eminent athlete and personal trainer Cris Senna. With the help of Challenge VIP 60, thousands of overweight individuals have been able to reduce their body weight drastically and achieve strong and sturdy body within a short span of time. This program is widely accepted by women of different ages all over the world because of its easiness, flexibility and prompt result.

The vital aspects of Challenge VIP 60

Challenge VIP 60 is just suitable for people at any ages, but they need to be able bodied. Individuals with any critical medical history should consult with their doctors before starting Challenge VIP 60. Cris Senna has designed this outstanding weight loss program for getting maximum effect from exercises, even though such exercises are performed for 30 minutes only. The entire concept of Challenge VIP60 is based on HIIT or High Intensive and Interval Training program.

Anyone who performs HIIT knows that a 30 minutes’ regimen is sufficient for getting a strong, sturdy and fatless body within two months. Plenty of examples are there when women at different ages have been able to reduce their body weight by 12-15 kilos within 2 months of such training program. Cris Senna has designed her Challenge VIP 60 program getting inspired by HIIT program, but she has added some more science in her programa de emagrecimento desafio vip 60.


Modules of Challenge VIP 60

There are four different modules coined by Cris Senna. She has differentiated the program on the basis of body fitness of the practitioner. There are thousands of performers of Challenge VIP 60, who have been practicing exercises for the first time in their life, or their overweight has made them stubborn. Again, there are thousands of individuals who have already undertaken the program and have got positive results, but they want to continue with this utterly efficient weight loss program; hence, for then Cris Senna has designed different modules.

The four modules in Challenge VIP 60 are as follows –

Module 0 – This is absolutely for the first timers. It can be practiced within 12-15 minutes’ schedule every day, but it shows the results from the first week.

Module 1 – This module is for the beginners. 15 minutes of daily practice is sufficient to burn fat in the body steadily.

Module 2 – This is for more intensive fat burning regimen. Individuals, who will practice this module, will get a strong and attractive physique soon. There will be no sign of fat in the body.

Module 3 – This module the most advanced level of this program. The body will be programmed in such a way that fat will be burnt out immediately after eating. The body’s metabolism system will be strong enough to extract the most useful ingredients efficiently, while the toxic products will be drained systematically.

Challenge VIP 60 is meant for quick weight loss without any side effects. The exercises can be performed anywhere and their effects persist throughout the day. Hence, the individuals get positive results right from the first week.

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