Addiction Medicine Specialist

How an Addiction Medicine Specialist Could Help You


Addiction is something that affects many and for some, it can feel as though there is no way out. However, this need not be the case. Dr. Michael D. Mitchell at Mitchell Medicine P.C. offers solutions for those suffering from substance use, alcoholism, opioid addiction and more. Substance abuse can be overcome with the right medical treatment. If any of these issues affect you or one of your loved ones, read on to find out the available options.

What Is Substance Abuse and Substance Use Disorder?

If you or someone you know is showing signs of substance abuse issues or possible substance use disorder, there are treatments that can help. Early intervention means a greater chance of an easier and faster recovery for you or your loved one. To be clear, substance abuse counts as any time you or a loved one use a substance in a harmful way. Any kind of overuse of a substance, even if it is just once, is a warning sign and something to watch out for. Common symptoms of substance abuse include increased tolerance, loss of control and social impairment.

A substance use disorder can present in a variety of ways. Withdrawal symptoms when the substance is not available and loss of control in every aspect of life are indicators of a disorder of this nature. The options out there to treat substance abuse and substance use disorder include medical detoxification, cognitive behavioral therapy, counseling, and relapse prevention techniques. These therapies are explained in more detail below.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a combined behavioral and talking therapy. The idea behind it is to address your thought patterns that affect how you behave and try to find ways to think and act differently within your everyday life. Your CBT therapist can provide you with coping mechanisms and explain new ways of thinking which you can use day today to get you back on to a positive way of thinking. You will be taught how to identify negative patterns of thought, manage these thoughts, control your emotions and replace negative thoughts and behaviors with some that are more useful to you. This can help address many of the mental issues that are associated with substance use disorders and allow you to reframe your thoughts and your behaviors.


For some substance use disorders, the most practical thing to do is to embark upon a detoxification process. This may seem daunting, however, under medical supervision, it is a safe process and can help you along the way to becoming free of your addiction. Detoxification is not something that anyone should try and attempt alone, as having a medical team to support you ensures that withdrawal symptoms can be managed and the process can be achieved as smoothly as possible.


If you or someone you love is struggling to cope with a possible substance use disorder, there are things that can help to overcome this difficult time. There are medical options out there that can help you cope with withdrawal symptoms, aid you in detoxification and talk you through better ways to cope with life’s challenges. These treatment providers are there to provide a no-judgment and hassle-free service to get you back to where you want to be in life.

Is It Lupus

Is It Lupus?

Lupus is a condition that involves an immune system turning against part of the body. It can appear at any point in a person’s life and could become painful without proper care. Searching through the symptoms and signs could lead patients to reach out to Dr. Jeffrey Miller in Tampa. From there, the doctor or specialist can help provide a diagnosis as well as treatment if needed.

Dry Eyes

The eyes may not seem like a part of what lupus harms, but they are just as vulnerable. The appearance of dryness in the eyes may not in itself be a sign, but it could be paired with other symptoms in the final diagnosis of lupus. For many, it could just be dry eyes that need treatment via artificial tears or gels; others could see this as a significant sign that something is wrong.

Breathing Issues

The respiratory system is especially prone to immune-based issues since inflammations often reach the lungs. With so many medications also targeting the entire respiratory system, it is easy to see why so many symptoms involve this part of the body. Tightness in the chest is one of the symptoms that can be associated with Lupus. This symptom also appears with conditions like asthma and COPD, both unrelated to the disease itself. If someone has been diagnosed with either before the Lupus diagnosis, the patient may see an increase in asthma attacks.


A frequent symptom of Lupus is regular headaches. There is no particular level of severity with levels ranging from a mild ache to a full-blown headache akin to migraines. Once again, the underlying causes could come from anything, yet it remains one of the most mentioned signs that accompanies Lupus. A doctor can help distinguish between the disease and other conditions with a few simple tests. Choices to diagnosis include MRIs, Cat Scans, and blood tests.

Abnormal Urine

Normal urine colors and consistencies can vary based on considerations such as diets. For many, the signs of Lupus can be hard to spot through bathroom breaks, yet it can be valuable in diagnosing the condition itself. The kidneys take a hit from Lupus as it attacks the way these organs process nutrients and fluids which will then become waste. Kidneys, of a person with Lupus, produce a different texture of urine with a head of foaming texture that accompanies each urination. It may also feel hotter when coming out of the body or somewhat different in nature than it otherwise would in standard conditions.


Rashes can appear anywhere on the body. With Lupus, these rashes occur on the face and could be inflamed. Not all rashes could be associated with the condition itself, so look at the placement of the rash as well as the degree of redness. A broad shape that sticks to the middle of the face and extends over the area could be considered a marker of this disease.

Chiropractic Care at Pro Rehab Chiropractic and Rehabilitation

Chiropractic Care at Pro Rehab Chiropractic and Rehabilitation

If you are looking for a Middletown, DE chiropractor, you have come to the right place. Pro Rehab Chiropractic and Rehabilitation offers more than chiropractic care to provide its patients with comprehensive pain relief care.

Most individuals think that chiropractic treatment is all about back injury and pain, but it entails more than that. It can bring a variety of benefits for a wide range of physical conditions, from general discomfort to chronic pain. In fact, most of our patients simply need to relax their muscles and restore their body balance because of the strains and impacts of everyday life. When your spine gets appropriately aligned, your body will achieve high activity levels that are required in our busy lives.

Understanding Chiropractic care

A precise description of chiropractic care is that it is an adjustment of musculoskeletal structures to reduce pain and increase joint movement. Musculoskeletal structures include myofascial tissues, joint capsules, joints, muscles, and ligaments. Apart from the direct benefits of relieving pain and discomfort, chiropractic care enhances the regulation of the sympathetic and automatic nervous systems. That is accomplished through the impact that chiropractic adjustments cause on the proprioception system of the body and joint capsules.

Chiropractic care is a health care field that deals with the musculoskeletal system of your body. A professional chiropractor will assist you in diagnosing and preventing disorders and injuries of the bones, muscles, and nerves

While our professionals at Pro Rehab Chiropractic and rehabilitation will diagnose and treat these disorders and injuries, the primary objective is to remove nerve interference to allow your body to heal itself without the need for drugs or invasive procedures.

Treating the Source of Problem, Not the Symptom Alone

Pain signifies that something is wrong within your body. However, some individuals ignore the pain and hope it will disappear on its own. Others take pain medication to target the inflammation, but these medicines usually cover up the symptoms instead of treating the source of the problem. Chiropractic care is designed to:

  • Enhance the ability of your body to heal itself
  • Relieve pain without adverse side effects or risk of addiction
  • Enhance the function, flexibility, and mobility of bones, muscles, and joints in your body
  • Help you meet your fitness and health goals

Through removing interferences within the nerves in your spinal cord and other areas of the body, chiropractic treatment enables your body to work effectively. Your spine problem can affect every system in your body, so it is common to notice changes in other body areas when undergoing chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care always results in long-term pain relief, improved body movement, and enhanced quality of life. Since chiropractic treatment enhances the natural ability of your body to heal without using drugs, it is a safe technique for individuals of all ages. The method does not result in serious side effects, only enhanced well-being.

For additional information on how Pro Rehab Chiropractic and Rehabilitation can assist you in recovering from your chronic pain, injury, or accident without medications, contact our offices or schedule an appointment online.

Know About Sleep Apnea

Everything You Need to Know About Sleep Apnea

Do you suffer from sleep problems such as sleep apnea or snoring? If you’re looking for dental sleep care, in New York and Melville, NY, contact Dr. Barry Chase. Chase Dental Sleepcare provides treatment for a wide variety of conditions, including sleep apnea, oral appliance therapy, and snoring solutions.

What is Sleep Apnea?

It can often be difficult for you to know if you have sleep apnea, and getting a diagnosis may take a while. If you have any of the following symptoms, speak to your doctor or a dental sleep care specialist. Sleep apnea is a condition that affects your breathing during sleep. If you suffer from sleep apnea, your breathing will stop and start during the night while you’re sleeping. There are a few different types of sleep apnea, but the most common is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Sleep Apnea Treatments

If you suffer from this condition, you’ll only get symptoms when you’re asleep. This often makes the diagnosis difficult. Common symptoms include your breathing stopping and starting while you sleep. This may cause you to make gasping, choking, or snorting noises during the night. You may also snore loudly and wake up a lot during the night.

Sleep Apnea also causes day time symptoms; these include feeling very tired as you’re not getting enough quality sleep at night. As a result, you may find concentrating difficult, suffer from mood swings, and wake up with a headache.

It’s essential to get help if you think you may have sleep apnea. If your partner has noticed that you have one or more of the symptoms, it may be useful to take them with you to your appointment. Sleep apnea can become a serious and, in some cases, life-threatening condition if it isn’t diagnosed and treated correctly.

Tests to Confirm You Have Sleep Apnea

If your doctor or dentist thinks you could have sleep apnea, they’re likely to refer you to a sleep clinic where tests will be carried out. A sleep specialist might give you a device to wear for a few days to a week. This will check vital signs such as breathing and heartbeat while you’re asleep. This type of test can be done at home, but in some cases, you might be asked to stay at the sleep clinic overnight for further monitoring.

These types of tests will show if you have sleep apnea. Sleep specialists will also be able to determine the severity of your condition. An AHI score is used to measure how often you stop breathing while sleeping and how severe it is.

Sleep Apnea Treatments

Sleep apnea doesn’t always need to be treated. If it’s mild, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your condition to ensure it doesn’t get any worse, but treatment isn’t needed. In more severe cases, you’ll have to use a device called a CPAP machine. This machine will pump air into a mask, that you’ll wear nightly over your mouth and nose.

A CPAP machine will help to improve your breathing while you’re asleep. It will do this by stopping your airways from closing and becoming too narrow. This will also help to improve the quality of your sleep, and you’ll feel less tired during the day. A CPAP machine will also help to reduce common problems associated with sleep apnea, such as high blood pressure.

What Is Otolaryngology

What Is Otolaryngology

Otolaryngology is the medical and surgical care of the ear, nose, and throat as well as the head and neck. Conditions of these areas can happen to anyone of any age. An otolaryngologist is also called an ENT; doctors in this field diagnose and treat these areas while consulting on Newport Beach facial plastic surgery cases related to the selected subjects


There are many conditions of the ear that need to be treated. Otolaryngology covers infections, hearing loss, balance problems, tinnitus, nerve, and congenital problems. Treating the congenital issues cover both the inside and outside of the ear. Hearing loss can have a wide variety of reasons like earwax and infections, but there can be more serious causes behind the selected problems. Diagnosis for balance problems may find fluid from the inner ear in the middle ear.

Head and Neck


The nose not only is affected by allergies but many other conditions like polyps or growths, or even sinus issues. Doctors will address the problems that can affect breathing, smell, and even the way the nose looks. An allergy can be triggered by many things, it can be as simple as a seasonal allergy to one that is ongoing like dust. Sinusitis is inflammation in the sinus area and is usually treated with decongestants or with antibiotics for more serious cases. A common symptom for doctors in this field is the lack of ability to look down or to turn the head in that direction for long periods of time. For most, it is a sure sign that something is wrong in the area of the sinuses.


Areas of the throat cover everything from the tonsils all the way to the esophagus. The tonsils can swell and/or become infected; when that happens, a tonsillectomy is called for in certain cases. Removal of the tonsils is usually done because of an infection, but other reasons could include tonsils pain or enlargement. There can be a large number of problems with the esophagus that involve swallowing or a build-up of phlegm. Issues involving this part of the body can be anything from a problem with muscle movement, to nerves or cancer. Stress and strain can affect the vocal cords and lead to overall loss of vocal control if left untreated.

Head and Neck

The head and neck can require specific treatment. For infections, a patient can be treated in or out of the hospital, but it is important that a specialist supervise care. PE tubes are used for ear infections in both adults and children; infections can occur in the soft tissue of the neck which needs antibiotics. If cancer is present it is treated with chemotherapy and surgery. When there is trauma to the face or neck cosmetic surgery is performed; if needed, reconstructive surgery can be done if there is too much damage to any area. For problems with the nerves in the head and neck, otolaryngology is also an option. The nerves control senses such as hearing, smell, sight and movements of the face.

Las Vegas minimally invasive surgery

Beneficial Robotic- Assisted Gynecological Surgeries

Many patients worry about getting gynecological surgery. However, surgery has changed dramatically in recent years. The patients who get Las Vegas minimally invasive surgery will recover from surgery more easily. Robotic-assisted surgical procedures are much safer and more reliable than older surgical techniques.

Smaller Surgical Incisions

Surgical procedures in the past tended to involve very broad incisions. While surgeons still kept everything sterile and tried to be as precise as possible, bigger incisions can still cause more problems than smaller incisions. The risk of infection is higher with more substantial incisions, and the associated tissue damage and scarring can be more significant.

These incisions can also be more painful, making it more difficult for patients to heal. A bigger wound often hurts more than a smaller wound and causes more problems for the person who is trying to get through the day. Being able to get the exact same surgical results with a narrower incision can make all the difference.

Imaging technology has completely revolutionized the medical field in many different ways. The surgical robots that are used in these procedures are equipped with video technology. It used to be more difficult to make smaller surgical incisions because it was too difficult to actually see the relevant location under those circumstances.

Surgeons now have robotic systems that are capable of producing magnified views of the area. They can make the incisions small and still get all of the visual information that they need. The surgical incisions will be both smaller and more accurate. All of the risks connected with any surgery will decrease as a result.

Safer Surgeries

Las Vegas minimally invasive surgery

Patients will typically lose at least some blood because of a surgical procedure. Robotic-assisted surgeries involve very narrow incisions, which means that patients will have fewer problems with blood loss. These smaller surgical wounds are less likely to get infected. Given how precise the surgical incisions are under these circumstances, surgeons are also less likely to make mistakes.

There are now many robotic-assisted gynecological surgeries. These are essentially updated versions of older gynecological procedures, and they’ve all become less risky in the modern world. It’s becoming more common to get robotic-assisted hysterectomies today. When surgeons remove harmful uterine growths, they often specifically use minimally invasive robotic surgeries.

New Surgical Options

Some patients might also get minimally invasive newer surgeries in order to correct the results or unintended consequences of some older surgeries. The procedures that involved much bigger incisions in the past might have left a great deal of scar tissue. If you’ve had certain gynecological surgeries previously, you might have scar tissue that is located close to the reproductive organs. This scar tissue can cause problems in its own right, but it’s now easier to get rid of it.

Robotic-assisted surgeries are also giving many patients choices that they wouldn’t have had previously. If you have endometriosis, for instance, you still might not want to get your uterus or other organs removed in order to reduce the symptoms. Endometriosis actually cannot be cured entirely, making a procedure like this particularly frustrating.

Minimally invasive new surgeries can be used to target the abnormal endometrial tissue directly. You won’t have to sacrifice any otherwise healthy organs in order to treat an illness like endometriosis. Robotic-assisted modern surgeries have made many surgical procedures more practical and more effective.

laser hair removal

What’s Causing My Weight Gain

Everyday practitioners face patients with weight loss issues who are at a loss as to what is causing their dilemma. For many, the answers may be easier to diagnose, for others the cause could be harder to diagnose. If you’re one of the millions dealing with this question, there are some answers out there that surprisingly coincide with patients around the world. Whether this is your reason or not, the help of a medical professional, such as those who provide laser hair removal in Londonderry, can help get you started on the goal of better health through weight loss.


Our families pass along more than our eye color or hair color, instead, their genetics can affect every part of our bodies. If obesity or large BMIs have previously shown up in family histories, the chances are good that it could come around again. For those unlucky enough to lose this hereditary lottery, there may seem like no good way to fight the battle against weight gain. While genetics are hard to overcome, it isn’t impossible to work with. In fact, those same genetics can help doctors and medical professionals put together a weight loss plan built around the growing science surrounding DNA.


Medicine is a must-have for many going through chronic or short term conditions. Side effects you might think about cover headaches or pains or anything weird. Instead, many patients should look at how their medication affects their weight which is a common cause for problems in patients in the medicine Prednisone or a steroid in its class. While the medication is a lifesaver for many patients, the amount of weight gain it causes can be just as unsettling. Even worse, many patients who are prescribed the medication cannot go without it or face life-threatening issues. While there are some ways to combat the medicine’s negative effects, it is still a problem for those most in need of its help. Steroids are far from the only choice to increase your weight gain. Everything from mental health medications to allergy medicines can create extra pounds that are hard to remove, no matter how hard someone tries.


It might seem like the easiest reason why, but the reason you might be overeating is far more complicated than hunger. Stress eating is a well-known option in this category and its effects reach people of all ages, races, genders, and backgrounds. When we’re nervous, we tend to find comfort in food and the reason why is complex but actually dates back to our ancestral approach to care. For many, finding a better way to fight stress can lead to a range of choices like alcohol or drugs. In this case, both are just as dangerous as overeating as it leads to stress on the body itself and does nothing to quell fears.

The reason why you’re gaining weight could fall into one or all of these categories. While you might have an idea for what is causing this now, you need the help of a medical professional to make the most accurate diagnosis. While getting to the heart of the issue, these pros also know what you need to begin a safe, effective weight loss plan.

Laser Resurfacing

Laser Resurfacing: Risks and Benefits

Interest in plastic surgery is at an all-time high. However, the industry is surrounded by misinformation and stigma. Understanding the different procedures, such as laser resurfacing, can help in demystifying the sector. Laser resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure that gives the patient a younger and healthier look by getting rid of scars, wrinkles, or other blemishes. The procedure is mostly done on the face for most patients. Dr. Talal Munasifi uses laser energy to remove layers of the damaged skin and expose new cells giving a better appearance.

Benefits of laser resurfacing

  • Quick and Easy

One of the main advantages of laser skin resurfacing is the fact that the procedure is fast and straightforward. If you have a busy schedule, you can find forty-five minutes in your schedule to squeeze in the unobtrusive procedure. It is an outpatient procedure allowing you to go back to your day to day activities.

  • Incredible skin

Unlike other facial treatments such as the use of face creams, the procedure will permanently alter the look of your skin. Instead of covering up blemishes on your skin, it removes the outer layer of the skin leaving new youthful skin that lacks any scaring and has not been damaged by the sun.

  • Permanent results

The permanent results of laser resurfacing are the most significant benefit. Your new youthful skin will not fade away overnight, like many other treatments. The scars and blemishes on your old skin will not return. However, it is worth mentioning that the new skin will age naturally. It is, therefore, essential to take good care of your new skin to maintain its youthful look longer. This can be achieved bu applying sunscreen regularly.

Possible risks

  • Infection

The laser perforates the skin allowing for potential infection. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi can infect the skin. It is sometimes advisable to take antibiotics before the procedure. If an infection is suspected, a microbiologic culture test should be carried out before determining the best treatment option.

  • Change in skin color

The treated skin can become darker, hyper pigmentation, or lighter, hypo pigmentation, than it used to be before the treatment. The difference in skin color is frequent among people with darker skin tones.

  • Swelling and redness

Swelling is common after the procedure; however, cold compresses will ease the swelling. The treated area will feel like a sunburn, and the feeling will last 2 to 3 days post-treatment.

  • Discomfort

The procedure is not painful, but one can experience some discomfort for the next two days, but it does subside with time. Patients are advised to take a pain reliever if there is a need.

Your plastic surgeon will give you directions on how to take care of the treated skin. The patient is directed to clean the area at least two times a day using saline or diluted vinegar. They will also advise against rubbing the skin. Until the skin is completely healed, stay away from products such as a sunscreen that can irritate the skin. Laser resurfacing might be the answer to a youthful look.

Medical Spa in Lutz

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Medical Spa in Lutz

A medical spa is also known as a medispa. It is a blend of a regular spa and a medical clinic. Medical spas offer elective procedures under the care of trained physicians and nurses. There are different procedures but they are all geared towards rejuvenating the patient. They treat conditions such as broken capillaries and redness on the skin. If you are looking for a medical spa in Lutz, there are lots of questions that you may need to ask. Some of them include:

  1. Who Operates It?

Find out who owns and operates the medical spa. If it is owned by a doctor, find out if they are on the premises and whether they are involved in its daily operations. Every reputable medical spa must have a doctor to oversee the procedures. However, some doctors only lend their names to medical spas, and may have little control over the medispa’s operations.

  1. After How Many Treatments Can I See Results

The answer to this question is not always straightforward as different people respond differently to treatments. While some people may get great results from one treatment, others need a series of treatments. However, you should always ask your therapist about their general protocol.

  1. Who Performs the Procedures?

Find out who will be performing the procedure. All medical spas must hire trained and licensed professionals. Find out how long they have been performing the procedure and where they worked previously. Ask for pictures of their work to verify.

  1. What Should I Expect After Treatment?

Answers to this question will help you set realistic expectations. Note that certain cosmetic surgeons and doctors may open medical spas to boost their practice. They may use them to increase their sales. Always ask how a treatment will realistically work for you.

  1. What Kind of Equipment Do They Use?

Always find out the type of equipment that your prospective medical spa uses. Their equipment should be modern and in top condition. Modern equipment is effective and less painful. The prices of treatment vary depending on the type of equipment that is used.

  1. What Treatments Are Offered

Some of the most common treatments offered at medical spas include;

  • Reflexology
  • Laser hair removal
  • Botox injections
  • Chemical peels and facials
  • Treatment of spider and varicose veins
  • Tattoo removal

Before choosing a medical spa, always find out if they offer the treatments you are looking for.

  1. What If I’m Unhappy with the Results?

A trained professional should inform you about your options if you are not satisfied with the results. They should be able to offer revisional treatment where necessary. Your practitioner should be polite and able to answer your questions.

  1. Have They Answered All Your Questions

Before choosing a medical spa, ask yourself if the technicians have answered all your questions. At the time you make a decision, you must know about the benefits and risks of your procedure. Choose a different provider if you aren’t satisfied with the answers.

When choosing a medical spa, you should always ask questions. There is no such thing as silly or too many questions.

Benefits of Acupuncture

Benefits of Acupuncture

Your health and wellbeing should be your priority. Nobody else will help you look after these if you don’t do it yourself.

If you are looking for a Castle Rock, CO acupuncturist, then I suggest that you do it now. There is so much to be gained even from a single acupuncture session including:

Less Stress

One of the most common causes of disease is mental stress. From the demands we face at work to those we face when we are at home, stress can have a significant effect on your health.

Acupuncture works to reduce the physical symptoms of stress. It does so by reducing the amount of stress hormones and improving overall feelings of joy and happiness.

Less Pain and Tension in the Body

One of the main reasons why people visit acupuncturists is because they have some sort of bodily pain. Such pains are often a result of our sedentary and overall unhealthy lifestyles.

Acupuncture will relieve your body of pain by tapping into the right nerves without the use of any drugs. It will also reduce any swelling or inflammation if present.

Improved Immune System

Due to various reasons such as the food we eat and the amount of pollutants in our water and air, we are seeing an overall dip in the level of immunity for most people. There are many ways to increase your immunity levels including more exercise and better eating habits.

However, acupuncture can also be used to kill pathogens and strengthen the body’s immune system. With less sick days, you are able to be more productive and improve your well-being.

More Focus and Energy

With reduced focus, you can hardly be productive, you may even end up being a danger to others for example if you operate heavy machinery. You should also have energy levels enough to conduct your daily responsibilities.

Acupuncture patients have stated that they have felt more energized and have more focus after a session. You should definitely visit an acupuncturist if you feel unfocussed and lethargic for a long time.

Reduces Addictions

There are plenty of things to be addicted to in the modern world. In this case, we are concerned about addictions that ruin our health such as cigarette smoking and eating fast food.

Acupuncture has been reported to reduce these addictions in those who are treated by it. Since you feel relaxed and your body is detoxified, you feel less need to fulfill a craving.

Better Digestive Health

We have all heard the saying, we are what we eat. That is because our body uses most of its energy digesting the food we eat.

An acupuncturist will help your digestive system become healthier which is great for those with digestive issues. It will also lead to better food digestion and absorption which will improve your overall health.

Less Injuries

Acupuncture removes the need for drugs or surgery as far as injuries are conferenced. Repetitive stress that leads to injuries is common in our lives.

With regular acupuncture sessions, your body is able to better recover from strenuous activities hence less injuries.